Something To Chew On, XXXXXIX

Yesterday’s Palm Sunday worship was truly monumental in a variety of ways. The children paraded in with palm branches to be laid at the foot of the cross. Truly my spirit was warmed and uplifted as three young men came forward to make their confessions of faith. Nick Otis, Travis Hendricks, and Tyler Hendricks took a giant step as they began their walk with Christ. I reminded them in a private session that their walk with Christ is like an infant learning how to walk.

There will be times when they may stumble. There will be times when they may need a helping hand or an encouraging word. That’s where all of you as a part of the Christian community at First Christian come into play. You may lend that helping hand. You may offer that encouraging word. Our celebration did not end there. John and Star Ralbovsky came forward to transfer their membership to First Christian. And they were joined by Gail Rudd who came forward to rededicate her life. Extend a warm welcome to each of these new members.

We will conclude our celebration next Sunday with the baptism of Nick, Travis, and Tyler. And we will add to that the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. In the meantime, join us on Thursday evening as we gather at 7:00 p.m. to recall and be a part of that special feast of remembrance that Jesus has given to us. Next Sunday you will not want to miss our Sonrise Worship at 8 a.m. We hope that we can be outdoors, weather permitting. An Easter Egg hunt will follow. Then we will assemble in our church sanctuary for our joyful resurrection worship. We have a busy week ahead yet it is a week worth your full participation.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)