Regional Assembly

Event Date: October 6, 2018


Dear Ohio Disciples:

As you know, this past Saturday, July 28, the Regional Church Council (RCC) met for a called meeting at Gender Road Christian Church, to take action on a 6-part recommendation.  You will received the full text of those recommendations within a few days.

One of the recommendations (#2) approved by the RCC is to hold our Regional Assembly sometime between the dates of September 22 and November 10 of 2018.  A second recommendation (#3) approved is to suspend the current search for a new regional minister pending further review and revisions of our regional structure and organization.”

Earlier this year, when the Regional Minister Search Committee convened, we wanted to give them as much time as possible this calendar year to do their work, before reporting to the regional assembly on their progress.  Therefore, a later date was envisioned for the regional assembly, possibly November 10. With the recommendation to suspend the search committee’s work now approved, an earlier date seems more advantageous so the RCC and regional church can focus on the review and revisions of our regional structure and organization.  Therefore…



The Regional Assembly Resolution is available for download HERE,

John M. Richardson
Interim Regional Pastor


Watch the Live stream of regional assembly here:


9:15 AM Opening Worship:

11:15 AM Business Session and Closing Worship:

ODM Fall Retreat

Event Date: September 15, 2018


September 15, 2018 at Camp Christian

Our Program:

After a busy Summer, there is a lot of cleaning to be done to get Camp Christian back in shape for the Fall groups. We are making it part of our Ministry and Mission to help clean up Camp and prepare it for a full year of events!

Past work has included mowing, weed-whacking, plumbing, green chair building, painting, and sweeping, No matter your age or ability there’s something you can do! Nobody is too young or too old to lend a hand.

Come join us as we work to improve Camp for this fall and for years to come!

Who Should Come?

  • Men of every age and background.
  • Men who are dedicated to the Ministry of Jesus Christ
  • Men who are looking to have retreat and fellowship with other men.
  • Men who love Camp Christian!
  • Men who make up the Christian Church in Ohio and Disciples, & Men’s groups from churches throughout the Ohio Region.

For more info and to Register: Click here

OWM Fall Retreat


Event Date: September 8, 2018

Ohio Women’s Ministries Fall Retreat
September 8, 2018
Camp Christian

The OWM Fall Retreat is scheduled for one day this year, Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 9:00am until 5 pm.  Arrangements for those who want or need overnight accommodations are available.  The theme for the day is “Blooming Where You Are Planted” and the book “Blooming Where You’re Planted”, by Emily Rose Lewis is being used as a resource. Music will be provided by Candace Jerew and Christy Johnson this year.  We will the silent auction so please continue to bring your beautiful baskets. The committee has planned an exciting and informative day for you this year.

For Registration and more information:

October 7th, Rev. Ed Bastien

Reverend Ed Bastien Serves as the Pastoral Care Manager at Atrium Medical Center. Rev. Bastien holds a Masters of Divinity in Theology and Religious Vocations from Asbury Theological Seminary. Ed has experience in Chaplaincy from both The Hospital as well as Hospice settings.

September 30th, Rev. John Dick


Reverend John Dick is a retired ordained minister in the American Baptist Church. John is a resident of Middletown. John has served American Baptist Congregations in Midland, MI; Haddonfield, NJ; Wyoming, OH; Middletown, OH and Worcester, MA.

September 23rd, Rev. Sue Glaab


Reverend Glaab is an ordained minister. Sue was a member of First Christian Church while she attended United Theological Seminary. She holds a Masters of Divinity from UTS.

September 16th, Rev. Carol Oetzel

Carol is an Ordained Minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ).

Carol is the Pastor of Assimilation at Legacy Christian Church In Harrison, Ohio. She serves on the Commission of Ministry  and the Camp Christian Committee for our region.

Carol served as Associate Pastor at FCC-Middletown for 13 years. Carol also served Walnut Hills Christian Church as Co-Pastor.

September 9th, Rev. Dr. J. Thomas Johnson

Reverend Dr. Johnson is a retired Disciples Minister and Pastor Emeritus of Summit Christian Church in Trotwood, Ohio. Rev. Johnson currently serves as the  Regional Elder for district 8, serving the Christian Church In Ohio in greater Dayton, Springfield, and Middletown.

September 2nd, Connor Thompson

Connor is a lifelong member of First Christian Church, Connor has served as Chaplain at Camp Friedlander operated by the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America. Connor is a senior at Miami University majoring in Non Profit & Community Studies and intends to pursue a Masters of Divinity at Lexington Theological Seminary.

August 26th, Cliff Thompson Preaching

Cliff has been a member of FCC for more than 20 years. He has served as Deacon, Elder, Vice-Moderator, Men’s Ministries Chair, Property Committee Chair, and Leader of the A/V Team.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)