Something To Chew On XXVII

We have reached a very significant milestone or turning point in our

ministry together. I have been your interim pastor since last September. I

will continue to be your interim pastor until the next settled pastor has

moved in and is ready to begin his or her ministry with you.

Your Search Committee has been appointed and approved by the Board

and the congregation. They, myself, and your moderator met with the

Reverend Stephen Bentley, Associate Regional Pastor of the Christian Church

in Ohio. He provided us with packets that contain a congregational profile

form and other forms or information related to the Search process.

The most important item at this time is the congregational profile form.

There are questions or information that you may be asked to help supply. If

you have email, most of you should have already have received a

questionnaire from the Christian Church in Ohio asking you to rank those

qualities that you desire most from the next settled pastor.

We will be telling our story, the story of First Christian Church in

Middletown. All of the above needs to be supported by your prayers as we

seek to discern with the prompting of the Holy Spirit where God is calling us

to be.

Your Search Committee hopes to complete this congregational profile

form by early August. The Reverend Bentley will then return to meet with

committee and provide them with about fifteen profiles from prospective

candidates. I will no longer be able to be a part of this process except to

answer a question or two. Again, be in prayer!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)