Something to Chew On, Issue II

Most of us are familiar with the image of a glass half empty or a glass half

full. Imagine yourselves and First Christian Church in the light of either one of

these images.

A glass half empty conveys the thoughts of hopelessness, despair, pessimism,

and failure. Why should I or we invest our time, our energy, and our effort into

something that seems to be gradually draining out? How much more can we draw

or take from that half empty glass until it is truly empty?

On the other hand, a glass half full conveys the thoughts of hope, growing

energy and passion, optimism with a future to embrace. Why shouldn’t I or we

become excited and hopeful for what is yet to come?

We are in the midst of the season of Advent, a season that is filled with hope

and excitement and acceptance of God’s blessed gift of love to us, His Son and our

Savior. God never embraced the image of a glass half empty and He seeks for us

to model in our individual lives, in our work, and most certainly within the body of

Christ, his church that same image.

There is a moment when Jesus was teaching the crowds in his Sermon on the

Mount in which he embodied the image of not only a glass half full, but also a glass

that was overflowing. Read Matthew 6:25-34 and truly drink in the truth of those


Will you be that glass half empty or that glass half full?

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)