An Elder Moment for January 2016

Happy New Year!
It has been a wonderful time of celebration around First Christian over the last several weeks. Thank you to everyone who helped with all the decorating and un-decorating of our sanctuary. All of those who shared their musical talents over the holidays added to the special moments in worship as we prepared for the birth of our Savior. Our youth presentation of the manger time was one of the best. Please continue to share those gifts throughout the year!
For the last 6 months the Elders have been serving as Worship Leader. This was not meant to keep anyone else in our church family from enjoying serving in this position, it was a step in the transition process that we are going through. I want to extend to any of you who would like to serve as worship leader to let Ginger Alley, Tina Yarber, Larry Steele, or Cliff Thompson know so that we can add you to the rotation. Please ask if you have questions about the details of this and what is expected.
The Elders will continue to visit with our special needs members and deliver communion and companionship. If you would like to join and Elder on these visits, just ask! We would be happy to have you join us as would our friends that we are visiting. Remember that if you have a hospital stay, or a family member that does, we are available for prayer and support during that time, BUT WE NEED TO KNOW. The hospital or rehab center will not reach out to us due to privacy laws. We do not want to ignore anyone or let anyone be neglected in a time of need.
With continued Joy from serving,
Your Elders

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)