Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday2Join us for a very special Mother’s Day worship – YOUTH SUNDAY.  Our children and youth will lead our worship centered on the theme We are God’s Family.  Worship begins at 10:00a.m.  This is the perfect opportunity to invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to worship.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

church picnic_t_ntFirst Christian is holding its’ first ever “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event on May 17th at 6:00 p.m.  This is an event designed for our membership to become better acquainted.  The premise is a group of “hosts” entertain a random and secret group of guests.  Signup sheets will be made available to choose if you would like to be a guest, a host, or either. The Hosts will be chosen and notified of the number attending their dinner (not to exceed 6 persons).  The names and assignments of the guests will be kept confidential until the day before the dinner. The coordinators will email or call the guests and let them know the address of dinner. The host will provide the main course and beverages; the guests will be assigned either a side dish or dessert. The tighter the secret the more fun.  Let the fun begin!!


Who are we? As a group of people, who are we? We are God’s children. We are a worshipping people. We are community. We are CHURCH. Understanding that you and I are part of the church is critical if we are to live out our mission statement… First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a church dedicated to loving relationships with God & Jesus Christ, each other and the world. To be this church, each of us has to understand that we are part of the church. This is not someplace you simply come to on Sundays, it is not something separate from you. Church is not the building, it is not just one individual, it is not the pastor and elders. Church is us collectively embodying the love of God, sharing God’s love with one another and the world. We are called to share God’s love, and in doing so we are serving Christ Jesus. This is what it means to be the church. Being the church is not someone else’s responsibility; it is yours and mine, we are the church! I am ever grateful to be church alongside you, and look forward to journeying through the remainder of Lent with you as we experience and remember Jesus’ journey to the cross.
with love,
Laureen 🙂

Summer Camp

Summer Camp at Camp Christian in Magnetic Springs, Ohio is not far away. There are camps for youth kindergarten through 29 years old. Dates and more information on camps can be found at Registration Forms are available in the church office or at Once you have completed the registration form, return it to the church office along with half of the registration fee (church pays ½ fee and camper pays ½ fee). Checks should be made payable to First Christian Church. If you have any questions, please contact Laureen. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE OFFICE BY EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20.
Chi Rho Camp: June 8 – 14, 2014
CYF Conference: June 15 – 21, 2014
Otter Camp: June 22 – 28, 2014
Ribbit Camp: June 29 – July 2, 2014
CYF Conference: July 6 – 12, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 13 – 19, 2014
CYF Conference: July 20 – 26, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 27 – August 2, 2014
Advance Conference: August 3 – 10, 2014
Ribbit Camp: completed 2nd – 4th grades*
Otter Camp: completed 3rd – 5th grades*
Chi Rho Camp: completed 6th – 8th grades
CYF Conference: completed 9th-12th grades
Advance Confer.: post high school – 29 yrs old
* Note: 3rd and 4th graders have a choice between Ribbit and Otter Camp, but cannot attend both camps. Ribbit camp is ½ week long.

Youth Sunday Rehearsals

Youth Sunday will be Mothers’ Day, May 11. Children and youth of all ages will be leading worship on this special day. JYF, Chi Rho and CYF youth need to attend rehearsals on April 27 (12-2p.m.), May 4 (12-2p.m.) and May 10 (9-11a.m.). It is imperative youth attend these in order to participate.

Serving Hope House

Members of our congregation have made it a tradition to serve a meal to guests at Hope House on Good Friday. We have again been invited to serve and are asking for your help.
If you are available on Friday, April 18th from noon until approximately 1:30 pm and would like to help, please let me know. If you would like to assist in the kitchen, your services would also be appreciated. Your support of Outreach through prayers, giving and service to the homeless in our community continues to be a blessing! Please consider joining us and sharing in this rewarding Easter tradition.

CWF News

CWF Executive Board will meet on April 19th at 10:00 am at the church. Among our discussion items will be the upcoming All-Daughter Banquet on May 8th at 6:30 pm. This year we will have a carry-in dinner.
Also, we will be making plans for our Blessing Box Dedication Sunday on May 18th. If you need a Blessing Box, contact Marilyn Chamberlain or you may bring your money in an envelope labeled “Blessing Box” on that Sunday.
The 2014 Quadrennial Assembly for women of Disciples’ congregations will be held June 25th through June 29th in Atlanta, Georgia. If you are interested in attending, you may register online at or see Marilyn C. for details. CWF has funds available to help defray the cost of attendance.

Administrative Professionals Week

Over the last year we have been blessed with wonderful volunteers in the church office: Sharon Amburgey, Judy Andrews, Leigha Blevins, Carol Efker, Linda Lombard, Paulette McCandless, Mary Bob Powers, Tim Powers, Linda Poynter, and Betty Stacy. This dedicated group helps to keep supplies ordered, newsletters and bulletins published, phones answered, and all the miscellaneous things covered. Please remember to say thank you to them during Administrative Professionals Week April 21-25.

Disciple History Class

Chalice_HighBeginning Sunday, April 27 we are offering a new adult Christian Education class following worship focusing on our Disciple History.  We will explore the Stone-Campbell movement on the frontier and who we are as Disciples today. We will be using the curriculum Leaders and Legends:  A Study of Stone-Campbell History & Beliefs written by the Disciples Historical Society. Leaders within our congregation will guide us through the study. This class is perfect for those who have recently become a part of our church community and those who have been around awhile. No matter who you are this is an excellent opportunity to deepen your understanding of who we are as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Vendor & Craft Sale

church_craft_saleSpread the word! On Saturday, May 3, 10:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. we are hosting a Vendor and Craft Sale. Vendor & Craft tables include: jewelry, massage, woodwork, candles, Tupperware, Origami Owl, Mary Kay, blankets, animal treats, 31, Avon, scarves, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, children’s books, leather works, and many more. There will also be food, drinks and baked goods for sale. Table rental fees and proceeds from food items go to support our Camp Christian Fund to help send our youth to church camp this summer. Make sure to invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers. This is a great opportunity to pick up something for Mother’s Day. If you have questions, please contact Tina Yarber.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)