Experience LIGHT!

Creation     In the midst of the cloudy, extremely cold, snowy winter we are having where are you experiencing the LIGHT?

I see Light when having lunch with one of our young members and her grandmother on a snow day.  I hear the Light when a visit with an elderly member becomes a moment of worship and we are singing together In the Garden.  I feel the Light when gathered with our General Board and in the midst of church business there is laughter, and genuine love for God and church is expressed.  I touch the Light when a hug turns into a moment of prayer.  I bask in the Light when worshipping with all of you, my loving church family.

Where are you experiencing the LIGHT this winter?  I look forward to hearing your stories.  Please share them in the comment section below.

with love,  Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)