Clergy Appreciation Month (Oct 2013)

The month of October is traditionally designated as a time to show appreciation for the church’s clergy. To this end we ask that each of us make a concerted effort to thank those who work within our church: Pastors Laureen Roe and George Reese, Beth Bentley and Evan Dean. Send a card of thanksgiving or extend a handshake of thanks throughout this month to show that their care for the church does not go unappreciated.

Youth Spirit Encourager 2013-14

As in past years, we are again asking you to participate in the Youth Spirit Encourager program, which pairs an adult in the church with a youth in the church. As an “encourager,” the adults send notes and letters of encouragement and prays for the youth throughout the year. The identity of the encourager remains a secret from the youth until a breakfast in the spring, at which time the pairings are revealed.

If you would like to be an encourager, please fill out the form in the narthex and return it to Mary Helen Shetter or Beth Bentley. Encouragers will be matched with a youth and given information about that individual.

Please prayerfully consider being a Youth Spirit Encourager. It is a wonderful opportunity to nurture a young person in faith.


We celebrated “Homecoming” this weekend at the Roe house. No fancy suits or dresses, no expensive dinners out. Instead, we enjoyed Corey and Collin both home from college for the weekend. As our homecoming weekend began, the laundry room overflowed with dirty clothes, the family room floor became the recipient of large shoes, and the refrigerator quickly emptied.

Saturday night did not see us putting on dancing shoes. Instead we ate Chinese takeout, settled into the family room, and watched a movie. For me, most Saturday nights are filled with my final sermon/worship/Sunday prep. The gift of sabbatical enabled me to thoroughly enjoy this special homecoming night with my men. Thank you!

Homecoming Shoes

Homecoming Shoes

Sunday morning, I came downstairs, made a cup of tea and navigated my way around the collection of shoes scattered on the floor. For years I have grumbled about the shoes all over the family room floor. But, I have to admit that my heart warmed as I sat in prayer with my tea gazing over the shoes decorating the room. They were evidence of the love present in our home this homecoming weekend.

Central Christian Church Kettering, Ohio

Central Christian Church
Kettering, Ohio

We chose to “go home” and worship God with our church family in Kettering at Central Christian Church. It has been over ten years since I have worshipped on Sunday morning with my beloved faith family of origin. My heart was filled with tender love as I sat with Mark, Corey and Collin with our church family who nurtured and shaped us. In the midst of our Central Christian family, Mark and I were dedicated as infants, made our confessions of faith, were baptized, grew our relationship with God and one another in Chi Rho and CYF, exchanged our marriage vows, dedicated Corey and Collin as infants, acknowledged my call to ministry, witnessed Corey’s confession of faith and baptism, and celebrated my ordination into Christian ministry.

Yesterday, we were home! Embraced by many of the saints that helped raise us and teach us about the true nature of God’s love. Reconnected to friends who shared our younger years. It was a blessed homecoming!

I am looking forward to coming home to my beloved church family in Middletown. I miss worshipping God and sharing the Lord’s Supper with you. We have 20 days remaining in our sabbatical time. Until we celebrate my homecoming with you, I continue to pray for you. I also lift special prayers for George, Beth, Evan, our Elders and church leaders who lead with Christ’s light and love.

I will see you soon, and look forward to the “shoes” we will scatter in Christ’s name together!

with love, Laureen 🙂

Get Your Jesus Jeans On

I’ve had a couple busy weeks recently.  In the midst, I met Jesus in jeans — refreshing and soul gratifying.  In the midst of preparing to be out of town, I paused on a Thursday with Nancy Schaefer and attended worship at CHCA (Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy) where Nancy teaches.  The worship was led by high school students.  And, yes, they were wearing their jeans.  One of the most moving moments of our time of worship was when we were singing Hosanna by Hillsong.  In the midst of the song surrounded by teenagers we sang,

Worship @ CHCA with Nancy Schaefer September 19, 2013

Worship @ CHCA with Nancy Schaefer
September 19, 2013

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees
Hosanna in the highest



Standing in the midst of a new generation, my heart swelled with God’s love and awe as I experienced the Holy Spirit through the pure faith of the generation surrounding me singing to their Lord, Jesus Christ.  They sang with selfless faith, and led me into the midst of holy presence.  All while dressed in jeans.

