Something to Chew On, XXXXXIII

Valentine’s Day is not a religious holiday, yet it has some religious connotations to it. The most basic meaning is the sharing of the gift of love. Love is a practice and attribute that is never to be taken for granted. Jesus reminds us of the significance and the power of love throughout his many teachings. “Love one another as I have loved you.” Of course, we cannot forget the impact of love as the Apostle Paul describes in his first letter to the Corinthians.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, NIV)

The above statement is so beautiful and powerful and I believe that it embodies the goodness of Valentine’s Day. My love and prayers are always with you as you seek to be the church God desires you to be.

Always remember that God is love and that he seeks to embrace you in that love.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Salad Luncheon, March 20th

Soup and Salad Luncheon

March 20th, 2017

Join us for lunch at First Christian Church!

The Christian Women’s Fellowship will host lunch with many varieties of soups and salads.

Tickets are available on Sundays, or at the door.

Razor’s Edge Presents Guys Vs. Dolls

Saturday April 1st at 7:00 p.m.

Razor’s Edge will have a performance of

Guys and Vs. Dolls

Tickets $12 & Children 12 & Under Free

For Information or Tickets Call: (513) 424-2096 or (937) 572-2347

Call for Group Rates


Chartered and in continuous existence since 1946, the Middletown (Razor’s Edge) Chapter of the Barbershop HarmonySociety is a diverse group of men devoted to sharing the “good vibes” that are unique to unaccompanied music sung in the Barbershop Style.  Our Razor’s Edge Chorus and chapter quartets perform year-round, spreading goodwill through the sharing of our vocal talents.


Their charitable projects include sponsorships to Buckeye Boy’s state and Harmony Foundation, which funds music education of all types.  Each year, we sponsor two local students to the Greater Cincinnati Harmony Festival, a student choral workshop.  We’ve provided our singing talents for many worthy causes in and around Middletown including United Way, Butler County MRDD, Dream Works, MiddFest, All-American Weekend, and Abilities Fir




Chili Bowl 2017 Winners

On Sunday February 5th, over 80 members of First Christian Church enjoyed our annual Chili Bowl contest. There were over 15 entries that were judge by a 3 person panel. our winners are pictured below:


1st place (Center): Larry Chamberlain

2nd place (Right): Ed Farkas

3rd place (Left): Debbie Wells

Something To Chew On, XXXXXII

I understand that you had a great “Souper Bowl” yesterday in my absence. I also understand that there were some delicious soups and goodies to be sampled.

Congratulations to Larry Chamberlain for making the winning soup and any other winners that I may not know about.

Well, folks, I missed your soup, but I got to attend the Chili cook-off at Anderson Hills Christian Church following worship. We had six different varieties of chilis from which to choose and there was a first place and a second-place winner. Of course, we topped off the chili with many scrumptious desserts.

This leads me to my thoughts for this week. All of us like to be winners yet we know that that is not possible. Even Jesus’ disciples argued among themselves regarding who would have the seats of honor on either side of their Lord and Master. Jesus sensed this little spat and used it as a marvelous teaching opportunity. He ends it with this great statement, “Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:26-28, NIV)

Consider what it means to walk humbly with Jesus always at your side.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXXI

I have been reading a fascinating book on listening to God. Without directly quoting the author and breaking the copyright laws, allow me to share a couple of thoughts. When has God truly spoken and how can you confirm this? Beware of allowing your own thoughts and ideas to become what you determine must be God’s voice.

We already know that God speaks to us in varieties of ways through the scriptures. God may speak to us in the midst of nature: a gentle snowfall, the beauty of a flowering plant, the rustling of the grass or of leaves, the howling wind. Sometimes we can confirm God’s voice in the quietness that may surround us or in the singing of a gorgeous hymn or some other song.

Be listening for the many ways that God may speak to you.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, XXXXX

In a little less than two weeks, you will be invited to make a most significant decision that will help to impact the direction in which God is calling this congregation. You will vote on the next settled pastor and I pray with all of my being that God will direct that vote in a positive direction.

For reasons of confidentiality and to assure that those who may employ social media does not broadcast the decision before its time you have been left in the dark. A few of you have expressed concern regarding this matter. Let me reassure you as Cliff Thompson did this past Sunday that the Search Committee has diligently carried out its work. They have thoroughly researched and interviewed the prospective candidate and are strongly recommending her to be the next settled pastor.

Trust, trust, trust the work of this committee. They will be able to answer any questions you might have regarding the candidate that they are recommending to you.

In the meantime, join me in prayer for this congregation and for our prospective candidate.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

CWF News, January 2017


CWF will be sponsoring Blanket Sunday on January 29th during worship. Church World Service has expanded this program to include not only the purchase of blankets, but also the purchase of goats, water containers, school kits, seeds, plants, and etc. All contributions- whether large or small- will be welcome to support this worthwhile program.

On February 12th after church we will have a short CWF General meeting to discuss the upcoming Salad Luncheon. We will also hand out salad donation sheets. This year’s Salad Luncheon is scheduled for March 20th.

Outreach News, January 2017


The Outreach Team would like to thank everyone who helped our adopted families this holiday season. Turkeys and all the trimmings were provided in November. During Christmas week, we were able to distribute boxes including hams and many other food items. Much thought was given to the beautiful gifts which were donated by our congregation. At this busy time of the year, you gave more than the gifts we wrapped. You sent a message of love and hope to many who were really in need of a blessing. Our hat and mitten tree was fully decorated and will help keep many children warm in the weeks ahead.

Thank you!

Nik’s Nook, January 2017



I thank members of the congregation for the very generous Christmas gift as well as some of you who also shared your personal gifts. It is always a delight to be working with and serving such a loving congregation.

Starting on Sunday, January 29th and continuing up to the time of Lent, I will be sharing a series of messages regarding our heritage as Disciples of Christ. I have had a fair number of requests regarding this kind of a series; therefore, I am not only delighted to share my personal experience, but the knowledge and gifts of our founding pastors, the Reverend Barton Warren Stone and Thomas and Alexander Campbell.

It helps to give meaning to who we are in this day and time as explore our roots and beginnings. I again want to reaffirm what a pleasure it is to serve as your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)