Somthing to Chew On,XXXXIX


I began thinking about resolutions which many of us may have made at the start of the New Year. I always marvel that the attendance at the gym increases in the first month after January 1. By mid-February or a bit later gym attendance is back to its usual numbers.

How do we stay on track and not get side-tracked or lose the interest and the drive in what we have resolved to do? There are no easy answers to this question. Good intentions are only as good as we seek to personally maintain them. We do have a model to which we need to pay close attention. That model isnone other than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was not influenced by the religious leaders of the day who had sorely lost their way. Instead he set his face like a flint toward Jerusalem. That was his ultimate goal because he knew that in Jerusalem he would be tried and crucified and rise to eternal life as God’s Son and our Savior to forgive our sins.

Let us seek to emulate that example as we move forward as the body of Christ here at First Christian in Middletown. This should be the resolution we strive to keep and never break.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Special Congregational Meeting, February 5th



Join Us after Worship for a special Congregational Meeting. Make sure all of your fellow members and church family join us.

Something To Chew On, XXXXVIII

We have just celebrated Epiphany which marks the end of Christmas and heralds the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. Epiphany means the manifestation of Jesus as he begins his public ministry.

The second important date is January 8th, which marks the baptism of Jesus. As we think about the baptism of Jesus, I believe it is also quite appropriate to remember our own baptism. Personally, I probably should have been baptized a second time because the first time I simply went through the motions. I had attended a pastor’s class to grow in my understanding of what it meant to be a member of the church. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, yet I did so with little enthusiasm. Again, I went through the motions. That’s my faith beginnings story.

I want you to think about your baptism for the moment and what it means. Do you still have the same drive and zeal on that day when you were first baptized? All of us have probably played the game of trying to find hidden things. Perhaps your friends or your parents might say, “You are getting warmer” if you were getting close to the object. Or they could also say, “You’re getting colder” the farther away you were from the object.

When you consider your baptism, how cold or warm are you? Greater distance as a way of adding a chill to your faith journey. Let us seek the warmth and the comfort of our Lord and Savior as we reaffirm not only our baptism, but also what brought us into a loving relationship with Jesus.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Chili Bowl, February 5th!



Join Us!

February 5th, following Worship for the First Christian Church Annual Chili Bowl.

Bring a pot of chili to share, or don’t, but come enjoy lots of different chili’s as well as some great fellowship while the judges make their decisions.

Something to Chew On, XXXXVII

May all of you at First Christian have a most blessed and prosperous New Year!

Those of you who were in worship with us on Sunday heard me following my coughing fit that we as individuals and as a congregation need to start with a clean slate. I will return to that thought as I conclude this article. Thinking about this New Year, I share with you an Italian tradition that is still observed in some parts of the country. On New Year’s Eve, people will gather up those things that they no longer need and will throw them out of the second story windows. Apparently, if you are willing to take the risk and walk the streets, you need to keep your eyes peeled. For from these windows may come unused clothes, pots and pans, and even an appliance or two. These Italians wish to begin the New Year with a fresh start.

Think for a moment of the excess baggage that we may carry about. That excess baggage may consist of regrets, broken relationships that could be healed, feelings of loss and hurt, and I could go on. A clean slate is starting the New Year fresh and ready to realize the hopes and dreams that are before us. Consider the things that we need to cast aside to allow that to happen.


with God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew on, XXXXVI

Anticipation is building. Expectations are soon to be realized. Excitement is

in the air as we move closer to the day of our Lord’s birthday.

I guess the best part of the story is when the angels appeared to the

shepherds in the field while they were keeping watch over their flocks.

“I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be for all the people. For

to you is born this night in city of David, who is the Messiah. And this will

be a sign for you: this will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped

in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.”

How long had they waited to hear such news as this? More importantly, what

does this kind of announcement mean for us. It was no wonder that the shepherds

went with haste to see this sight.

Decorations are up. Hopefully, any Christmas shopping has been completed.

Therefore, in the coming week, I invite you to sincerely think about and meditate

upon what we will celebrate this coming Sunday.

Please take note: Christmas Day worship will be at 10:30 and you won’t want to

miss this special celebration.

The end of the year is upon us; therefore, if you would like to make

contributions to count in the 2016 tax year, offering plates will be available on

Christmas Eve as worshipers come forward to receive communion and pick up a

candle and an offering is also a part of Christmas Day Worship.

Thank You to Central Academy


A class from Central Academy joined us on Tuesday,
December 20th to help assemble luminaries, color the candle
holding disks, sharpen and replace some sanctuary pencils, and
fold bulletins and the newsletter. We are grateful for this
continuing partnership.

CWF News


CWF wishes to thank all who helped with the reception
following the Messiah performance by providing food items,
serving, or cleaning up. There were 206 people who attended
the performance and a total of 46 choir members and
musicians. Our church received several nice compliments that
Esther/Rebekah Circle will meet January 4th at 1:00 pm
at the church. (weather permitting). Sarah Circle will meet at
the church on January 9th at 7 pm.
Blanket Sunday will be held on January 29th. We will
have envelopes ready a few weeks before then.

Outreach News


Once again our congregation is showing the true spirit of
Christmas through their generosity and support of Outreach
programs. The Hat and Mitten Tree is being filled with colorful
gloves and hats for school children. Many new toys and clothing
items have been donated for Santa to provide to children in
families we’ve adopted this holiday season. Food items have
overflowed our giving baskets and will grace the dinner tables
of six families on Christmas Day.

Nik’s Nook, December 2016


We celebrated a Country Christmas in our Fellowship Hall on December 18th with a variety of special music. The stage was adorned with the beautiful poinsettias and the offering and communion were observed in the usual worship format. The service ended with a special rendition of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. Those recruited to represent each of the days did a noble job of fulfilling their role. Then all enjoyed a sumptuous carry-in dinner and the fellowship that goes along with it.
Christmas Day will be upon us by the end of this week. To that end, we will have our traditional Candlelight Communion Service on Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. Plan to join us for this special time of worship.
On Christmas Day, we will gather for a special time of worship and celebration at 10:30 a.m. I will be sharing with the children and all a retelling of the Christmas story in my own words. Sometimes we forget that long before there were books, computers, e-readers, and the like; the ancient stories were passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. I remember when my grandmother first shared the Christmas story with me. She did not read it. She simply told me the story and later I discovered that the scriptural records in Luke and Matthew matched her story.
I pray that all of you will have a most blessed Christmas.
I again want to reaffirm what a pleasure it is to serve as your interim pastor.
With His Love,
Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)