Tracy Talks VI

I posted a link to a podcast on the church’s Facebook page recently. If you don’t follow the
church on Facebook or didn’t get to listen to the podcast yet, here is the link: Thom Rainer is the host.
(You might remember his name from the book Autopsy of a Deceased Church that you studied
with Pastor Nik.) Thom Rainer and his guest Jonathan Howe talk about a community-focused
church and what its characteristics are. They say the nine characteristics are: reaches out to
the community leaders, intentionally are where the people are, frequent restaurants and coffee
houses in the community, help the community where they say they need it, are evangelistic,
are invitational and are involved in civic groups, political meetings and schools.
A friend shared this podcast last week. This podcast reinforces what we’re currently doing.
We’re shifting our focus outward. This month, the Elders and Board are doing community
interviews to ask: where do you need help? They’re interviewing civic leaders, public officials
and servants, and school leaders. We were evangelistic and invitational at the Rummage Sale
this weekend. You’re frequenting restaurants and coffee shops with me. We’re involved in
Rotary and Kiwanis. We’re doing all these things that Thom and Jonathan suggest are the
things that a community-focused church does. And, Jonathan says community-focused
churches are the churches of the future.

I’m very excited about the progress we’re making in discerning God’s vision. I hear excitement
and wonderful ideas from the Elders and Board as they share with me the conversations
they’ve had with community leaders. I can’t wait to share with you the outcome of the work
they’re doing. We still have some community leaders I’d like for us to interview that no one
has signed up to chat with. If you’re interested in helping with this step, please let me know.
I’ve got questions to guide the conversation. You can call or e-mail the person. It’s really easy
and inspiring.
In the coming weeks, please pray that God reveal through these conversations the work He is
calling us to do.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)