Simplify. Unify.

Throughout Sabbatical my time praying, reading, journaling, having holy conversations with others brought forth a very clear message – SIMPLIFY. UNIFY. Upon reading the Discernment report from Regional Associate Pastor, LaTaunya Bynum, that message was confirmed. Our worship, our ministry is to be simplified. I was hearing this within my spirit and seeing it within my mind’s eye. As I read the discernment report, the bits and pieces of what I was hearing through all the holy conversations I was having during sabbatical began to fall into place. A vision began to be formed. Evan and I talked.  Beth and I talked. Karen and I talked. Dave and I talked. But, most importantly, all of us – all of you, were talking with God and God was talking to everyone within our congregation.  It was through these holy conversations that a vision was born.

Upon my return, I met with the Worship and Christian Education teams to have a holy conversation and talk about the vision. After enthusiastic discussion, they
voted to move forward with the vision. Then on Wednesday night, the new vision was shared with the Board and Elders. The new vision includes moving to one worship service
for Advent and January.  Everyone will worship together. The worship service will be a blended service that reflects all of who we are. We will take the very best of both our current worship hours and create worship that is relevant and reflective. Worship will begin at 10:00a.m. with nursery and Children Worship and Wonder available. Following worship at approximately 11:15a.m. there will be nursery, Children’s Sunday School classes, Chi Rho and CYF Sunday School classes, Adult Bible Study, and a new class which Evan and I will lead called “Going Deeper.” In this class, we will have open discussion related to the day’s scripture and topics.  Below is our new schedule, which will begin Sunday, December 1. I look forward to our Advent journey together.
with love,

Sunday Schedule – Begins December 1
9:00a.m. Prayer Group
9:30a.m. Choir
10:00a.m. Worship, Children Worship and Wonder & Nursery
11:15a.m. Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Children’s Classes, Nursery, CYF & Chi Rho, “Going Deeper”

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)