On Sunday, October 26 our Chi Rho middle school youth delivered 20 new winter coats to Hope House’s Women’s and Children’s Center.  They helped children find the right size.  The children’s faces were filled with delight as they were zipped into their new coats.  One young girl, stretched her arms as wide as she could and squealed, “It’s purple!”  The money used to buy the coats came from previous mission fundraisers the Chi Rho youth had earned.

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Community Thanksgiving Worship

Thanksgiving141028Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship Service

November 23 at 4:00 p.m.

Join your friends and neighbors of different denominations and faith traditions at The Episcopal Church of the Ascension (2709 Mcgee Ave) for a community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 23 at 4:00 p.m.  The Rev. Sara Cutter from Zion Lutheran will be offering the sermon.  There will be a combined choir from all churches participating.  A collection of socks and underwear (all sizes, kids and adults) will be taken to support the Clothing Depot.


Faith and Health: A Guide to Better Living

DaveOn Sunday, November 9, 6-8 p.m. at FCC-Middletown you are invited to join us for Faith and Health: A Guide to Better Living.  This special evening of learning will be led by Dr. David Lombard.  He will use his expertise in the field of psychology to explore how our faith, health and well-being intersect with one another.  Dr. Lombard has been a Clinical Psychologist for almost 40 years working primarily with adults and older adolescents.  He has maintained a private practice for over 35 years while dividing time in community mental health (11 years) and hospital-based services (28 years).  He has served as a consultant for a private school for youth with behavioral problems, drug and alcohol program and a city fire and emergency department.  He was also a faculty member of the Wright State University School of Professional Psychology from 1978 to 2012.  He serves our church as an Elder and former Moderator.


Enthusiasm for God

Praise the Lord!  What does it mean to truly praise the Lord?  First, what is praise?

According to the dictionary “praise” is the expression of approval and admiration or it is the extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.  Although it is used for talking highly about other things, it is usually applied to our God.  Of all the times it is used in the Bible, one third of those are found in the Psalms.  Almost all of these times it appears in the plural, showing us that our lives need to involve praising God.  We cannot be what God wants us to be and not include praise in our lives.

Another definition says that “Praise” is a natural and necessary response to fully enjoy the object that is praised.  For example, when watching a football game, it is a natural response to praise a tremendous play.  To shout WOW!  After an acrobatic catch in the end zone is not only natural, but necessary to enjoy the spectacular play.  If you do not believe that it is necessary, the next time you watch a football game try to not express yourself at all.  No, shouts of joy – no moans of disgust – just sit there expressionless.  I can guarantee that you will not enjoy the action nearly as much as you do when you have the freedom to express yourself in praise and excitement!

So where do you praise God in your life?  Where do you express your excitement for God?  Here at church?  When you are out with your family and friends?  If not here at church or with your family and friends, where?

God wants us to surround ourselves with people that will build up the Kingdom.  That’s what church, family and friends should be about – Praising God!

The best way to succeed at this is to surround yourself with people who believe in God – people who not only believe in God, but also have a passion for God.

Psalm 111:1 says passion and enthusiasm are key when praising God, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.”   That means that we should praise God completely, unreserved, and unrestrained.  We are to do it with enthusiasm!

I use the word “enthusiasm” here because it’s one thing to say you believe in God, but it’s a totally different thing to have enthusiasm about your belief.  People who praise God with enthusiasm carry a special kind of energy.  They bring warmth and feeling to their relationships and vigor and freshness to all aspects of life.  This happens because they have given God access to EVERY part of their lives.

Do you know people who live with this kind of enthusiasm?  Are you filled with this type of enthusiasm?  Does God effervesce out of every part of you?  When living a life filled with enthusiasm for God, others are aware when you are excited about something.  You throw yourself into projects with everything you’ve got.  You have an eagerness about you and give all you’ve got so God can be glorified through you.  You are willing to pour your heart out for the joy it brings to others.  You know what being excited or jazzed about God can do in your life.  Imagine if everyone was filled with this kind of excitement and enthusiasm for God – it would change the world!  I look forward to enthusiastically praising God with you on Sunday!

with love,

Laureen 🙂



CWF and Outreach hosted a Baby Shower for the Crisis Pregnancy Center on Sunday, October 19th.  There were about $350 worth of items donated and the items were delivered to the center on Monday, Oct. 20th.  Thanks go to all who prepared food for the lunch and also to those who donated items to the center.

