Blast from the Past

We are one month into our sabbatical time. I thought this would be a good time to touch base with Dave Lombard, sabbatical mentor and prayer partner. To do this we took the weekend to connect to some of our faith roots. Dave, Linda, Mark and I went to The Cane Ridge Meeting House in Paris, Kentucky on Saturday and then worshipped Sunday at Paint Lick Christian Church with our beloved minister, The Rev. Ted Faulconer.

View of pulpit and communion table

View of pulpit and communion table

Retired Senior Minister of Central Christian Church in Kettering, OH - previous church home of Lombard's and Roe's

Retired Senior Minister of Central Christian Church in Kettering, OH – previous church home of Lombard’s and Roe’s

I’ve been to Cane Ridge multiple times over the years, and each time I am reminded that I’m connected to a moment in the Christian faith that has transformed the lives of people for centuries. Standing in the church where Barton Stone preached and led, touches something in my spirit. God has called me into a line of ministers that have profoundly shaped the Christian faith in America. With this, comes responsibility. I do not take this responsibility lightly. God has called me to continue a ministry that began with brave men on a new frontier.

View from pulpit

View from pulpit

One of the greats in our faith tradition who has taught me, guided me, and loved me in the faith is Rev. Ted Faulconer. Sunday, Mark and I sat in a pew and worshiped like we did as teenagers (although, we did not pass notes) with Ted leading us in song, in prayer, through the scripture and Word, and to The Lord’s Supper.

Rev. Faulconer, Paint Lick Christian Church

Rev. Faulconer, Paint Lick Christian Church

My heart was filled just as it was as a child. It was filled with the great love of God. Ted has a very special way of sharing the pure love and joy of God and Jesus Christ. Ted’s message was one that spoke directly to my heart. It was as if God was speaking directly to me and no one else was in the room. Logically, I knew it wasn’t just for me, because Dave, Linda, Mark and about 30 other people were in the sanctuary, too. But, it was a divine moment of worship as one in the pew learning as a child of God.

Mark & Laureen Roe, Barbara & Ted Faulconer, Dave & Linda Lombard @ Paint Lick Christian Church

Mark & Laureen Roe, Barbara & Ted Faulconer, Dave & Linda Lombard @ Paint Lick Christian Church

After worship, we went to Ted and Barbara’s home for lunch. We reminisced, laughed and caught up with one another. I also had opportunity to sit at the knee of this wise, wise man of ministry and ask questions. His insight and practical wisdom will benefit us all in the years to come.

Thank you for this time and opportunity to connect to the roots of my faith. This is fuel for my spirit and renewal for my passion in ministry. Please feel free to post your sabbatical questions in the comment section below.

with love, Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)