Something To Chew On XVIII

The focus point this next week is Mother’s Day. It is on this special day that

we celebrate the gift of motherhood and the love that we usually associate with a

mother. I will be sharing the text of talk that I used to give during my teen years

as a member of the Order of Demolay. The Order of Demolay is an organization for

young men that is sponsored by a local Masonic lodge.

The talk that I will share with you is called “The Flower Talk” and was

presented publicly when a new candidate was being inducted in the Order. Most of

the rest of the ritual of an Order was not public, but held in secret.

Besides what I am writing now, I will say some other things on Sunday as a

means of introduction. For most of us a mother is held in adoration and love.

However, that may not always be the case. For a day does not go by when we are

made aware that not all mothers are as sweet and as loving as we might want them

to be. We can read and hear of dreadful abuse, heroin addiction, and countless

other forms of mistreatment of children.

Nevertheless, let us remember the blessedness of this special day and the

mothers who shared their love and support as we grew into adulthood.

Something To Chew On XVII

I share another insight from George Bullard’s “Faithsoaring Strategies”.

“Congregations needing to transform too often have a desperate need for new people who can be

active, have leadership ability, and will tithe their income through the congregation. They want these people

to provide new attendance, leadership, and financial support the congregation needs to transform. This

comes to close to suggesting that new people are wanted to help long-termed members fulfill their goals.”

The above scenario sounds quite wonderful at first glance. However, I believe there are number of

questions that need to be considered. Are those long-termed members willing to make the needed sacrifices

and contributions for continual growth and transformation? Are they willing to set the example, that is, to

pave the way for that growth and transformation?

Investment of one’s energy and commitment become the key. Transformations occur because

people do not become people on the sidelines, but are actively in the midst of the field of play.

As a member or participant of First Christian, are you on the sidelines or ready to invest yourselves

in the field of play?

Prayer Triad Meeting



All members of the prayer Triads are invited to meet on Monday April 25th, at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall to help draft a new Mission/Vision Statement for the Congregation.

Camp Season Has Arrived!!!

Camp Christian sign

Applications are available in the Narthex.

There is a camp for all ages.

Check it out!

All forms and more information are available at the Christian Church in Ohio website.

Grandparent and Me Camp!

June 10 & 11, 2016

An interactive Camp for Children who are in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade
AND their *Grandparent

*Child may be accompanied by another related adult (not Mom or Dad) if Grandparent is unavailable 

Co-Directors – Rev. Margot Connor –
& Rev. Mary Jo Bray

Grandparents Camp began at Camp Christian in 2006.  It is designed to a child’s first experience of being at camp.  It is for children who have completed first and second grade and a grandparent. (or special adult in their life) We include within our time together many traditional camp activities like folk dancing, campfire, and singing camp songs.  Our theme each time is “Stories of Jesus” and we always include crafts, games, drama and rest time (for grandparents!).  It is a fun time for everyone and a wonderful opportunity for grandparents to share their faith.

Grandparents Camp begins Friday evening at 7 PM and ends Saturday at 6 PM.

Camp Christian Cabin

Ribbit Camp!!

July 6th – 9th at Camp Christian
For Children in 2nd grade and also includes 3rd and 4th graders whose parents want a shorter camp experiance for their children.

RIBBIT CAMP promises a full week’s worth of camp adventure for 2nd – 4th graders in a half-week schedule! First time campers who may not be quite ready for a full week away, or campers looking for a shorter camp experience, can join us as we explore the holiest (and most exciting!) of our church holidays. Together, we’ll celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost in true camp style! We’ll dive into why, as faith-filled people, these celebrations mean so much more than our popular culture suggests.

Otter Camp!!

June 26th – July 2nd at Camp Christian

For Children in 5th grade and those in 3rd & 4th grades who are ready for a full-week of camp.

OTTER CAMP is held for an entire week and is for 5th graders and those in 3rd and 4th grades ready for a full-week of camp.

Parents/guardians/churches who have 3rd  and 4th  graders have the opportunity to choose the length of camp they consider more appropriate for their campers.

Camp Christian Vesper area


For Youth in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.  Held at Camp Christian.

There are 3 options of dates for families to choose from for the Chi Rho Camps.  It does not matter where you live or what Church you attend.  You may register for whichever one fits best into your summer schedule. The week options for Chi Rho Camp are:

June 12th – 18th July 17th – 23rd July 31st – Aug 6th



     Chi Rho Camp can be the best week of your life. You’ll do more in one week than you ever thought possible.  Experience serious times of worship, Bible Study, prayer, and discussion in our Quest Groups. Enjoy fun times of swimming in our two pools, fishing, games, singing, talent shows, and campfires. Make new friends which may last a lifetime. Grow in your Christian Faith.

Each day Chi Rho Campers gather in Quest Groups during the morning hours (groups of 8-12 campers learning by studying the scripture, crafts and games); in Morning Prayers by Cabin Groups each morning; and in Evening Prayers each evening as a whole camp. The week culminates in an inspirational Consecration Service on Friday evening.

Each week the camps are blessed with outstanding Christian pastors and lay persons as Assistant Directors, Counselors (cabin, table, Quest Group) who engage with the campers in study, prayer, recreation, etc., befriending young people in a way that has an impact on their lives for good. The program is blessed by the time, talent, treasure, and love extended so generously by these devoted volunteers.


For Youth in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade.  Held at Camp Christian.

