Christmas Discipleship Day

Discipleship Day Dec 6 2014On Saturday, December 6, 11:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. our Christian Education Team is hosting a very special Christmas Discipleship Day.  This day is for all children and youth.  It will begin following the Children’s program rehearsal.  There will be lunch and lots of fun activities and games.  Please note this gives elves (parents/grandparents) the majority of the day to take care of whatever elf duties (shopping) you have.  Questions?  Contact Mary Helen Shetter or Lora Schueller.

Have a Very Hippie Christmas

Have a very hippie Christmas_t

On Sunday, December 7 during our regular worship at 10:00 a.m.  our children and youth will be bringing us a very special Christmas message – Have a Very Hippie Christmas.  Their unique retelling of the Christmas story will take us into a world of tie-dye, cool cats, and royal dudes.  Invite your family, friends, and all who need to experience Christ’s hope, peace, love and joy this Christmas.

Rehearsals  All children and youth who want to participate in the Christmas program on December 7 need to attend rehearsals:

Sunday, Nov. 23       11:15AM – 12N        Music

Sunday, Nov. 30       11:15AM – 12N        Music

12N – 2PM                 Full program rehearsal lunch included

Saturday, Dec. 6       9AM – 11AM             Full program rehearsal

Sunday, Dec. 7          9AM                              Run thru prior to worship

Questions? Please contact Laureen Roe, Mary Helen Shetter or Lora Schueller.


PoinsettiasWe will once again decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias for Advent and Christmas.  If you would like to purchase one in memory or in honor of a loved one, all orders must be received by Sunday, November 30.  All poinsettias will be red with the following sizes:

5-7 blooms:          $10.00

12-15 blooms:     $20.00

15-20 blooms:     $30.00

Order forms are linked below.

Poinsettia Order Form

A Note from the Property Folks

In 1996, our congregation dedicated the property at 4520 Rosedale Road, Middletown, Ohio to God.  To that end, we are to care for it as sacred and holy.  Just as we care for one another in times of great need, we are to look at the physical needs of the property.

Currently, our parking lot is in dire need of repair, and our insurance company has asked for an estimated date of repair.  The parking lot needs repairs, paving with 2” of compacted asphalt, and new curbing.  The Property Commission has obtained a bid for this repair.  The first bid we received is $52,500.  The repairs are needed relatively soon as our parking lot may begin to crumble during another harsh winter.  Crumbling would increase the costs dramatically.  Money to cover this cost is not in our current budget.

Property will be discussing parking lot repairs along with other major property expenses (i.e. furnaces/AC units replacement) on the horizon with the General Board.  It is likely that we will need to have a capital campaign in order to finance these major needs.  Assuming the General Board votes to move forward with a capital campaign, we are going to be asking for you – our members – to commit money over and above your current pledge.

Please begin to pray as we discern how to move forward faithfully.  Pray for the leaders of our church, pray for guidance in increasing your giving so we can cover these costs, and pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell among us during these challenging days.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Tim Powers or Larry Steele.

I Thank God for YOU

Below is an excerpt from the sermon Sunday, November 23, 2014…

I thank God for all of you.  I remember you in my prayers, and give thanks for the ministry we have done together over the years.

For many months now, I have been trying to think of a way to thank you who have answered God’s call on your lives… you who live out your faith with passion and serve others with love, and look to the future with great hope in your hearts.   Everything I thought of as a way to say thanks and acknowledge your faith and dedication required more effort upon some of you.  This defeated the purpose of a special thank you.

I do however give thanks to God for you, and I’ve come up with a way to acknowledge my thankfulness before God and all of you.  Here’s how this is going to work… I’m going to mention many of the things and ways you give of your lives to God and Jesus Christ.  When I mention something you have done, raise your hand and you will be given a flower.  There are many of you who do more than one thing, raise your hand every time something you do is mentioned.

Let’s get this thankfulness fun started…

I give thanks to God for those of you who are here to Worship God and Jesus Christ this morningflowers will be passed out to everyone.  Taking the time to worship is something many in our culture choose not to do.  It would be easy to stay at home, go shopping, or on a nice day garden or golf.  But, your faith has propelled you to be here this morning worshipping and sharing your heart, soul and mind with God and all those within our faith community.  I thank God for you as you are a visible witness to the world beyond these walls that spending time with God in God’s house is important.

