CWF News, March 2017

We wish to thank all who volunteered to help with our Soup and Salad Luncheon, as well as those who brought salads and desserts. We served around 52 people and had additional donations for a gross profit of $403. Our attendance this year was hampered by rain and storms around the lunch hour. We had several nice compliments regarding the food and the variety of salads. Those who brought salads and desserts may pick up theirdishes in the kitchen after church this coming Sunday.

Also, it was noticed that the kitchen could use some more dish towels, so if you wish, you may bring in new or gently used dish towels.

Nik’s Nook, March 2017

Well, I did it again, that is, when it comes to a fall. Many of you may already know that a week ago Thursday I tripped on a threshold and fell forward landing fairly hard on my left knee. I have seen an orthopedic doctor and will return this afternoon to find out the results of an MRI that was done last Tuesday. Your prayers are appreciated and needed. I hope to be back with you most of the month of April. I remind you to keep your focus and attention to where God is calling this congregation with His empowering vision.

Early in April, you will have the chance to hear about a new ministry of outreach that is starting in downtown

Middletown. One Market and Eatery is that ministry. You will be invited to visit One Market and Eatery for a meal. You pay what you can and will be invited to pay it forward by giving a bit more so that another’s meal cost is covered. There is, also, an opportunity for us to volunteer.

In the midst of April, we will have the chance to recall the events that led up to our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. I have listed those special times in a separate calendar below.

We continue to prepare to welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman as your next settled pastor. Please keep her in your prayers.

Let us seek to focus on the vision into which God is leading us as we wind down and prepare for a future filled with hope.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXXVII

My dear people, I continue to improve slowly. I started sleeping upstairs last Monday evening. I try to limit my stair activity to one time up and one time down. Any pain is kept in check with ibuprofen. I had an MRI last Tuesday and meet with the orthopedic doctor tomorrow afternoon to get the results and any next steps. Thank you for the calls and cards. I will miss the salad luncheon.

I share with you what I might have said in the pulpit this morning. I remind you of the staff, a symbol of our journey. Pharaoh has set the children of Israel free and they have begun their journey. Their journey and our journey are not without their obstacles at times. The children of Israel often mumbled or complained. I offer two instances.

The first concerns that moment when Israel is brought up to the edge of the sea and no escape is possible. The armies of Pharaoh are rapidly approaching. You hear Israel shout out, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness. What you done to us, bringing us out of Egypt?” You can read about this instance in Exodus 14:10-14.

The second instance occurs when Israel is in the wilderness and without food. Again, they complain. You can read about this in Exodus 16:1-3.

I encouraged you to pay attention to God’s way last week. Yet sometimes we tend to cry out, “Hold on—we have a better way”. I want you to underscore the simple word, “we” and put that beside the word, “God”. Which one will you choose?

You see, these are only two instances and there are many more if you fully read the book of Exodus. You will begin a journey if a different kind in a little more than a month when Pastor Tracy Siegman comes to journey with you. Notice that I did not say that she will come to fully guide your journey. She comes as you work together on the great journey that God has planned for you.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXXVI

Well, I did it again. I had a second hitch in my giddy-up. Last Thursday after leaving orchestra rehearsal, a number of the musicians gather at a nearby restaurant for a bite to eat. As I entered the restaurant, I tripped on the threshold and fell straight forward, coming rather hard on my left knee and leg. After recovering from the shock of the fall, I was still able to eat and a fellow musician assisted me to my car.

My wife and I went to the Emergency Room the next morning. After x-rays, it was discovered that I have an effusion on my left knee, a buildup to fluid. My left leg was mobilized in a brace. I also have a very small chipped bone at the bottom of my femur. I see an orthopedic doctor in the morning to check out the next steps.

Fortunately, I still had my walker and use it along with a cane on a limited basis. Right now, I am restricted to staying downstairs and sleeping in my recliner. I am heart sick that I cannot be with you. Until I return I will be sharing most of what I would be saying to you on Sunday mornings through these articles. Therefore, you may find that the articles are bit longer than usual.

