Something to Chew On, XXXXXVI

Well, I did it again. I had a second hitch in my giddy-up. Last Thursday after leaving orchestra rehearsal, a number of the musicians gather at a nearby restaurant for a bite to eat. As I entered the restaurant, I tripped on the threshold and fell straight forward, coming rather hard on my left knee and leg. After recovering from the shock of the fall, I was still able to eat and a fellow musician assisted me to my car.

My wife and I went to the Emergency Room the next morning. After x-rays, it was discovered that I have an effusion on my left knee, a buildup to fluid. My left leg was mobilized in a brace. I also have a very small chipped bone at the bottom of my femur. I see an orthopedic doctor in the morning to check out the next steps.

Fortunately, I still had my walker and use it along with a cane on a limited basis. Right now, I am restricted to staying downstairs and sleeping in my recliner. I am heart sick that I cannot be with you. Until I return I will be sharing most of what I would be saying to you on Sunday mornings through these articles. Therefore, you may find that the articles are bit longer than usual.

I remind you of my title for this morning: Vision—Seeing God’s Way as the Way. God’s empowering vision is just that. It is not something that we attempt to catch or at worst, appoint a committee to come up with a plan. I set the stage last week with the call of Moses.

As the children of Israel were about to depart from the Egyptians, many must have been wondering which way they would go. The staff that I have used a symbol of our journey together will not give us directions. I share with you two very important critical warnings. The first warning concerns where you are now and where you have been. It is so easy for us to say,

“We’re comfortable. Why do we need to change?”

Even in the midst of danger and destruction, we need to acknowledge the goodness and the greatness of God. There is but one way and that is God’s way.

“We live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NIV)

I always like to trust the words from Isaiah 55. ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ “declares the Lord.” ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ (Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV)

In a little less than two months, you will be welcoming Pastor Tracy Siegman as your new pastor. Here is the second warning. She will not bring with her any magic formula that will result in amazing things to happen here. However, allow her to be the catalyst through which God can speak and enable you to envision God’s empowering vision for you and the future. Walk by faith with her so that you may discern God’s way as the way.

With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)