Nik’s Nook, April 2017

My Dear People, This will be the final newsletter article that you will see from me. Next month, Pastor Tracy Siegman will share with you her first words of wisdom. As I think back over our time together, I often have to ask where these last eighteen months have gone. Yet, we have done so much together to grow as a Christian community, to embrace the ideals of a new vision and mission, and finally to be able to call a settled pastor. There is no way that I can fully say ‘thank you’ enough for your love, your support, for our times together, for our moments of sadness as well as our moments of laughter and of joy. You have endured with me through two cracked bones and allowed me to serve you at times from the distance of my home. You have held me in prayer whether it was a moment of need like a cracked bone or just for the ministry that we were seeking to do together. You have offered words of encouragement as we have sought to accomplish the various tasks that I was called to do. When we say ‘farewell’ on April 30th I will no longer be your pastor in any role. I live by a strict ministerial code of ethics that will not allow any continued pastoral relationship. Yes, I can be your friend and I would hope that we can keep in touch in that friendship manner. However, if we step beyond that I will simply ask you to be in touch Pastor Tracy. My sincere prayers will be with you as you welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman and seek to build new relationships with her as Pastor and congregation.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

Installation Sunday

Installation Sunday

Sunday May 7th, 2017

10:30 A.M.



We will install The Rev. Tracy Seigman as Pastor of First Christian Church. Join us as we celebrate this new era in First Christian Church.


Ther will be a dinner following worship to fellowship and get to know Pastor Tracy.



Celebration of Ministry

Celebration of Ministry

Join us Sunday April 30th for a Celebration of the Ministry

of Rev. Nik Donges as Interim Pastor of First Christian Church.

Nik began his ministry in Agust of 2015 and will conclude his ministry with us after worship on April 30th. We will thank him for his ministry and guidance through our interim period.


A reception will be held in his honor following worship.

Something To Chew On, XXXXXIX

Yesterday’s Palm Sunday worship was truly monumental in a variety of ways. The children paraded in with palm branches to be laid at the foot of the cross. Truly my spirit was warmed and uplifted as three young men came forward to make their confessions of faith. Nick Otis, Travis Hendricks, and Tyler Hendricks took a giant step as they began their walk with Christ. I reminded them in a private session that their walk with Christ is like an infant learning how to walk.

There will be times when they may stumble. There will be times when they may need a helping hand or an encouraging word. That’s where all of you as a part of the Christian community at First Christian come into play. You may lend that helping hand. You may offer that encouraging word. Our celebration did not end there. John and Star Ralbovsky came forward to transfer their membership to First Christian. And they were joined by Gail Rudd who came forward to rededicate her life. Extend a warm welcome to each of these new members.

We will conclude our celebration next Sunday with the baptism of Nick, Travis, and Tyler. And we will add to that the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. In the meantime, join us on Thursday evening as we gather at 7:00 p.m. to recall and be a part of that special feast of remembrance that Jesus has given to us. Next Sunday you will not want to miss our Sonrise Worship at 8 a.m. We hope that we can be outdoors, weather permitting. An Easter Egg hunt will follow. Then we will assemble in our church sanctuary for our joyful resurrection worship. We have a busy week ahead yet it is a week worth your full participation.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Smomething to Chew On, XXXXXVIII

Today, some of you may have had the opportunity to lend assistance or even to get your lunch at One Market and Eatery. Yesterday many of you had the chance to hear the Reverend Dave Wess share about this new ministry and outreach in downtown Middletown.

One Market and Eatery will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can pick up a great sandwich or a salad and have the chance to visit with the other diners. The cost is whatever you can pay and hopefully, you will be able to pay more so that someone else who has no resources can have a meal.

There will also be opportunities to help with clean-up, food preparation, and the like. Consider taking your lunch time at One Market and Eatery when you have the chance. It is located at 1316 Vail Avenue just north of Central Avenue. You will be glad that you did.

Your worship team is busy preparing for Holy Week activities. This coming Sunday, we will have a parade of Palms. The following Thursday, join us at 7 p.m. for Maundy Thursday worship and a remembrance of that last supper that Jesus had with his disciples.