I remind you of my title for this morning: Vision—Seeing God’s Way as the Way. God’s empowering vision is just that. It is not something that we attempt to catch or at worst, appoint a committee to come up with a plan. I set the stage last week with the call of Moses.

As the children of Israel were about to depart from the Egyptians, many must have been wondering which way they would go. The staff that I have used a symbol of our journey together will not give us directions. I share with you two very important critical warnings. The first warning concerns where you are now and where you have been. It is so easy for us to say,

“We’re comfortable. Why do we need to change?”

Even in the midst of danger and destruction, we need to acknowledge the goodness and the greatness of God. There is but one way and that is God’s way.

“We live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NIV)

I always like to trust the words from Isaiah 55. ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ “declares the Lord.” ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ (Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV)

In a little less than two months, you will be welcoming Pastor Tracy Siegman as your new pastor. Here is the second warning. She will not bring with her any magic formula that will result in amazing things to happen here. However, allow her to be the catalyst through which God can speak and enable you to envision God’s empowering vision for you and the future. Walk by faith with her so that you may discern God’s way as the way.

With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXXV

Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, that forty-day period not including Sundays that helps us to get ready for Easter. Lent is always a time of introspection, examining where we are in our relationship to God, to Jesus, to our church, and to one another. One of my favorite scriptures comes from Psalm 139 which speaks so powerfully of the ways in which God knows us.

I also think of Lent as a time when we seek to remove those things that get in the way of our sincerely knowing and appreciating what God has done for us. I liken this to our efforts at this time of the year to engage in spring cleaning. As you drive about you will see families engaged in preparing their yards and flower beds for the mowing season that will soon be upon us.

My wife and I always take the time during Lent to go through out closets, clean out that which we have not worn for some time and donate those items to one of the nearby pantries. Personally, I will be bringing some boxes of books and putting them out for members to take. What remains I will take to a used bookstore.

Often, we have the carpets cleaned after a year’s wear and tear. Of course, when the weather warms, I will power wash and scrub the deck as well as wipedown the outdoor furniture.

Spring cleaning becomes a symbol of Lent as we prepare our hearts and ourspirits for all of the goodness and abiding love that God offers to us.


With God’s Love

Pastor Nik


Nik’s Nook, February


On Sunday, February 5th, this congregation took a most important step forward. You had the chance to meet the Reverend Tracy Siegman, a candidate for the next settled pastor of First Christian Church. The vote was positive and following some procedures in Pastor Tracy’s congregation, she announced this past Sunday of her eventual move to Middletown.

You have worked faithfully and prayerfully to reach this important step in your future. Pastor Tracy, if I may refer to her in that manner, will begin her ministry with you on May 1. My final Sunday with you will be April 30th.

During these final two months, there is much to accomplish. During the Sundays of Lent, I will be sharing a series of messages based upon the newest book by my friend, George Bullard. Captured by Vision is the title. There are nuggets of inspiration within this book that will help us prepare to fully welcome Pastor Tracy.

I ask that you keep Pastor Tracy and myself in your prayers as we prepare for a transition. You have welcomed me. You have responded warmly to my leadership. Each of you holds a special place in my heart.

Let us seek to focus on the vision into which God is leading us as we wind down and prepare for a future filled with hope.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

FCC Calls Rev. Tracy Siegman!

First Christian Church is Excited to Announce it’s Call of a New Pastor.


After months of interviews and research, the First Christian Church pastoral search committee made a recommendation to the congregation, who voted to approve the call of Rev. Tracy Siegman.

Rev. Tracy Siegman

Rev. Tracy Siegman

Tracy is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).   She believes we are all given gifts of the Spirit at our baptism.  Her spiritual gift is to be set aside for full-time vocational ministry. She has the joy of being Christ’s ambassador for the Church sharing the love and mercy of Christ with the gracious support of a local congregation. She loves the work she is called to do.

Pastor Tracy grew up in Northeast Ohio. she is a Graduate of Walsh College in Canton, Ohio with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management, Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky with a Master of Divinity Degree.

