Camp Christian Workday

Saturday, May 16, 2015

After a long winter there’s a lot of spring cleaning to be done to get Camp Christian back in shape for the summer and each year we Men make it part of our Ministry and Mission to help ready the camp for the summer season and the campers and conferees to come. And thanks to some generous donations to cover the cost of food there is no cost for Saturday meals. Please RSVP online at even if you are just coming on Saturday so that we may plan for the meals and the work projects.

Past work has included mowing, weed-whacking, plumbing, retrieving picnic bench building, painting, and sweeping, No matter your age or ability there’s something you can do! Nobody is too young or too old to lend a hand.


A huge thank you to the entire congregation on behalf of the General Board. Our Rafflemania/Quarter Auction event on May 5 netted us $802 toward camp fees for our children and youth. We had many compliments on the quality of our donated raffle items. It was a fun event for a very worthwhile cause.


On Sunday, May 17 during worship, we will recognize our seniors graduating from High School: Molly Farkas, Olivia Milburn, McKenna Simpson, and Kaitlin Thompson. We will present them with bibles. Come celebrate their accomplishments.


On Sunday, May 24 we celebrate and remember the coming of the Holy Spirit. This very special day in the church year is also known as the birthday of the church, because this day commemorates when the disciples went out, spoke in tongues, and told the Good News of Jesus Christ. People believed, lives were transformed and the church was born. The Rev. Carol Oetzel will be leading us in worship on this sacred day. Everyone is invited to WEAR RED as we invite the Holy Spirit to enter our lives and transform us.

Dear Church Family…

Dear Church Family,

In February 2006, we began doing ministry together.  We have walked in faith together through times of great joy, grief, celebration, and wonder.  God has guided us through these times with divine love and light.  I treasure all we have done together in the name of Christ.

After prayerful discernment, I am resigning my position as Pastor.  This has not been an easy decision to make, but I know that I am doing as God is calling.  My last Sunday will be June 28.  On this day we will worship God with great joy and thanksgiving for the love we have shared over the years.  We will gather at Christ’s Table and remember that we are one in Christ no matter where our journeys lead us.

During this time of transition, I want to encourage you in two ways.  First, let this time be something that stirs you to prayer like never before.  Be praying for FCC, its leadership, and the next Pastor.  Pray for unity.  Pray for continued growth in grace, wisdom and faith.  Pray, pray, pray!  Second, I want to encourage you to stay the course.  God is good.  God’s steadfast love endures forever.  God’s love for you, God’s love for me… is forever!  God is still God and FCC is centered on following the call of Jesus Christ.  This is a great church and your continued participation on Sundays and participation in all the ministries are more important than ever.  This can be a very exciting time as you bond together to move forward in ministry.

I treasure the weeks ahead that we have together.  I look forward to these times filled with God’s love, laughter and joy.  I thank you for the love each of you has given.  It has been my honor and joy serving God as your Pastor.

with love, Laureen 🙂


Bible Study

Wednesday morning Bible Study with Pastor Roe will continue with the book of Romans. The group meets Wednesdays 10:30AM – 12:00N. Our current session is scheduled for April 22 through May 20. Please read Romans 1:1-17 for our first class.

Wed Bible Study


Worship Theme

 Bloom!Our current worship theme is Bloom! – Growing with God. We will be exploring scriptures focused on flowers, seeds, weeds and growth. It is an exciting time of year when everything in nature is coming back to life after lying dormant all winter. Come explore ways to bring new life to your faith and spirit.

Scriptures & Schedule:

April 12:  Isaiah 40:3-8, 1 Peter 1:13-26

April 19:  Luke 12:13-34

April 26:  Youth Sunday

May 3:  John 15:1-17

May 10:  Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

May 17:  Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


Kroger Cards

It’s that time of the year again. Time to re-enroll your Kroger card in the Kroger Community Rewards program for the fiscal year of May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016. To support our CWF ministries follow the instructions below:

  1. Log on to
  2. Click on sign-in
  3. Put in e-mail address and password
  4. Select “Community”
  5. Then select “Community Rewards”
  6. View your details
  7. Our organization number is 81221 – First Christian Church – Middletown
  8. Using the Edit tab, re-enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program for the current year.

April CWF News

CWF (Christian Women’s Fellowship) wishes to thank all who helped in any way on our March Salad Luncheon. We had 71 persons attend and our gross income was $528. After expenses, we will net a little over $400 which will be spent on both local and national mission projects.

On March 29th CWF sponsored a discussion on the book and movie “Heaven is for Real”. A light lunch was served and there were 11 present. We would like to have another lunch and book discussion in June on a Sunday after church. A date will be announced later.

Blessing Boxes will be dedicated on May 10th this year. You may place your money in an envelope or bring your Blessing box that day.

CWF Executive Board will meet on May 2nd at 11:00 after choir practice in the Memorial Room. We will plan our get-together then.

Spring Outreach Collection

Paper goodsFor our upcoming collection, we would like to suggest paper products such as facial tissue, (Kleenex or any brand), toilet tissue, paper towels and liquid hand soap. As always, all nonperishable items are welcome and can be placed in the wooden box left of the narthex. Your Outreach Team appreciates your continued support which is making a difference in our community!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)