The Rev. Connor L. Thompson, Interim Senior Pastor

Connor began his ministry as Associate Pastor on September 1st, 2019. Connor was commissioned to the Order of Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ohio on October 20th, 2019. July 1st, 2020, the Congregation called Connor to serve as the Interim Senior Pastor. Connor’s duties involve home bound and hospital visitation, preaching, and occasional bible study. Connor is our admin/webmaster and also works along side our Audio Visual team, to ensure our technology aids our worship and congregation. Connor is a life-long member of First Christian Church, having Great-Grandparents who were early members. Connor has a passion for Pastoral Ministry and Teaching the Traditions of the Church to a new generation. Connor had his first ministry experience serving as Chaplain at Camp Friedlander operated by Dan Beard Council, BSA. He is a graduate of Miami University receiving a Bachelor of Science in Non-Profit and Community Studies, and is pursuing a Certificate of Pastoral Ministry at Phillips Theological Seminary and Ordination in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Connor is active with the Middletown Area Ministerial Alliance, and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Kiwanis Club of Middletown. Connor is an Eagle Scout, has a passion for music, and all things technology. When not working at the church, Connor can most likely be found in a uniform serving the Boy Scouts of America. Watch Sermons from Connor Here. Contact Connor: Cell: 513 594-0070 Email:
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)