Transition Team Update




Your Transition Team met and reviewed the survey responses

from the congregational meeting. As a result, the following

were decided:

  • Evaluate having coffee time following worship. There will

be no greeting during regular worship. Membership is

asked to coordinate any coffees.

  •  Nancy Schaefer will coordinate a sign-up sheet for

members to meet for lunch following worship.

  • SuAnne Farkas will coordinate a “reunion” for younger

members who have graduated high school in the last 10-

15 years to encourage our youth to participate.

  • There will be a carry-in lunch following worship on 10

January 2016. Purpose is to begin the “Prayer Triads”.

More will be coming on this in the future. Transition Team

will coordinate.

  •  We will have a “Souper Bowl” following worship on 7

February 2016. This will give members an opportunity to

share a favorite soup or a chili. Prizes will be awarded.


In addition to the obvious, one concern expressed in the

surveys was a general lack of commitment on the part of our

overall membership. Where do you fall in that thought??

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)