Previously Pastor Tracy has served as Pastor of First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Bethany, Illinois, and Associate Pastor of Union Avenue Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Litchfield, Illinois. She likes cooking, chocolate, shoes, and reading. Oh, and lots and lots of coffee. She can often be found working in the chapel at St. Arbucks. She likes her chocolate dark and her coffee hot and black, unless its a Holiday Spice Flat White!

Pastor Tracy Siegman will be installed as Pastor of First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Worship on Sunday May 7th, 2017.

Photo Courtesy: Donald Dixon


Photo Courtesy: Donald Dixon


Lifeline Screening, May 1st

Lifeline Screening is coming to First Christian Church on May 1st.


Reservations will be needed. More information coming soon.


For more information on lifeline Screening Visit:


Camp Season 2017 has Arrived!

Camp Christian sign

There is a camp for all ages.

Check it out!

All forms and more information are available at the Christian Church in Ohio website.

Grandparent and Me Camp!

GP 17 Camp Image

June 2 & 3, 2017

An interactive Camp for Children who are in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade
AND their *Grandparent

*Child may be accompanied by another related adult (not Mom or Dad) if Grandparent is unavailable 

Co-Directors – Rev. Margot Connor –
& Rev. Mary Jo Bray

Grandparents Camp began at Camp Christian in 2006.  It is designed to a child’s first experience of being at camp.  It is for children who have completed first and second grade and a grandparent. (or special adult in their life) We include within our time together many traditional camp activities like folk dancing, campfire, and singing camp songs.  Our theme each time is “Stories of Jesus” and we always include crafts, games, drama and rest time (for grandparents!).  It is a fun time for everyone and a wonderful opportunity for grandparents to share their faith.

Grandparents Camp begins Friday evening at 7 PM and ends Saturday at 6 PM.

Camp Christian Cabin

Ribbit Camp!!

promises a full week’s worth of camp adventure for 2nd – 4th graders in a half-week schedule! First time campers who may not be quite ready for a full week away, or campers looking for a shorter camp experience, can join us. The focus of Ribbit Camp is on how God’s love is experienced and shared. Through crafts, games, and storytelling, these youth will discover our God who is with us during the whole year.

July 5th – 8th, 2017 at Camp Christian
Drop Off at 10am, Wednesday, July 5th – Pick Up at 10:30am, Saturday, July 8th
For Children in 2nd grade and also includes 3rd and 4th graders whose parents want a shorter camp experiance for their children.

Otter Camp!!


is held for an entire week and is for 5th graders and those in 3rd and 4th grades ready for a full-week of camp. The theme for Otter Camp is “Kids Can Too! – We Can Do It!”  They will be exploring kids of the bible who do amazing things for God.

June 18th – 24th, 2017 at Camp Christian

For Children in 5th grade and those in 3rd & 4th grades who are ready for a full-week of camp.


For Youth in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.  Held at Camp Christian.

There are 3 options of dates for families to choose from for the Chi Rho Camps.  It does not matter where you live or what Church you attend.  You may register for whichever one fits best into your summer schedule. The week options for Chi Rho Camp are:

June 12th – 18th July 17th – 23rd July 31st – Aug 6th

     Chi Rho Camp can be the best week of your life. You’ll do more in one week than you ever thought possible.  Experience serious times of worship, Bible Study, prayer, and discussion in our Quest Groups. Enjoy fun times of swimming in our two pools, fishing, games, singing, talent shows, and campfires. Make new friends which may last a lifetime. Grow in your Christian Faith.

Each day Chi Rho Campers gather in Quest Groups during the morning hours (groups of 8-12 campers learning by studying the scripture, crafts and games); in Morning Prayers by Cabin Groups each morning; and in Evening Prayers each evening as a whole camp. The week culminates in an inspirational Consecration Service on Friday evening.

Each week the camps are blessed with outstanding Christian pastors and lay persons as Assistant Directors, Counselors (cabin, table, Quest Group) who engage with the campers in study, prayer, recreation, etc., befriending young people in a way that has an impact on their lives for good. The program is blessed by the time, talent, treasure, and love extended so generously by these devoted volunteers.


