Somthing to Chew On,XXXXIX


I began thinking about resolutions which many of us may have made at the start of the New Year. I always marvel that the attendance at the gym increases in the first month after January 1. By mid-February or a bit later gym attendance is back to its usual numbers.

How do we stay on track and not get side-tracked or lose the interest and the drive in what we have resolved to do? There are no easy answers to this question. Good intentions are only as good as we seek to personally maintain them. We do have a model to which we need to pay close attention. That model isnone other than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was not influenced by the religious leaders of the day who had sorely lost their way. Instead he set his face like a flint toward Jerusalem. That was his ultimate goal because he knew that in Jerusalem he would be tried and crucified and rise to eternal life as God’s Son and our Savior to forgive our sins.

Let us seek to emulate that example as we move forward as the body of Christ here at First Christian in Middletown. This should be the resolution we strive to keep and never break.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)