Something to Chew On, XXXXXX

Easter began with our Sonrise Service being able to be held in our outdoor worship area. Last year, the weather would not allow this. We had a good group of worshipers join us outside for this service in a beautiful setting. Amongst the chirping birds, God’s creation beginning to break forth into new life, and the spirit of a resurrection morning, we could celebrate.

Following our outdoor worship, many gathered in our Fellowship Hall for breakfast. Thanks to all of the preparers who made this possible. Easter worship was truly moving as we celebrated the baptism of Nick Otis, Travis Hendricks, and Tyler Hendricks. My heartfelt thanks to Cliff Thompson, the Chair of our Elders, as I commissioned him to perform the rite of holy baptism on these three fine young men. Baptism recalls that moment of burial and rising to new life with Christ.

I presented each of the baptismal candidates with a burning candle and a salt shaker to remind them that Jesus has called each of us to be the light of the world as well as the salt of the earth. I pray that they may display these significant symbols in a prominent place in their homes to continually remind them of what Jesus actually expects from each one of us.

May the spirit of the resurrection remain with all of you as you prepare to soon welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman into your midst. Pray for her and for one another as you launch a new ministry together.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)