The next day, we headed to Athens for Parents’ Weekend at OU to visit with Collin.  He’s settled and doing very well.  I left Athens for Davidson, NC for a week at the Davidson Clergy Center.  I will share more about this divine time with you later.  I will say this about my week there… I met Jesus in my jeans, in my workout clothes, on my bicycle, alongside a horse, and on a comfy couch in my khakis.  You will be hearing much more about this week in the months to come.  I thank you for the incredible opportunity.

On Sunday, September 29, Mark and I went to Legacy Christian Church in Harrison, OH.  Some of Elders may remember this church from a conference we attended there several years ago.  One of the greatest gifts Legacy offers to those attending worship is hospitality — come as you are, be who you are.  So, with this in mind, I got up Sunday morning and put on my jeans and went to worship God and Jesus Christ.  When we arrived we were greeted with the love and hospitality God intends.  Throughout worship there were moments filled with grace, light and love.  Rev. Mark Garrett (Lead Pastor), Rev. Willisa Redford (Children and Family Pastor), the praise band and Elders led us into the presence of God through song, message, prayer and the breaking of bread.  Our time of worship concluded with a grand celebration of four baptisms!  Truly divine moments.  And, yes, they were wearing their jeans!

Rev. Willisa Redford performs baptism Legacy Christian Church September 29, 2013

Rev. Willisa Redford performs baptism
Legacy Christian Church
September 29, 2013

Rev. Mark Garrett delivers morning message Legacy Christian Church September 29, 2013

Rev. Mark Garrett delivers morning message
Legacy Christian Church
September 29, 2013








For the baptisms, all those participating and the pastors put on t-shirts and shorts.  The t-shirts read, “I made a spectacular splash!  Legacy Christian Church”   The baptismal was portable and sat in the center of the worship space.  As we witnessed new believers making a “spectacular splash” into a new life with Jesus Christ, I heard God singing in my heart, “I see a generation, rising up to take their place, with selfless faith.”  These were indeed rising up to take their place alongside others of the faith.  In our jeans, we were celebrating the revival of spirit, light and love in Christ’s name.

As followers of Christ Jesus, we are called to share the Good News with those who do not know Jesus.  In our world today, that means putting on our jeans.  What I mean by this is that whatever you do in your jeans plan on meeting someone who needs the Good News.  Most of the time we do not meet those who need the love of God and Jesus Christ when we are dressed in our Sunday best.  We meet them in our jeans, in our everyday clothes, doing our everyday tasks (shopping for groceries, cheering on the sidelines of a game, sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, etc.).  In your jeans, you are called to meet someone new, someone outside your social circle, someone lonely, someone busy, someone much like you (or not).

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, 19For though I am free with respect to all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more of them. 20To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might win those under the law. 21To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law) so that I might win those outside the law. 22To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. 23I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.

Who are you — who will you become in order to share the Gospel.  Will you set aside your comfortable/preconceived ways of what is a proper Christian?  Will you sing a new song accompanied by guitars and drums?  Paul did not change who he was.  He simply used all aspects of himself to reach the lost.  Paul didn’t hide his past, he didn’t put on pretty clothes and cover up.  He allowed God to use all of him to be witness to the the Good News of Jesus Christ.

People need to know God.  They need to see Jesus in you.  This means putting your Jesus jeans on and being a part of the world that is not pretty.  Being part of the the world that is broken.  How do you do this?  By putting on our Jesus jeans and allowing God to use us as witnesses of the Good News of Jesus Christ, we become part of the generation that is going to bring about a revival.  Whether you are 9 months old or 90+ years old, you are called.  Set aside your Sunday clothes, put on your Jesus jeans, sing a new song and share!  Our community, our city, our country, our world is in need of a revival!

Let me know where you and your jeans are going, what song you are singing, and who you meet!

with love, Laureen 🙂



The Great Northwest

Mary Jo and Laureen

Mary Jo and Laureen

The theme for this past weekend was “Adventure!”  On Friday, I traveled to northwest Ohio to visit my friend and colleague, Mary Jo Bray.  She is a very special woman of faith and a blessing to my life and the lives of so many others.  One of the joys of sabbatical has been the ability to worship with my clergy friends.  Our callings keep us from being able to share this sacred time together.  So, this weekend provided time to be with God and Mary Jo!  Thank you!

