Christ in our Midst

God’s love in our midst was tangible this past week.  The love and care you continue to extend to one another at time of loss and crisis is remarkable.  I was continually blessed as I witnessed Christ’s love reaching out to the Morgan family through all of you.

Tom #1For many churches the love and concern for others stops with those who are part of the congregation.  But, not for you.  On Sunday we had a special visitor in our midst.  Many you first noticed Tom as you pulled into the church parking lot as he was sitting out on our front lawn leaning up against our sign.  He was not the cleanest of men, he was holding a sign “Homeless Please Help God Bless”.


What happened next was a true testimony to the love of Christ in our midst.  Tom was greeted with friendly smiles, words of compassion and invitations to join us for worship.

Tom #2Upon the insistence of one of our Elders, Tom came in and joined us for worship.  Once in the building he people continued to extended Christian friendship, love and concern.  Tom was offered help and the promise that after worship we would get him connected to the help he needed.

From the Table, I revealed to the congregation that Tom was planted in our midst to be an example of “the least and the lost.”  Tom is not homeless, but a friend of Tina Yarber and Mary Bob Powers.  He shared with me that everyone showed genuine concern and extended Christ-like friendship.  He felt welcomed and part of our faith community.

Thank you for being the congregation Christ has called us to be!

with love,  Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)