Tracy Talk II

I love to go for a long drive on a sunny day. There is something relaxing about the open road
listening to my favorite music on the radio with the sun roof open. I love to drive to clear my
head or to think, sing and pray. I have an idea of where I want to end up. When I set out, I
usually have a destination in mind.
When I get in the car and have in mind going someplace, I need to know how to get there. I
may have already been there so I know the way or am familiar with the area. If I’m going
someplace unfamiliar, I use my GPS. Sometimes people try to give me directions, but I don’t
follow directions well. Too many details about turns or the mention of east and west and my
eyes glaze over. It’s easier for me to just use the GPS. I love my GPS to get where I’m going.
Proverbs 29: 18 says:
(Common English Bible) When there’s no vision, the people get out of control, but whoever
obeys instructions is happy.

(King James Version) Where there is no vision, the people perish, but happy is he who keeps
the Law.
(God’s Word Bible) Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow
God’s teachings.
Probably my favorite rendering of the Scripture is the Message Bible:
If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend
to what he reveals, they are most blessed.
Similar to a car, the church needs to know where it’s going and how to get there. Proverbs 29:
18 says that without God’s vision the people don’t know where they’re going, but happy is the
one who follows God. I said Sunday in the sermon that we’re going to begin a prayerful
process of discerning where God wants us to go and how we can get there – or how we can
see what God is doing and attend to what he reveals.

Tracy Talk I

Don’t forget we have a congregational meeting on Sunday following worship. There is
important work for the church to do to prepare for the coming new fiscal year. You’ll elect new
Officers, Elders and Deacons. You’ll approve a new budget and receive the annual reports.
I’d like to thank all the leaders of the congregation who will be elected on Sunday, who will
complete their service at the end of the month and those who continue to serve. Your
commitment to the church and your willingness to employ your gifts for the building up of this
body of Christ is appreciated.

Sermon Series: The Commands of Jesus

The Commands of Jesus

June 18th-July 30th

June 18th: Let Your Light Shine

June 25th: Do Not Worry

July 2nd: Take Up Your Cross

July 9th: Do Not Be Afraid

July 16th: Forgive and You Will Be Forgiven

July 23rd: Go and Do Likewise

July 30th: Feed My Lambs

District 8 & 12 Men’s Rally June 25th

Disciple Men’s Rally


District 8 & 12 (Greater Dayton and Cincinnati)

June 25th, 2017

3:00 P.M.

Join Men from Disciples of Christ congregations from throughout Dayton and Cincinnati for fellowship and worship.

We will have a time of praise, worship, and fellowship.


The Reverend Dr. Tom Stephenson, Christian Church in Ohio Regional Moderator and Pastor of First Christian Church in Wilmington will be our speaker for this day of praise and fellowship.

The Rev. Dr. Tom Stephenson

Dinner will follow worship, Dinner cost is $5.00, payable at the event.


Please RSVP here by June 21st.


Series: The Birth of the Church

Pastor Tracy’s Sermon series is

The Birth of the Church

May 14th “Dissension and Debate”-Acts 15: 1 – 11

May 21st “Dinner Companions”-Galatians 1: 13 – 17; 2: 11 – 21

May 28th “Children of God”-Galatians 3: 1 – 9, 23 – 29

June 4th “The E Word”-Acts 2: 1 – 4

Something to Chew On, LXII

This is my final rendering to you of “From My Plate to Your Plate”. First, I thank all of you for the warm farewells, cards, and wishes for my future. I am also grateful for the very generous retirement gift that you shared with me. It was deeply appreciated and shall be put aside for some special desires as they come to mind.

I also thank all of those brave men who drove through the driving rains on Saturday, so that they could be in Bethany, Illinois to pick up all of Pastor Tracy’s goods and to assist with helping her to move into her new apartment in downtown Middletown.

Since this is the end of my third interim and the longest interim that I have held, I am prayerfully considering this to really be a retirement. Other opportunities for ministry may come along and I will always be available for pulpit supply as needed.

