Nik’s Nook, March 2017

Well, I did it again, that is, when it comes to a fall. Many of you may already know that a week ago Thursday I tripped on a threshold and fell forward landing fairly hard on my left knee. I have seen an orthopedic doctor and will return this afternoon to find out the results of an MRI that was done last Tuesday. Your prayers are appreciated and needed. I hope to be back with you most of the month of April. I remind you to keep your focus and attention to where God is calling this congregation with His empowering vision.

Early in April, you will have the chance to hear about a new ministry of outreach that is starting in downtown

Middletown. One Market and Eatery is that ministry. You will be invited to visit One Market and Eatery for a meal. You pay what you can and will be invited to pay it forward by giving a bit more so that another’s meal cost is covered. There is, also, an opportunity for us to volunteer.

In the midst of April, we will have the chance to recall the events that led up to our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. I have listed those special times in a separate calendar below.

We continue to prepare to welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman as your next settled pastor. Please keep her in your prayers.

Let us seek to focus on the vision into which God is leading us as we wind down and prepare for a future filled with hope.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)