Worship Return on Pentecost

As the state of Ohio has started to relax it’s orders from the Department of Health, we start to look at returning to gathered worship, within the guidelines we are provided with.

After a meeting of representatives of the Elders, Moderator, Deacons, Trustees, and Property teams, as well as staff, we have determined as long as the stay at home order is lifted on May 29th, we will return to gathered worship on May 31st to celebrate Pentecost.

I want to assure you, while the building has been closed, your property team has been busy insuring that the building is cleaned, maintained, and prepared for our return. Our associate from Q and R Cleaning, has been there every week ensuring that our facility remains maintained, and ready for us. Phones have been upgraded, light bulbs and fixtures replaced as needed, Bathrooms, door handles, carpets, and floors were all cleaned, and disinfected.

To abide by the principles of social distancing we will have some changes to worship:

  • No bulletins, hymnals, or bibles will be available, all items will be projected on the screen, you are welcome to bring your own bible to worship.
  • Offering will be collected when you come forward for communion, rather than passing the offering trays.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available after you give your offering to use before receiving communion.
  • Communion will not be served in trays, but rather individually at two stations in the sanctuary.
  • Masks will be REQUIRED! If you do not have a mask and need one, please contact Marilyn Chamberlain. A limited number of disposable masks will be available at the church.
  • Seating will be in observance of social distancing. Every other row will be closed, there will be a required 6 foot spacing between each individual/family unit.
  • Doors will remain open to most rooms to prevent needing to touch those high touch door handles.

Most importantly, returning to worship is not a requirement or an expectation, but rather an option. The decision to return to worship in person is ultimately yours. I want to encourage you to make a decision that is best for you!


Rev. Connor L. Thompson

Associate Pastor

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)