Outreach News

Thank you again for all of the toys we received for Christmas is July. We delivered 4 bags of toys to the Women’s and Children’s Center of Hope last week to be given to children when they come into the facility. As school is starting, we are again collecting school supplies to be shared with the school next door and Rosa Parks Elementary School. Children are asked to bring a lot if supplies to school at the beginning of the school year, such as disinfectant wipes, tissues, hand sanitizers, single subject notebooks, #2 pencils, glue sticks, crayons (24 count), dry erase markers, index cards, pencil boxes, back packs, etc. This is our way of helping those who can’t afford them to have what they need to have a good start for the school year. All of your donations may be placed in the blue Outreach tub located in the narthex.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)