January CWF News

CWF invites the congregation to a showing of the movie “Heaven Is For Real” on January 17th at 2:00 pm at the church.  CWF Executive Board will meet at 1:00 pm prior to the film showing.  After the film, all are invited to the fellowship hall for light refreshments and discussion of the movie.

Heaven is for Real


On January 25th we will have Blanket Sunday during our morning worship service.  This fund helps families in need in our country and abroad during a crisis.  We will have special envelopes available for your contributions.

On January 11th, Hannah Circle met for lunch in fellowship hall and put together care kits for the women at the Women’s and Children’s Center.  We thank them for their continuing care for our community.

Sarah Circle did not meet in January, but will resume our regular meetings on February 9thEsther-Rebekah Circle is continuing with their regularly scheduled meetings, and meet next on February 4th.  If anyone has transportation problems getting to a circle meeting, please call your circle leaders and we will do our best to arrange transportation for you.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)