On Easter Sunday morning, we will gather outside (weather permitting) for our Easter Sonrise Worship at 8 a.m. Please note the time change. This will be followed by a breakfast in our Fellowship Hall followed by an Easter Egg Hunt and then joyful Easter Worship at 10:30 a.m.

One Market & Eatery, NOW OPEN!

One Market & Eatery is NOW OPEN!

1316 Vail Ave.

Middletown, Ohio


One Market & Eatery was formed with a group of people that saw a need and an opportunity.  The food insecurity rate is need and the opportunity are centered around hunger.  Hunger for food and hunger for connectedness.  The first type of hunger is easily measured.  The food insecurity rate in Middletown is a staggering 32%.  ​

The community is looking for a new way to give and we are providing that for them.  We are now serving 2 purposes. We are serving a community that is in desperate need of quality food products and we are an avenue for people to give back to the community in a different way. We use two approaches at our building on Central Ave next to the old studio theater.  One approach is the food truck, which is getting quality food to people and the second approach is the Micro-Market that will be located inside our property and will give the community access to healthy fresh produce and other fresh food options using the “pay it forward” model.

We have strived to get food to the community via different avenues and have succeeded on a small scale.  We are ready to expand our efforts and move to a bigger and better system.  By incorporating the “Pay it forward” model and using grade B produce and moving into a different property we will be able to reach more people and help rescue some of millions of pounds of produce that is wasted every year which in turn helps the environment.

The combination of the Food Truck Pod Concept and the micro-market in the same location will allow us to become a destination and product uniquely known to the downtown Middletown area. 

Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.

First Fridays

5:00p.m. – 9:00p.m

For more info visit: 

or like them on Facebook

Worship Photos 4-2-17

Something to Chew On, XXXXXVII

It was so good to be back in the saddle again and be with you. As I might have said yesterday, most of my work will continue at home since maneuvering in and out of the car becomes difficult. We had a good meeting of the Board following worship. Thanks to all who get their reports in and share them via email with other members of the Board. This was my last Board meeting with you and I only need to complete an annual report as I wind down my ministry with you.

This leads me to stress that annual reports are due in the office by the first of June. This year the plans are to print a very limited number of copies and the annual report will be submitted electronically via email to help save on paper costs.

Summer church camp season will soon be here. To qualify for the early bird rate and receive half off your tuition rate, camp registration forms need to be turned in by April 23rd so that we can get them to the Regional Office prior to May 1. After May 1st, you will be responsible for the difference between the half off cost and the full registration fee.

Please be in prayer for our Regional Office and the sudden resignation of Dr. William H. Edwards.

Holy Week begins April 9th with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday Worship, Easter Sonrise at 7 a.m. and our joyful Easter worship at 10:30. As a part of our Easter Worship, a baptismal service is being planned. Let us look forward to these special times as we seek to be captured by God’s Empowering vision.

Join us in worship as we welcome the Reverend Dave Wess who will be sharing an opportunity for ministry called “One Market and Eatery” in downtown Middletown.



With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Holy Week at FCC!

Join us for several different services during Holy week.

Palm Sundaythe Bearing of the Palms, Sunday April 9th, 10:30 a.m.

Maundy Thursday Worship, Thursday April 13th, 7:00 p.m.

Easter, Sunday April 16th, 

Sunrise worship, 8:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast, 8:30 a.m.

Egg Hunt, 9:00 a.m.

Easter worship, 10:30 a.m.

Outreach News

Our Outreach Committee is again asking for donations of food, paper products, personal items and cleaning supplies. We will be donating these to the Salvation Army each month for distribution. For the month of APRIL, we are requesting canned vegetables (green beans and corn are the two that they run out of first), canned soups, boxed dinners (for example macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, etc.).

They distribute 15,000 pounds per month and our donations will be muchappreciated!

Watch the newsletter each month to see what we will be collecting the next month.

As in the past, deposit your donations in the blue tub in the narthex.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)