Lord, Teach Us to Pray…

The 2013 General Assembly of the Disciples of Christ began Saturday, July 13 in Orlando, FL.  Although, I am not attending this year, I have been reflecting upon the theme Lord, Teach Us to Pray…  These words come from the disciples who wan to learn how to pray like Jesus does.  Jesus then in turn teaches them the prayer we know as The Lord’s Prayer.

Over the years, whenever I would hear those sacred words, “Lord, teach us to pray,” my mind would automatically begin reciting “Our Father…”  However, in recent months, my mind gets stuck on the words “Lord, teach.”  Every e-mail regarding General Assembly, update seen on  Facebook, tweet on Twitter, poster, flier, or info brochure, my mind would stop and only see “Lord, teach.”

During June and July I have been doing a lot of teaching with children, so at first I assumed this was why I was seeing/hearing “Lord, teach.”  But, as I pray and dig deeper into these words and the theme of General Assembly, I realize that these words are the prayer of my soul.  “Lord, teach… teach me, show me how to be more like Christ Jesus.”

As we look forward to our time of sabbatical, I look to spend more time allowing God to teach me, more time listening to God within, and less time teaching and leading.  I look forward to being with God as a child learning how to be more like Jesus.

with love, Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)