There are 3 options of dates for families to choose from for the CYF Conferences.  It does not matter where you live or what Church you attend.  You may register for whichever one fits best into your summer schedule. The week options for CYF Conference are:

June 19th – 25th July 10th – 16th July 24th – 30th


Advance Ministries Summer  Conference

August 7th – 14th, 2016 at Camp Christian

For all adults ages 19 to 29
(at least 1 year out of high school.)

Registration begins at 3:00pm on Aug 7th

Camp Closes after Morning Worship on Aug 9th


Advance Ministry is the “what’s next” after high school graduation. But we are not just a summer camp! We also have two retreats, as well as mission trips, a concert and other activities throughout the year. The retreats and weeklong camp (Conference) are held at Camp Christian in Magnetic Springs, Ohio. Each event features keynote speakers, music, Bible studies, group activities, dancing, 3 square meals a day (including chipped beef), and the awesomely friendly and lovable conferees that love going there year after year. For more information about these events, activities, or general questions, please feel free to contact us through the contact page above. Thanks for visiting and God Bless.The Advance Ministry is the young adult ministry for the Christian Church in Ohio, Disciples of Christ. It is a place that  provides young adults, persons ages 19 – 29 & out of High School, a place where they can enjoy a community of Christian friends and share their love, life, and fellowship, and develop a stronger faith in Jesus Christ. Those that are members of a Disciples of Christ congregation in Ohio are probably familiar with the Chi Rho and CYF summer camps.

Recommended Reading!!


Autopsy of a Deceased Church, 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive.

Groups as well as prayer triad participants are invited to purchase a copy of the above book for study

and reflection. A sign-up sheet for those interested will be in the Narthex.



CWF wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped in

any way with the Soup and Salad Luncheon. The gross receipts

were $675 and after expenses of $134, we had a net profit of

$541. Proceeds will benefit both local and national missions.

It is now time to re-enroll in our Kroger Rewards program. To

re-enroll, go to and log into your account

with your e-mail address and your password. When you have

logged in, go to Account Summary and under “Community

Rewards”, choose First Christian Church, Middletown or use

our organization number 81221. When you get to this screen,

click “enroll”. Our quarterly distribution from Kroger was

$71.72, so this is a worthwhile fundraiser.

For the month of May Esther/Rebekah circle will meet at

church on May 4th at 1 PM. Sarah Circle will meet at Marilyn

Chamberlain”s on May 9th at 7 PM. Hannah Circle will met on

April 10th, but has not yet scheduled a meeting for May. All

ladies of the church are invited to join a circle.

Old Fashioned Sunday

Old fashioned carry in slide 1





Everyone is in for a treat and for a few surprises!

Worship will be filled with many of your favorite older

hymns, complete with music to accompany and enjoy.

Dress in your best old time favorite clothes. Worship

will be held in the gymnasium.

A carry in dinner will follow worship. Please bring your

favorite side or dessert. Meat dish, drinks, and place

settings will be provided.

Nik’s Nook- April


As I write this, the full signs of spring are upon

us. The temperature is up and the trees are beginning

to leaf out. Everything seems to be growing. To make

that last statement gives me pause for the moment.

Can we apply the realities of spring to the life of

the church and where we seek to be moving? I believe

that we can. We have recently had three additions to

our membership by transfer of membership. Prayer

triads have completed their work and some are

continuing as we seek to birth new small groups to give

new opportunities for fellowship and growth.

We will soon have a congregational

mission/vision statement that will begin to allow our

church leadership to move to the next step of

transition, the search process. To do that, the

Reverend Steve Bentley, Associate Regional Minister

will be invited to meet with our Board so that he can

fully help us understand the next steps of writing a

congregational profile and moving ahead to designate a

search committee.

Let me invite you to prayerfully consider whom

you might bring to church to introduce them to First

Christian. You are Christ’s ambassadors to share the

good news of his saving grace. You do that simply by

touching another’s life in friendship and fellowship.

Allow me to close by saying how much of a

delight it is to be your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, Issue XVI


Since early January, I have been receiving by email daily insights on what it

means to become a transformative congregation. These are sent by George

Bullard, President of the Columbia Partnership, a group of church consultants who

are based in Columbia, South Carolina. These insights come from George’s book,

Faithsoaring Churches. I have shared a few with some of our leaders.

About a week ago, I sent George Bullard an email and I asked him if he would

give me permission to use some of these insights as launching points for this article

as long as I made sure that I gave him the credit for the insight. He responded to

me very quickly with a strong “Yes”. Therefore, starting this week and from time to

time in future weeks, you will be seeing some or part of these insights with some of

my added comments. I pray that you will enjoy them and that they will enrich our

life together in our time of transition as much as they have enriched mine.

Since I do not have each of these insights dated, I can only refer to possible

time of receiving one. The following from George Bullard struck me as significant:

“Very few congregations transform by focusing on developing successful ministry

projects. Some will see short-term significance by focusing on mission action.

Generally it will take full surrender to ongoing missional engagement for

congregations to transform.”

Consider First Christian. We do ministry at Hope House. We offer time,

people, and ministry resources for the homeless through Shalom. We collect

various special offerings such as Week of Compassion or Blanket Sunday. We

collect mittens and hats for children. Each of these ministries is a short-term

missional project.

Think about ways in which we can reach out into the community of

Middletown over the long term so that we may more aggressively embrace the

mission and ministry to which God calls us.


Pastor Nik

Easter Photos

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First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)