Outreach News

We would like to send out a huge thank you to all who contributed
to our Outreach projects this year. The food, gifts for children,
monetary donations, help with shopping and gift wrapping allowed
us to help many individuals and families. We received special gifts
for our Hat and Mitten Tree and would like to say thank you to
Joann Grimes for the beautiful handmade hats. Families will be
picking up their food boxes and gifts this Thursday and what a
blessing it is to be able to add some joy to their lives. Thank you
for making this possible!

We became aware of the plea for assistance for the Middletown
family of nine children who recently lost their mother. Outreach
responded with a $200 contribution into the account established
for the family.

Another way to give of ourselves is to volunteer to help with
SHALOM. We are still in need of help with meals, the time slot
from 7 to 10 pm and overnight. If you would like to share your gift
of time with individuals who are very appreciative of all that we
offer, this is a great opportunity. We have a sign-up sheet in the
narthex or you may contact Linda Poynter or Sharon Amburgey if
you have questions. We can partner you with someone who has
experience in this service.

The dates we serve are January 1, 3 and 5. The dates of our
second week include January 29, 31 and February 2, 2018. Thank
you for being a blessing!!!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)