Worship @ FCC-Wauseon

Worship @ FCC-Wauseon

Sunday morning I attended the 8:30 a.m. traditional worship, Sunday school, and the 11:00 a.m. contemporary worship.

The Rev. Mary Jo Bray Welcomes all to the Lord's Supper

The Rev. Mary Jo Bray
Welcomes all to the Lord’s Supper

The Rev. Mitch Maxted, Senior Pastor, preached on Luke 15 filled with the parables of the lost (sheep, coin, son). The main point of the message was that the joy is in the finding. Being found by God is filled with great love, hope and grace.  Mitch summed up my experiences of the weekend.  Whatever our adventure, God kept finding me in moments of joy and filling them with love.  Worship also brought a special invitation to Christ’s table by Mary Jo (both times).  Her joyful spirit reflected Christ’s light and welcomed all to come as one and share in the meal of salvation.

God found Mary Jo and I throughout the weekend and often surprised us with incredible moments. Friday night we laughed harder than I have laughed in years. Have you ever laughed with friends and God? There’s something so uplifting and spirit filling in these moments.  On Saturday, Mary Jo took me on a Wyoming adventure where we found God in creation. We traveled to a Native American Buffalo Preserve in Fremont, Indiana (not Wyoming – just felt that way).  We were taken in a safari-style truck out into the middle of a large herd of buffalo.  We were blessed to see a two-day-old calf (pictured below).

Native American Buffalo Preserve Fremont, IN

Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve
Fremont, IN

Our guide shared with us that the calf would most likely not survive the winter.  Most buffalo calves are born in April, May and June giving them time for their hides to mature and put on weight before winter.  Unfortunately, this little calf may not have enough time for its body to mature.


Afternoon on the lake.

Afternoon on the lake.

Following our trip to “Wyoming,” Mary Jo invited me into a piece of her soul.  She took me to her cottage on the lake.  God blessed us with moments of awe and grandeur.  We enjoyed the landscape of beauty before us as we ate lunch, and then we canoed around the lake.   It was as if God created perfect the weather and setting for us to pause in divine spirit with one another.  We concluded the evening around a fire with more family and friends of the northwest.  To say the least, my weekend in the great northwest Ohio, was filled with love, laughter and light!


Mary Jo and Laureen at the lake.

Mary Jo and Laureen at the lake.

I miss hearing your stories and where God is feeding your soul.  So, please share in the comments below where God is finding you and bringing joy into your lives.







On another note… We have reached the midway point of our sabbatical time.  Only 47 days until I return.  I continue to use the hammers in my prayer time, and hold each of you in my prayers.  Next week I will be traveling to the Davidson Centre for their Clergy Renewal Program.  Over the past weeks, I have been reading and journaling in preparation for my time at Davidson.  The week promises to be one of divine renewal, growth and self discovery.  Thank you for this opportunity to grow, heal and live in God’s divine Light!

with love, Laureen 🙂

Fall Workday (Sep 28)

fallworkdaySaturday, September 28 is a day of opportunities for all.  It is the date the Property Team has set for our “Fall Workday.”  We have had many helping hands in and around the building each week but we need your help to accomplish tasks that need to be completed.  If you have a chainsaw, gas-powered trimmer, blower, or other outside tools, please bring them and join us.  If you can dust, sweep, wash windows or polish furniture, we can use your help.  We have a beautiful place of worship and it belongs to ALL of us.  Please consider helping the dedicated volunteers who are inviting you to join us at 9:00 am  during our semi-annual cleanup day.  We usually work until noon or early afternoon and look forward to seeing you!  To help in our planning, please let Sharon A. or Karen P. know if we can count on you.

Pumpkin Sale and Cookout on the Lawn (Oct 5)

pumpkin saleDuring this beautiful time of the year, we are busy making plans for a fun afternoon of activities, including a cookout. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th and join us in games for all ages. Euchre included. Plans are in the works for our youth to hold a Pumpkin Sale beginning at 3:00 pm. All other activities are scheduled from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to our friends and neighbors and enjoy some great fellowship!