  • I thank God for those who have served as Moderator at any point during the history of the church…     The Moderator’s role in our midst is to work closely with me and navigate the business of the church.  This requires a great deal of prayerful work and savvy.  Your dedication, faithfulness and love of our congregation has enabled us to move forward together with hope and promise.  Thank you!
  • I thank God for our Elders and Elder Emeriti      I often refer to the Elders as the Associate Pastor of this congregation, because collectively this is how I rely on them.  They regularly visit our specials needs members and serve them communion, they make hospital visits, they pray along with me for our congregation, they watch over the spiritual health of the congregation, they care for the pastoral care needs of the congregation in my absence, and serve in many other ways to build up the body of Christ here at FCC.
  • I thank God for our Deacons, Deacon Emeritus and Junior Deacons    Our deacons are the hands of Christ in our midst.  These quiet servants are so often the first that anyone encounters when they come through our front doors.  It is through them that we experience Christ’s presence as they carry and serve the bread and cup.  While some are here earlier than most, preparing the table; other deacons stay later than most cleaning up communion and our sanctuary.
  • I thank God for those on our General Board and Cabinet    These folks serve as the leaders of our church.  They direct, guide and lead the ministries of our congregation.  Their work ranges from creating mission and ministry opportunities to setting our church budget.  They are the key think tank for our ministry together.
  • I thank God for our youth    Our young people are to be treasured.  They bring hope in promise into our midst simply by being here.  They inspire us to be stronger and more passionate in our faith – for God has entrusted their spirits and souls to us.
  • I thank God for those who sing in the choir and provide special music    The choir is the most dedicated group within our church.  They faithfully meet nearly every week to practice and prepare to lead us in worship.  No other group within the church meets with this regularity and provides leadership in worship as often or as melodically as they do.
  • I thank God for those who volunteer in the office including those who help with the newsletter…     The bulletins you have on Sunday mornings, the newsletter you receive, the phone calls they answer, the visitors they receive, the supplies they order, and the minute day-to-day details they handle is what keeps the church functioning.  These faithful volunteers are a blessing beyond words.
  • I thank God for those who teach – this includes anyone who helps with Bible Study, Sunday School, CWW…     Teaching is one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in scripture.  Where would any of us be without teachers of the faith?  It is because of these that our children grow in their understanding of God and Jesus Christ.  It is because of these that our own wisdom and passion in the faith grows.  They dedicate themselves to learning and growing in their own faith, so that they can share that with those God has entrusted to their care.
  • I thank God for our Sunday morning prayer group    These faithful people come on Sunday mornings and pray for our church and those in our congregation who need extra prayers.  In many ways, they set the tone for our day of worship.
  • I thank God for all our custodial volunteers    We now have a custodial service. But prior to their arrival a couple months ago, there were those in our midst who swept floors, emptied trash cans, dusted, mopped and cleaned the bathrooms.  I once read about a colony of Buddhist monks who lived in such a way that it was viewed that the ones cleaning the toilets were the most enlightened.  They believed this because it was only out of true humbleness and gratitude that one could serve others in this manner.
  • I thank God for CWF women    The women of CWF remind me much of house churches in the first century.  Much like the house churches, the CWF circles care for one another with love and Christ-like compassion.  They do this while also extending an arm outside their circles to do mission and service to those in need.
  • I thank God for those who care for our Property – this includes serving on a lawn team or coming for Property Workday…     these folks git ‘er done!  They do whatever is necessary to keep the building and property in working order.  The things they do range from cutting the grass to taking care of swarming bugs in my office and bees in the kitchen.
  • I thank God for those who serve Hope House, SHALOM and our other Outreach ministries    Those of you who serve in this capacity are sharing the heart of Christ with every meal you make, every food basket you put together, every delivery you make, and every moment you give.  You are directly impacting the lives of those who Christ calls us to serve.
  •  I thank God for our Financial Team this includes counters, financial secretary and treasurer…     Those of you serving in these roles are sharing your financial and math skills in a way that keeps the business of the church running smoothly.  I want you to know that the countless hours you give are noticed.
  • I thank God for our Trustees and Wills, Gifts and Memorials members…     Your willingness to oversee the legalities of the church and the invested funds is a blessing to us all.  Your care and attention to detail are appreciated as you represent us.
  • I thank God for our Tech Team    Our tech team is more than just running the computer and sound in worship on Sunday – which I am abundantly grateful.  They also are the first to call when we need help with the alarm system, phones or computers during the week during the week.  They use their expertise to keep us at the top of our game in these areas.  They’ve also been known to reach out within our congregation and help many of you with your personal tech issues as well.
  • I thank God for those who have served on a Worship Theme Team over the last year…     This year has been a grand adventure with the Worship Theme Teams.  We have had a great deal of fun creating with God and each other.  I also want to acknowledge that it has also been a lot of work.  Many hours have been put in creating the worship space and services that raise our spirituality.


