Tracy Talks IX

Thank you for your responses about my query regarding Bible study. Based on your
responses, Wednesday afternoons seem the best time for study for the most people.
Beginning Wednesday September 20th, I’ll have Bible study from 2 – 3 pm in the memorial

We’re going to try a study called The Wired Word. It is a weekly Bible study based on current
events. Each week, I’ll receive an e-mail from the publisher with a lesson based on something
that is going on in our world and is making the headlines. Unlike a book club or other Bible
studies, this will be an easy study for you to come when you can and not feel like you’re
missing a big piece of a study if you miss a week or 2.
I’ll receive a leader’s guide and a participant guide each week. I’ll make the participant guide
available to participants before the study. You can have it delivered via e-mail or you can pick
up a copy on Sunday morning for the study on Wednesday. You’ll need to read the lesson
about the current event before class. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, we’ll gather to read
Scripture and discuss the current event in light of Scripture. This will be a discussion based
class. If you’ve read your participant guide before study, we’ll have lots of time to talk.
If you’re interested in attending, please pick up your first lesson materials on Sunday,
September 17th in the narthex or let me know if you’d like to receive it via e-mail. If you can’t
make it to the study and you’d like to review the material at home in your private devotion time,
please feel free to take a copy. Please let me know if you are thinking about attending so I can
know how many to expect.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)