Connecting with Christian Women’s Fellowship

CWF’s theme for this year is “Connecting – within our church and in our community.”  Our first project will be to invite all the women in our congregation to be a prayer partner to another woman within our congregation.  On Sept. 8th and 15th those wishing to participate may fill out a slip of paper with your name and any other information you wish to give – such as e-mail address, phone or mailing address, and on Sept. 22 you will be assigned a prayer partner.  If you are unable to be here and wish to have a prayer partner, just call or e-mail the church office.  You do not need to purchase or give anything to the other person.  We just ask that you communicate with your prayer partner at church, on the phone, by e-mail, or by a card through the mail.

We will be making “Hospitality Totes” for our community project.  These totes are to be given to families of hospital patients.  These will be assembled on October 13th after the second service.  A light lunch will be served and there will be an installation service for our CWF officers, who are as follows:

  • President:  Marilyn Chamberlain
  • First Vice President:  Helen Morgan
  • Second Vice President:  Dorice Perkins
  • Secretary:  Mary Helen Shetter
  • Treasurer:  Angie Otis
  • Sarah Circle Leaders:  Mary Back and Linda Poynter
  • Rebekah/Esther Circle Leaders:  Betty Stacy & Dorice Perkins
  • Hannah Circle:  TBA
  • Kitchen Chairmen:  Linda Poynter and Betty Stacy
  • Church Women United Delegates:  Helen Dennis & Dorice Perkins

If you are not currently involved in a CWF Circle, please know that an invitation is always open for you to participate!

Discernment Conference (Sep 21 & 22)

First Christian Church has entered into our Sabbatical period, designed to provide reflection, renewal and rejuvenation for both the pastor and the congregation.  These months are designed to seek God’s help discerning where we’ve been, who we are, and where we will go.

To accomplish this on the part of the congregation, we are holding a Discernment Conference on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22.  We will meet in groups of no more than 10, and respond to some questions that will help us to discern, along with our pastor, the future direction of our church.  Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum, regional pastor of the Christian Church in Ohio, will lead all sessions.

There will be two sessions on Saturday morning, two sessions on Saturday afternoon, and, if needed, two sessions on Sunday afternoon.  Each session will be about one to one and one-half hours long.  You will need to sign up for a session in advance on the chart in the Narthex.  You may also sign up by calling the church office Monday through Friday between 9 am and 1 pm.

To prepare you for the conference, we are listing below the questions in advance.  Copies will also be available on the table in the Narthex.

Who Are We?

  • What are our core values?
  • What are our strengths and what are our limitations?

What Is Our Future?

  • What are we building?
  • Where have you seen growth (including spiritual growth) over the past seven years?
  • What are you looking forward to in the next seven years?
  • What might the church do to make you a better disciple?


  • If you could design worship on Sunday morning, what would it look like?
  • If our church initiates some small encounter groups for our congregation and friends, what topics/activities would draw you into a group?

Dream! Dream! Dream!


When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream with God? Whether it is daydreaming or in your sleep, God moves in our lives through our dreams. Last night I traveled to Beargrass Christian Church for worship led by Andra Moran renowned worship leader and Christian musical artist. (

Andra Moran - worship leader

Andra Moran – worship leader

God and Andra invited the congregation to dream. From the moment we walked into the sanctuary until the last note was sung, we journeyed with God (and Andra) into a dream space filled with the light and love of Christ. Words cannot completely express the gift to my spirit this time of worship continues to be.

Dream Prayer Center @ Beargrass Christian Church with Andra Moran

Dream Prayer Center @ Beargrass Christian Church with Andra Moran

As we were invited to dream and pray with God, a piece of my soul opened – a piece I had not realized was closed. But, indeed my worshipful dream center had been repressed. Last night it burst open once again, and I was released into a place of wonderment and joy dreaming with God!

Our vision of Expressions! worship came flooding back into my spirit. Butterflies, joy, hope, light and dreams of soaring with GOD filled my spirit! God has called us to dream together… to create more joy together… to soar in Christ’s LIGHT together!

God calls us to dream. When we open ourselves to dream with God, we become co-creators with God. Do you dream of peace in your life? How about joy in your job or home? I encourage you to prayerfully daydream about these desires of your heart. Allow your worshipful dream center to burst open, and begin creating with GOD.

Dream with GOD and when I return we will continue our journey together… our journey filled with dreams… our journey filled with beautiful “Expressions!” of God’s love.

with love, Laureen 🙂

Let’s dream together. Share your dreams in the comment section below.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)