CWF will be purchasing a first aid kit for the kitchen and will also be updating the medication items in the other first aid kits at the church.

Hannah Circle will meet after church in fellowship hall on Nov. 2nd.  Please call Mary Helen about bringing a food item to share with the group.

Granddaddy & Apple Cider

Fall is upon us.  The colors are beginning to appear and the morning air is crisp.  I love the fall!  One of the best things about fall is cider.  My Granddaddy had a cider press and lots of apples trees.  Every fall he would have us (me and my siblings) collect the apples that had fallen from the trees.  We would fill our arms full of bruised apples, and put them in the top of the press. We would take turns helping my Granddaddy crank the press.  The apples would be chopped and squeezed.  The final step is pouring the cider through cheesecloth to filter out bits of seeds, peel, etc.  Then it was time to fill our cups – it was soooooo good!

Even though we had filtered the cider, there were times when bits of stuff would get through and it wasn’t perfect, but we didn’t care.  It was delicious.

Today, our culture has become very perfectionistic.  It seems most people expect things to be flawless.  There are special processes that apples go through so they look pretty in the store.  People just don’t like to buy things that are not perfect.  I find it very ironic that we now have products on the market that can be sprayed onto fruits and vegetables when you get home to remove all the products that have been put on the fruits and vegetables to make them look pretty.  It’s crazy!

The drive for perfectionism doesn’t stop with our fruits and vegetables.  It’s rampant throughout our society.  People want to live the perfect lives – never making a mistake or having a flaw.  My Granddaddy always used to say that the bruised apples made the best cider.  I think the same is true for people.  People who have not experienced any bruising in their lives are not fully living.  To live means to risk getting bruised.

The good news is that we do not have to take these risks alone.  God is there guiding us and helping us as we go.  And, when we get bruised God is there to hold us and comfort us.  Through the Holy Spirit God gives us a basket full of things to help us as we live our imperfect lives.  These things are called the Fruit of the Spirit, and they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal. 5:22)  Notice that perfection is not one of these.

In a world full of expectations of perfection, the church is a place where people can find relief from the pressure.  It is here that we can offer a place of acceptance and love.  I believe Jesus would say that bruised people are his people.  Our world is full of bruised people, but they are hiding their bruises.  Are you one?  I know I am.  Come, join us and allow God and Jesus Christ to hold you and bring you comfort.

with love,  Laureen 🙂

Worship Theme Team

Theme Team MtgWorship Theme Team brainstorming session Saturday, Sept. 13 @ 9AM. We will be planning October and November. Come add your thoughts and creativity into the mix.

Elders’ Study

SW WholeBeginning in September, our Elders will be studying Whole: A Call to Unity in Our Fragmented World by the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins.  In her hope-filled new book, Sharon Watkins, the General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and moderator-elect of the National Council of Churches, shares her vision of how the good news of Jesus calls American Christians to unite around justice, mercy, and openness in the 21st century.  She explores the question of how do we take the liberating gospel of Jesus to the world today?  Then explains that what really matters “is the relationship with a living, loving God, a God who calls us to love each other, to create communities of care and equipping for wholeness, so that the love and hope we know through our relationship with Christ can truly be carried from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.”  The book can be purchased at

Property Workday

chainsawProperty Workday is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, 9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.  Your help is needed to cut down trees, move some furniture and clean out rooms.  Please put this on your calendar and plan to help around God’s house.

Harvest Fun!

Come join the fun at Armco Park on October 5th.  We will picnic, play cornhole, and walk the new trails.   Bring a friend and a covered dish.  We will start eating at 12:30.  Membership committee will provide hot dogs and hamburgers.Fall Tree

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)