Something To Chew On, XXXXI

Since some have read my opening paragraph and felt that they were reading
last week’s article, I am going to change it up a bit. I am still using insights
provided by George Bullard from his book FaithSoaring Churches.

“Congregations seeking to transform know that just because a journey is

tough does not mean it is an unworthy journey. The transformation of

congregations is tough. Transformation is a journey whose finish line is elusive. If it

was easier than more congregations would achieve it.

Because congregations truly seeking to transform know it is a tough journey they

do not give up. Congregations only seeking what ends up being a short-term fix do

often stop short of the goal of transformation. They are discouraged by the lack of

fast, visible progress that fits their image of the future of their congregation.”

We have begun our search process and it is a tough job. Seeking to faithfully

discern who God may be calling to come to First Christian may at times be elusive

and uncertain. Persistence in prayer makes the difference. I encourage all of us to

not get discouraged. Remember God’s time is not our time.

To have a settled pastor on board may be the hope and dream of all. Allow

that to be the content of your prayer time. This time does not pass by quickly nor

happen overnight.

Yet, we never know when the right candidate will suddenly be there and the

person and the pastor that First Christian needs.

In the meantime, be patient and trust that God has a plan for the future of

this congregation.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)