For Youth in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade.  Held at Camp Christian.

There are 3 options of dates for families to choose from for the CYF Conferences.  It does not matter where you live or what Church you attend.  You may register for whichever one fits best into your summer schedule. The week options for CYF Conference are:

June 11th – 17th June 25th – July 1st July 16th – 22nd

(All CYF Conferences will be assigned names by their Conference this summer.

CYF (Christian Youth Fellowship) Conference supports those who have finished grades 9-12.  This camp seeks to give youth what they need spiritually in later life.  Each day begins with an opportunity for individual devotion and reflection we call “Morning Watch” CYF Conference offers two different Bible Studies each day.  This year we will study The Holy Spirit and material we call “Power and Prejudice.”  This time of young adult life can be confusing and this material gives youth the markers they need to see who it is God is calling them to be.  The afternoon are devoted the different “Committees” that work during the week to make it special.  Some committees are Choir, Outreach (DIG), Worship (Vespers) or Consecration, as well as Talent Show, Banquet, etc.  Each evening there is a worship service (Vespers) after supper that is created and led by the High Schoolers themselves.  The end of the week is capped by a Consecration Service.  This service too is created by and led by High School Youth.  However, it does include an opportunity for the youth to make a confession of faith.  Local Congregations are notified when this happens to they can follow up with baptism or confirmation.  These DO NOT happen during camp as we believe this is most appropriate within the community where their faith is being lived out day to day.   Here too, all campers are invited to participate in the Lord’s Supper.  In addition, there is a special time at the end of Consecration on Saturday morning, where youth who feel God is calling them into full time Christian Ministry to step forward and be prayed for by the whole community.  We realize many of these youth are still working to discover just where God is calling them, but want to begin helping them think about the call to ministry.

Advance Ministries Summer  Conference

Be The Change 16

July 30th – August 6th at Camp Christian
For all adults ages 19 to 29 (at least 1 year out of high school.)

Registration begins at 3:00pm on July 30th

Camp Closes after Morning Worship on Aug 6th

Advance Ministry is the “what’s next” after high school graduation. But we are not just a summer camp! We also have two retreats, as well as mission trips, a concert and other activities throughout the year. The retreats and weeklong camp (Conference) are held at Camp Christian in Magnetic Springs, Ohio. Each event features keynote speakers, music, Bible studies, group activities, dancing, 3 square meals a day (including chipped beef), and the awesomely friendly and lovable conferees that love going there year after year. For more information about these events, activities, or general questions, please feel free to contact us through the contact page above. Thanks for visiting and God Bless.The Advance Ministry is the young adult ministry for the Christian Church in Ohio, Disciples of Christ. It is a place that  provides young adults, persons ages 19 – 29 & out of High School, a place where they can enjoy a community of Christian friends and share their love, life, and fellowship, and develop a stronger faith in Jesus Christ. Those that are members of a Disciples of Christ congregation in Ohio are probably familiar with the Chi Rho and CYF summer camps.

Something to Chew On, XXXXXIV

In this age of political uncertainty when you hear of conflicting reports of what our leaders are up to, there is one abiding principle that we can apply. We may not fully agree with what has been said. It is then that we need to apply the principle of love and consider the ways in which our love and the love of God can speak far louder and with much more power than what we hear that may go against the grain of the foundation of our belief.

I think first and foremost of the teaching of Jesus when he said, “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgement you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.” (Matthew 7:1-2, NRSV) He then went on to comparing this to the speck you might see in your neighbor’s eye as opposed to the log that you might have in your own eye.

Often we are too quick to be both the judge and the jury before we have recognized our own selfish thoughts. Let us always remember that love is not angry. Love does not hold a grudge. Rather it looks with kindness and compassion on what others say, do, or believe.

Very shortly, we will be moving into the season of Lent, that forty days prior to Easter, not counting Sundays. I invite you to join us starting just one week from Wednesday with our Ash Wednesday worship. Throughout the season of Lent, I will be focusing on the theme, Captured by Vision.


With God’s Love,


Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)