As we continue to walk together down this path in a time of
change, the Elders ask that you keep all of our church held up
in prayer. The Elders are working with Pastor Nik to focus on
spiritual discernment during this process related to change.
Thank you to Martin Schaefer for joining the Elder team.
Martin is replacing Mike Simpson who has stepped down as
Elder due to scheduling conflicts.
To help with worship scheduling, the Elders took on filling the
duties of Worship Leaders. We are scheduled till the end of
2015. We know that there are several in the congregation who
are able and enjoy participating in worship in this capacity.
Scheduling for the 2016 calendar is happening. If you would
like to serve as Worship Leader or have any questions about
what it entails, please let Ginger Alley, Tina Yarber, the office
or any of the Elders know. We will get you added to the coming
schedule. We are all here to serve each other and support each
other. If you have prayer needs/concerns or hospital/home
bound visit requests, please inform any of the Elders or the
church office, so that we can continue to share God’s love with
you during these special times of need.
In His Service,
Cliff Thompson, Elder Chair