April CWF News

CWF (Christian Women’s Fellowship) wishes to thank all who helped in any way on our March Salad Luncheon. We had 71 persons attend and our gross income was $528. After expenses, we will net a little over $400 which will be spent on both local and national mission projects.

On March 29th CWF sponsored a discussion on the book and movie “Heaven is for Real”. A light lunch was served and there were 11 present. We would like to have another lunch and book discussion in June on a Sunday after church. A date will be announced later.

Blessing Boxes will be dedicated on May 10th this year. You may place your money in an envelope or bring your Blessing box that day.

CWF Executive Board will meet on May 2nd at 11:00 after choir practice in the Memorial Room. We will plan our get-together then.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)