Maundy Thursday

maundy thursday_std_tJoin us Thursday, April 17 at 7:00p.m. as we remember Jesus’ final days.  Our Elders have planned an interactive time of worship and reflection that includes:  The Last Supper, foot washing, praying in Gethsemane, and Jesus’ crucifixion.


Join us Sunday, April 20 as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Sunrise ServiceSunrise Celebration @ 7:30 a.m. in our outdoor worship center




Breakfast @ 8:15 a.m.

Easter Egg HuntEgg Hunt for children @ 9:15 a.m.




Easter CelebrateWorship Celebration @ 10:00 a.m.

A Week at Camp Christian Changes Lives

Each year we send youth to Camp Christian for a week of church camp. Studies have shown that a week of church camp is as valuable as a year of Sunday School. Below are examples of how Church Camp can impact the faith and life of a young person.

vespersWhen I was 11 years old, back in 1957, I met God for the first time. I had been to church and Sunday school all my life, prayed before meals with my family and said my bedtime prayers, but I never really experienced God until my first time at Camp Christian. I remember thinking something on the order of “Ah, so this is where God lives when He’s not in Heaven!” Sure there were mean kids (who usually were less mean as the week progressed) and I was a wee bit homesick (for a New York minute) but hanging out with old and new friends, bonding with counselors and worshiping in that blessed placed changed me forever. I began my journey (still in progress) toward becoming a Christian then and there! I went every year until I was 16 and had to get a summer job. I met Jesus there too, or should I say He became REAL to me. Transforming, that’s all I can say! Of course, things have changed there. Cabin 1 is no longer. The pool is newer (still cold) and the faces have changed. But, I think God and Jesus still hang out there when They’re not in Heaven! ~Linda Lombard

I grew up through the Camp Christian summer programs, and those weeks at camp certainly have shaped my faith. But the most profound moment for me at Camp did not happen when I was a teenager.  It happened about 5 years ago when I was serving as Director for Otter Camp.
If your birthday falls during the week you are at Camp, the kitchen staff makes you a special birthday cake and the whole camp sings “Happy Birthday” to you. It’s a lot of fun! Ever had 200+ sing to you?
This particular year there was a little third grader who was a little backwards, and she struggled fitting in. The camper’s CIT (counselor-in-training) extended extra attention and care for her. On Thursday, it was the camper’s birthday. At the end of lunch, the staff came out with her cake, and everyone began singing to her. Instead of walking up front to get her cake, the camper ran out the doors. Her CIT popped up and went after her. I followed. The three of us ended up nearby on a bench under a tree. I sat there; didn’t say anything. Just sat there as the CIT held the crying girl’s hand and prayed with her. After some discussion between the two, the young camper explained that she didn’t know what to do. No one had ever celebrated her birthday before. She was embarrassed, and didn’t think she deserved a cake. I then told her that she was God’s beautiful daughter, and that God wanted her to have a cake on her birthday. The CIT expressed that she wished she was at Camp for her birthday, so she could get a “God Cake”. The camper then smiled and I could see the love of God wash over her face. In that moment, a young woman’s life was changed. So was the CIT’s. So was mine. ~Laureen
If you want to help us send our youth to Camp Christian this summer, you can make a donation to our Camp Christian Fund. It costs $340 to send a camper to Camp. Please prayerfully consider giving a special offering and help impact the faith of the youth entrusted to our care.

FCC Young Adults

7_young_adult_ministry_header21-960x250Mark and Laureen invite young adults (post high school through 29 years old) to their house for dinner, study and discussion on Sunday, February 23 at 6:00p.m.  The group will view a NOOMA video and discuss. They will also discuss goals and desires for the group’s future.

Let’s Go to a Movie

On February 28, SON OF GOD will be released in theatres. The movie is an epic retelling of Jesus’ life. The movie is produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downing (producers of the mini-series The Bible) and directed by Christopher Spencer.
Want to see the movie? How about seeing it with your church family? Saturday, March 15 we will gather as a group and go see a matinee. Following the movie we will have dinner and discussion. If you want go, please let us know. Sign-up is located on bulletin board near drinking fountain. Want to know more about the movie, go to

Sock Collection

socksJoin us for First Sunday Mission Day on March 2. We have all been impacted by the extreme cold temperatures this winter but not nearly as hard as the homeless in our area. As a result, Outreach will be collecting socks for men, women and children from this Sunday through March 2nd. We invite you to add to our collection of new socks and join us immediately following worship on the first Sunday in March. At that time we will be adding prayer cards to each pair of socks to be given to individuals temporarily staying at Hope House and the Hope House Center for Women and Children in Middletown.

Lenten Book Study

the questionTuesdays during Lent, Rev. Roe will lead a book study on Philip Yancey’s book, The Question That Never Goes Away: Why. Yancey addresses the challenges to faith in the face of extraordinary pain, random suffering, and extreme tragedy. All of these cause us to ask “Really, God?!” If the question “Why?” nags at your spirit, join us for this deep exploration of faith.  We are offering two group times:
Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m.
Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m.
Groups will begin March 11. You can purchase the book at Current cost is $11.55. If you do not wish to purchase the book, you are still welcome to participate in a group.

Outreach February Collection

During February, Outreach is asking for donations of soup and crackers and all your support is greatly appreciated.Outreach Soup & Crackers

Experience LIGHT!

Creation     In the midst of the cloudy, extremely cold, snowy winter we are having where are you experiencing the LIGHT?

I see Light when having lunch with one of our young members and her grandmother on a snow day.  I hear the Light when a visit with an elderly member becomes a moment of worship and we are singing together In the Garden.  I feel the Light when gathered with our General Board and in the midst of church business there is laughter, and genuine love for God and church is expressed.  I touch the Light when a hug turns into a moment of prayer.  I bask in the Light when worshipping with all of you, my loving church family.

Where are you experiencing the LIGHT this winter?  I look forward to hearing your stories.  Please share them in the comment section below.

with love,  Laureen 🙂

Salad Luncheon

Salad Lunch 2014

CWF’s annual Soup and Salad Luncheon will be held on Monday, March 17th this year.  We will be calling members of the congregation for assistance with food items and also we will need help in the kitchen with serving and clean-up that day.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)