I thank God for all of you!

with love, Laureen 🙂

Thanksgiving is…

4Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.                                 (Philippians 4:4-7, NRSV)


Thanksgiving is upon us.  In Philippians, Paul tells us that we should have an attitude full of thankfulness and joy.  And, through this we will receive God’s peace.

This “peace” Paul promises does not come about through the absence of strife or hardship.  Paul’s own difficult life clearly points that out.  The peace which Paul speaks about is a peace that comes from within.  When you are truly connected to God through prayer, an inner peace, an inner calm washes over you.  No words can explain it, but when you experience it you know that in all things you can give thanks, because God’s loving peace has entered your life.

God’s joy and peace cannot be seen, touched, purchased or possessed – like food, clothing, cars, boats or homes. And yet, they are the very greatest gifts we ever receive. To give thanks for the intangibles is what Paul is calling all of us to do.  We are called to give thanks for everything – especially the things that are intangible.  It is in thanksgiving that you can recognize that it is all about God and not about you.

In Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s classic book The Little Prince, the fox character is saying goodbye to the little prince, and as he leaves he says, “And now here’s my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”


“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the little prince repeats, so that he will be sure to remember.  This fox’s insight is right in line with what the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians:

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).  It is the unseen that is eternal. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

This approach to Thanksgiving runs counter to conventional wisdom, and it refuses to fall into step with the swarm of shoppers that will surge into shopping malls on Black Friday to begin the Christmas buying binge.

Paul doesn’t give thanks for gold jewelry, PlayStations, leather jackets, computer tablets, or trendy toys.  Throughout the scriptures, he refuses to focus on the things that can be seen, because he knows that these things are temporary.

Instead, he looks only at the essential and eternal things that are invisible to the eye. When he counts his blessings, he lists absolutely nothing you can buy, and nothing you can own – only faith, love, a spirit of wisdom, a spirit of revelation, God’s inheritance, God’s power.

Paul reminds us to appreciate is the immeasurable greatness of God’s gifts in our lives – and give thanks for them!  Whether we are rich or poor, homeowners or homeless, working or unemployed, we have access to an amazing set of essential, eternal, unseen treasures – God’s love, joy and peace – all of which pass all our human understanding!  When we remember these, we can honestly say to God, “Thanks for everything!”

with love, Laureen 🙂


Snow Policy

SNOWOur snow policy for cancellation of worship is as follows:
If Butler County declares a Level 2 or 3 snow emergency we will not have worship.  Otherwise, we will have worship.  Please use your best judgment when deciding whether you should attend.  We do not want anyone risking accident or injury.  If you have any concerns, it is better you stay home and be safe.
Please note: we do not put a message on local television or radio.  We will update our website and Facebook page.
If you know someone within our congregation who does not have internet, please give them a call and share this information.

Children’s Christmas Program

childrens_christmas_program_3Our children’s Christmas Program this year will be Sunday, December 7 during our morning worship service.  The children will begin learning the songs during Youth Choir (11:15-12 each Sunday).  Also, rehearsals on November 30, 12-2:00 p.m. and December 6, 9:00-11:00a.m.  Please make sure your children/grandchildren are in attendance if they are going to participate.  If you have questions, please contact Mary Helen Shetter or Lora Schueller.


Be Safe Be Aware2Do you ever worry about the safety of the children in your life?  How to protect our children and youth in our crazy world of predators, drugs, and violence is of great concern.  To help our young people navigate through our world safely, we are hosting BE SAFE – BE AWARE.  This event scheduled for Sunday, November 23, 12noon -2:00p.m. will help our youth and adults look at the safety issues facing young people today.  Mike Simpson (Preble County Sherriff), Matt Lyons (Law Enforcement Specialist), and Martin Schaefer (Computer/Internet Specialist) will lead this informative afternoon.  Everyone is welcome.  Lunch will be provided.  Please invite your friends and neighbors.


Thanksgiving OutreachAs we approach the holiday season, our Outreach Ministry Team is inviting you to share with others within our community.  We will continue our tradition of working with Family Services to provide food for Thanksgiving meals for several area families.  As we give thanks for our blessings, we are thankful for the opportunity to help others.  We will have an Outreach table in the narthex/lobby beginning November 2 to distribute food requests for Thanksgiving.  Please stop by for more information.  We appreciate all that you do to help Outreach continue this giving tradition!

–  Sharon Amburgey and Judy Andrews, Outreach Co-Chairs

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)