The Elders have been dutifully fulfilling the task

of finding an Interim Pastor for us. This has been a

labor of love and an opportunity to learn more about

each other in the process. Thank you to all the

members of our church that have shared their

comments and feelings about the candidates that we

presented to you. It was not an easy decision. Due to

a few differentiating factors, Rev. Nick Donges was

called as our Interim Minister. Rev. Donges will have

standing office hours as well as making hospital calls

and taking care of any special service needs in the

congregation. Rev. Donges will help guide us through

the process that we need to complete to prepare our

church as a candidate for a new minister.

The Elders will be establishing a Transition

Team. We hope to have this team in place prior to

Rev. Donges coming on board, so that they are ready

to start. If you are approached for this team, please

prayerfully consider taking on this role. It is your

opportunity to serve your church as well as being a

part of helping to create the future of the church that

you will pass on to the next generation.

As we continue through this process, the Elders

will strive to keep everyone informed of the process

and the progress. This is a time for us all to pull

together and surround each other with love and


Pace, Purpose and Passion!

Cliff Thompson & Mike Simpson, Elder Chairsc

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)