Something To Chew On, Issue XIII


I was recently reminded that being a Christian and truly following Jesus as Lord and Savior can be a risky business. First of all, we step out in blind faith to accept and trust what we cannot see and to believe only what we can honestly experience. As the days grow longer and hopefully warmer, we will begin to see the evidence of God’s amazing creation breaking forth. Flowers will gradually begin to poke their heads through the ground and soon break into blossom. Buds will form on tree branches to be followed by leaves. Insects will be buzzing about and the birds will joyfully sing.
So, where is the risk? Within the Christian community, there are all kinds of relationships. Some are quite friendly while others may give the impression of tension and suspicion. I can trust my Lord, but can I trust my sister or brother or mother or father or child close to me?
Whenever I hear people speak of their church family, I cringe just a bit. For I know that not all families demonstrate the foundations of love we might expect.
Putting all of this aside, I want you to think about the reward of following Jesus and the many ways in which that can enrich your life. Yes, there may be risks, but I firmly believe that the rewards far outweigh the risks.
Join me in rejoicing in the awakening that comes with springtime and the hope that we are given to celebrate as we approach the resurrection of our Lord and Savior


Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)