Nik’s Nook

From this time forward, my monthly newsletter

article will be “Nik’s Nook”. It has been an honor and

a privilege for me to begin service as your Intentional

Interim Pastor. You have graciously welcomed me and

I am gradually becoming familiar with who is who.

The name tags that members wear on Sundays helps


By the time that you read this, we will have had

our first congregational gathering hosted by the

Transition Team to take a closer look at our heritage.

You see, I consider the congregation’s heritage like

the congregation’s DNA. Our heritage beginning with

our Lord and Savior helps to determine who we are

and from there to have some direction in where we

hope to be.

For your information, I am usually here

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each week. I

usually arrive in the office around 10 a.m. and leave

between 5 and 6 p.m. Most days up until about 1

p.m., you will be able to find me in the office. From 2

p.m. until 5:30 p.m. I may be in the office or out

making pastoral calls.

I count on you to keep me informed of pastoral

concerns and needs. Of course, you are always

welcome to stop by for a chat.

I look forward to our continuing work in

ministry together as we strive to discern who God is

calling to be your next settled pastor.


In Christ’s love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)