In the meantime, you are beginning a new day, embracing a fresh opportunity, and launching a new ministry with Pastor Tracy Siegman. Introduce yourselves and share your love and friendship with her as you have shared your love and friendship with me.

I shall be in prayer for you and for First Christian as this ministry not only begins, but continues to grow and flourish.

Something to Chew On, LXI

Most of you know that I am a trained musician. I regret that I will not be able to share an oboe solo with you before I depart. Perhaps, at some point in the future I can return to provide special music.

My hats off and my deep gratitude to Rachel Eve Davis as she continues to serve as our music director. Not only does she provide accompaniment from the piano or the organ, but she also serves as our choir director and sometimes leads singing as she is playing. Since my time of coming to be with you she has done a noble job of picking hymns for each Sunday. Some of these hymns are quite traditional, but we often have a mix of the contemporary.

Not all hymn styles may fit into everyone’s agenda. Some like the very traditional while others prefer the contemporary. We seek from Sunday to Sunday to provide a blend of the contemporary with the traditional.

I want you to think for a moment about traditional hymnody. A number of the very traditional hymns we attribute to Fanny Crosby. She wrote such great hymns like “To God Be the Glory”, “Praise Him! Praise Him!”, Jesus is Tenderly Calling Thee Home”, and “Blessed Assurance”.

I contend that when any of those hymns were first introduced there was an outcry among worshipers, “We can’t sing these hymns. Give us the old hymns”. My friends, have we changed any? One of the contemporary hymns that I believe most of us love is “Lord, Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary.” Note how hymns like that begin to grow on you.

I pray for the day when you may be able to have an accompanist like Rachel Eve, a choir director and song leader, and other musical leadership as needed.

With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXXX

Easter began with our Sonrise Service being able to be held in our outdoor worship area. Last year, the weather would not allow this. We had a good group of worshipers join us outside for this service in a beautiful setting. Amongst the chirping birds, God’s creation beginning to break forth into new life, and the spirit of a resurrection morning, we could celebrate.

Following our outdoor worship, many gathered in our Fellowship Hall for breakfast. Thanks to all of the preparers who made this possible. Easter worship was truly moving as we celebrated the baptism of Nick Otis, Travis Hendricks, and Tyler Hendricks. My heartfelt thanks to Cliff Thompson, the Chair of our Elders, as I commissioned him to perform the rite of holy baptism on these three fine young men. Baptism recalls that moment of burial and rising to new life with Christ.

I presented each of the baptismal candidates with a burning candle and a salt shaker to remind them that Jesus has called each of us to be the light of the world as well as the salt of the earth. I pray that they may display these significant symbols in a prominent place in their homes to continually remind them of what Jesus actually expects from each one of us.

May the spirit of the resurrection remain with all of you as you prepare to soon welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman into your midst. Pray for her and for one another as you launch a new ministry together.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Outreach News, April 2017

Our Outreach Committee is asking that the third Sunday each month be our “Sunday of Giving”. When we remember our “Coins for Camp”, we will also remember our donations of nonperishable food items for distribution by the Salvation Army. The blue tub in the narthex is for the collection. Thank You!

CWF News, April 2017

CWF will be hosting the Farewell Reception for Pastor Nik after the April 30th service. We will also be assisting with the luncheon for Pastor Tracy on May 7th. The luncheon will be planned by the Membership Commission. We will receive and dedicate our Blessing Boxes at the May 14th service. Please note the date change due to Pastor Tracy’s Installation Service to be held on May 7th . We will have the CWF picnic at Marilyn Chamberlain’s home on June 12th at 6:30 pm. This will be a carry in meal with hot dogs and hamburgers furnished. Please tell your circle leader if you plan on coming and what you will bring for the meal. Hannah Circle members can call Angie Otis or Marilyn Chamberlain with the above information.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)