Dear Church Family…

Dear Church Family,

In February 2006, we began doing ministry together.  We have walked in faith together through times of great joy, grief, celebration, and wonder.  God has guided us through these times with divine love and light.  I treasure all we have done together in the name of Christ.

After prayerful discernment, I am resigning my position as Pastor.  This has not been an easy decision to make, but I know that I am doing as God is calling.  My last Sunday will be June 28.  On this day we will worship God with great joy and thanksgiving for the love we have shared over the years.  We will gather at Christ’s Table and remember that we are one in Christ no matter where our journeys lead us.

During this time of transition, I want to encourage you in two ways.  First, let this time be something that stirs you to prayer like never before.  Be praying for FCC, its leadership, and the next Pastor.  Pray for unity.  Pray for continued growth in grace, wisdom and faith.  Pray, pray, pray!  Second, I want to encourage you to stay the course.  God is good.  God’s steadfast love endures forever.  God’s love for you, God’s love for me… is forever!  God is still God and FCC is centered on following the call of Jesus Christ.  This is a great church and your continued participation on Sundays and participation in all the ministries are more important than ever.  This can be a very exciting time as you bond together to move forward in ministry.

I treasure the weeks ahead that we have together.  I look forward to these times filled with God’s love, laughter and joy.  I thank you for the love each of you has given.  It has been my honor and joy serving God as your Pastor.

with love, Laureen 🙂


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)