Something To Chew On, XXXXVIII

We have just celebrated Epiphany which marks the end of Christmas and heralds the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. Epiphany means the manifestation of Jesus as he begins his public ministry.

The second important date is January 8th, which marks the baptism of Jesus. As we think about the baptism of Jesus, I believe it is also quite appropriate to remember our own baptism. Personally, I probably should have been baptized a second time because the first time I simply went through the motions. I had attended a pastor’s class to grow in my understanding of what it meant to be a member of the church. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, yet I did so with little enthusiasm. Again, I went through the motions. That’s my faith beginnings story.

I want you to think about your baptism for the moment and what it means. Do you still have the same drive and zeal on that day when you were first baptized? All of us have probably played the game of trying to find hidden things. Perhaps your friends or your parents might say, “You are getting warmer” if you were getting close to the object. Or they could also say, “You’re getting colder” the farther away you were from the object.

When you consider your baptism, how cold or warm are you? Greater distance as a way of adding a chill to your faith journey. Let us seek the warmth and the comfort of our Lord and Savior as we reaffirm not only our baptism, but also what brought us into a loving relationship with Jesus.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)