Chaos to Order

Human beings are creatures of order. We like to have a place for everything, and everything in its place. As children we play with toys that help us determine where objects should go. When we get older we ‘straighten up’ before company comes. We comb our hair in the morning so we don’t look like ragamuffins. We need order, and we do everything we can to order our world. We create clocks so that we can all be at a certain place at a certain time. We pass laws to keep us on the same side of the road while we’re driving. Bottom line… we like order.

When there is not order in our lives feelings of uncertainty, despair and fear can consume us. As we watch the chaos in the Ukraine, hear news of chaos on the streets of our nation, witness lives in chaos of addiction on the streets of Middletown; there is a tendency to bury our heads in the sand, ignore what is going on in the world. We do this so we can maintain order in our own lives. And, while this is a natural response, we need to remember that we are God’s light in the chaos. We need to cry out to God and ask that God bring order to the chaos.

In the beginning, God brought order to the chaos. God’s spirit hovered over the waters and brought order to the chaos even before the beginning of time. We have to trust in God, call out to God, and go out and represent God in the chaos.  Those who serve with SHALOM are going out and sharing God’s light with others whose lives are in the midst of chaos. They are helping to bring order to others.  They have provided meals, given their time as hosts, and spent the night caring for the homeless. During worship on Sunday, February 22, they will share their experiences. We will collect a special offering to support the valuable ministries of SHALOM. Thank you to all who have served this year: Linda Poynter, Diane Kirwen, Charlotte Steele, Sue Tarbox, Dave Lombard, Linda Lombard, Cliff Thompson, Karen Powers, Tim Powers, Zola McClish, Ginger Alley, Angie Otis, Marilyn Chamberlain, Jeremy Andress, Sarah Andress, Mary Helen Shetter, SuAnne Farkas, Brenda Milburn, Leigha Blevins, Debbie Wells, Jerry Hall and Betty Stacy.  Each of you are Christ’s LIGHT and LOVE.

with love, Laureen 🙂


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)