Nik’s Nook, October 2016


Well, I am back in the saddle, so to say. It was good to be able to take an active part in worship again and I am grateful to Martin Schaefer, who was there to assist me up and down the steps. I am still relying fairly heavily on a cane, but am gradually able to take more steps on my own. My outpatient therapists know how to give it to me in order to help me move more and more away from that cane. I will be seeing my surgeon on Wednesday for a follow-up appointment and hopefully any x-rays he takes will show that I am healing well.

As I said yesterday, your cards and prayers have meant the world to me and have been a boost through a difficult time. I think some of you were surprised that I would be in the office today. Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas are just around the corner and planning has begun to make this time meaningful and celebrative.

I again want to reaffirm what a pleasure it is to serve as your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Harvest Fall Festival

Come join us for the

Harvest Fall Festival

October 23, 2016

 10:30 AM


Dress in your favorite Fall Fashion-wear and be ready for a fun time back on the front porch (In the Fellowship Hall) to celebrate this incredible season!


We encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us for this special service of fellowship and music.  Please bring a cover dish and if you choose to bring a dessert, we ask that you bring a fruit crunch or fruit cobbler and we’ll supply the vanilla ice cream.  We will also provide the fried chicken, beverages and all tabletop disposables. Let’s see how many people we can get on the porch! Hope to see you all there.

Handel’s Messiah, December 4th


Sunday December 4th, at 3:00p.m.

The Middletown Civic Chorus will have their Annual Performance of Handel’s Messiah. We are hosting the event this year in our very own sanctuary. This proves to be a Middletown tradition you will not want to miss!

Something to Chew on, XXXVIII


Over the next month or so I will be opening my articles with insights from my good friend and church consultant, George Bullard. I will be adding some comments to what George has written in his book, Faith Soaring Churches.

“Congregations seeking to transform do not believe that Sunday mornings are only about them and their worship of God. They realize Sunday mornings are also about the people in their context. Many congregations are appropriately focused on Sunday morning on having a high quality worship, learning, and fellowship experience in their congregation. Congregations seeking to transform are aware of what is happening with people passing in front of their church who do not truly think about going to church, but have rather about taking a break to refresh themselves physically”

I call the above insight thinking outside of the box when you consider that the box represents First Christian Church. Yes, we are important and our worship of God is just as important. Yet, there is so much more.

Read the second paragraph of the above insight. Where are people in their faith journey as they pass First Christian or engage in other activities on Sunday mornings. Perhaps, there are people at the gym or people taking a walk or people jogging or people doing yard work. Do we pass them on the way to church and say to ourselves, ‘These people ought to be in church.’Perhaps, we need to simply allow people to be where they are and involved in whatever activity that may bring to them refreshment and renewal.

Sermons are now online!

Check out the new sermons page to listen to the latest messages from the pulpit!

Something to Chew On XXXVII

Over the next month I will be opening my article with an insight from

my good friend and church consultant, George Bullard. I will be adding some

comments to what George has written in his book, Faith Soaring Churches.

“Congregations seeking to transform are never satisfied that good

enough is good enough. They are constantly and continually engaging in

incremental innovation. At least once every 120 days they have a

brainstorming session with staff and key leaders about possible innovations.

These do not need to be big things. Often they can be small things.

The idea is to continually do fresh and new things that keep the congregation

from becoming stale. Over the long-term this can create a culture of

innovation. It can create a culture of transition and change that allows the

congregation to be open to new things.” –George Bullard

Read the above insight carefully. You see, there is a danger that any

congregation or group of church folk may continue to the same old thing over

and over and over. Repetition is good; it can lead to a congregation’s

becoming stagnant and stale. Little changes from time to time (120 days)

allows a congregation to remain fresh and vital and exciting.

Remember that being satisfied with good enough is good enough. Let

us seek to keep an exciting edge to First Christian.

Something to Chew On XXXVI

All of us are familiar with the old adage, “When the cats away, the mice will

play.” My dear people I understand that Sunday’s worship attendance was only 42.

I believe that we can do better than that. For you see, you never know when this

old cat might come sneaking in and surprise you. I surely would want to be

greeted by more than 42 members and friends. I know that some of our people are

away, but what about all of you who are able to be in worship?

A few suggestions:

Note those not in attendance and give them a call. A word of

encouragement is always helpful.

Who have you invited to worship? You are in His hands and His feet.

This past Sunday I had the chance to go with my wife to my home church. In

her next to last sermon, the interim shared a variety of scripture passages that all

have great meaning. I liked the way she used the following from Jeremiah 18

which I share with you:

“The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Come go down to the

potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.’ So I went down to the

potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel that he was

making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another

vessel, as it seemed good to him.

Then the word of the Lord came to me; Can I not do with you, O house of

Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s

hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.” (Jeremiah 18.1-6, NRSV)

I invite you to do the following: Take the very last verse and in the blank

space that I have left, put in your name, then read it again and put in “First

Christian Church.”

“Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand___________.”

Something to Chew On, XXXV


This is a Test!!!

This is a test! No, it is not a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is

a test for all of you as members of First Christian Church. When your pastor is

incapacitated as I am, are you willing to fill in with pastoral roles? Are you willing

to make the effort to be in contact with our special needs members or even to offer

to visit them?

This test question becomes even more critical as the search for a settled

pastor has begun. How will you step up to lend him or her a helping hand?

I am grateful because I have already been made aware of the many ways

some of you have shared your talents and gifts of caring and compassion.

One of the things that I have been made quite aware of were the ways in

which your former pastor took on far more responsibility than she should have.

She allowed it to happen. You allowed it to happen.

In order for all of us to have a thriving, vital church that is committed to

serving our Lord and Savior, we need to be continually asking ourselves, what are

the ways that I can be the hands and feet and spirit of our Lord and Savior? The

answer to this question will certainly make a difference once you have discerned

and called your next settled pastor.

You have what it takes because you are his blessed children.

Again, thank you for all that are doing in Christ’s name and for his church.

Sermon Seeds


I am inviting any member to provide me with a scripture passage or story from which you might like to hear a sermon. I will still maintain a schedule of sermons to take into account special Sundays or observances and add your requests to that schedule. Forms are available in the narthex. I only request that you provide me with your name in case I have any questions. You can return those forms directly to me.

Pastor Nik

2016 Christian Church In Ohio Regional Assembly


The Summer has just flown by and the Regional Assembly will be here before you know it. The registration form and online registration is now up and running. A copy of the registration form is posted on the Regional Assembly page of the website. Also posted on the website is information on the four Mission projects that will be happening on the Saturday afternoon of the Assembly. We are working to put together an Assembly schedule, children/youth information and other promotional material, which I will get posted ASAP. Be sure to check the website, on Twitter (@OhioRegion) and/or the Facebook page frequently for updates. I hope you will be able to join us in some capacity at the Regional Assembly, October 13-15!!

Peace and God Bless,

Jennie Stoddart Bernard

Office Administrator Christian Church in Ohio

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)