Blast from the Past

We are one month into our sabbatical time. I thought this would be a good time to touch base with Dave Lombard, sabbatical mentor and prayer partner. To do this we took the weekend to connect to some of our faith roots. Dave, Linda, Mark and I went to The Cane Ridge Meeting House in Paris, Kentucky on Saturday and then worshipped Sunday at Paint Lick Christian Church with our beloved minister, The Rev. Ted Faulconer.

View of pulpit and communion table

View of pulpit and communion table

Retired Senior Minister of Central Christian Church in Kettering, OH - previous church home of Lombard's and Roe's

Retired Senior Minister of Central Christian Church in Kettering, OH – previous church home of Lombard’s and Roe’s

I’ve been to Cane Ridge multiple times over the years, and each time I am reminded that I’m connected to a moment in the Christian faith that has transformed the lives of people for centuries. Standing in the church where Barton Stone preached and led, touches something in my spirit. God has called me into a line of ministers that have profoundly shaped the Christian faith in America. With this, comes responsibility. I do not take this responsibility lightly. God has called me to continue a ministry that began with brave men on a new frontier.

View from pulpit

View from pulpit

One of the greats in our faith tradition who has taught me, guided me, and loved me in the faith is Rev. Ted Faulconer. Sunday, Mark and I sat in a pew and worshiped like we did as teenagers (although, we did not pass notes) with Ted leading us in song, in prayer, through the scripture and Word, and to The Lord’s Supper.

Rev. Faulconer, Paint Lick Christian Church

Rev. Faulconer, Paint Lick Christian Church

My heart was filled just as it was as a child. It was filled with the great love of God. Ted has a very special way of sharing the pure love and joy of God and Jesus Christ. Ted’s message was one that spoke directly to my heart. It was as if God was speaking directly to me and no one else was in the room. Logically, I knew it wasn’t just for me, because Dave, Linda, Mark and about 30 other people were in the sanctuary, too. But, it was a divine moment of worship as one in the pew learning as a child of God.

Mark & Laureen Roe, Barbara & Ted Faulconer, Dave & Linda Lombard @ Paint Lick Christian Church

Mark & Laureen Roe, Barbara & Ted Faulconer, Dave & Linda Lombard @ Paint Lick Christian Church

After worship, we went to Ted and Barbara’s home for lunch. We reminisced, laughed and caught up with one another. I also had opportunity to sit at the knee of this wise, wise man of ministry and ask questions. His insight and practical wisdom will benefit us all in the years to come.

Thank you for this time and opportunity to connect to the roots of my faith. This is fuel for my spirit and renewal for my passion in ministry. Please feel free to post your sabbatical questions in the comment section below.

with love, Laureen 🙂

The Welcome Table

My week living in the CrossLight has has been full and interesting: prayer, journaling, biking, reading, packing Collin for college. Since getting Collin moved into Ohio University, I feel a little lost. No children at home, no church to pastor… It’s odd… My rudder seems directionless. It seems to be wobbling from side to side causing my spirit to drift.

Today, I awoke looking forward to entering into God’s house to worship, pray and sing praises. Along with the joy and exhilaration came an emptiness. My heart was missing YOU, my church family at FCC-Middletown.

Mark and I decided to go to church with his sister, Jennie, and her family in Cincinnati. When we walked in the doors we were greeted by a retired pastor we know from Camp Christian, and then several others we know from Camp. Then I looked up, and there it was… The CrossLight.

Not quite the same as ours, but confirmation of Christ’s light. Confirmation that I was home.

As worship continued, the confirmation kept coming as we sang praise songs, as the children’s choir sang, and as the Word of God was shared.

My rudder was finding direction in the CrossLight. I was being led by the light, I was being embraced, and ultimately I was being invited to Christ’s Table.
The familiar words were spoken, my heart swelled and tears filled eyes as I was reminded that through Christ, through his gift of life I was connected to YOU, to Collin, to Corey, to my Mother and Grandmother, to God and Jesus Christ. I had not shared in this common meal since sabbatical began. Since I was with you last. Today I sat at Christ’s table, welcomed and loved as a beloved child of God no longer drifting, no longer aching. Fully absorbing the grace-filled connection we have through Christ!

I pray that as we spend this divine time apart that you are fed as you come to Christ’s table welcome to all. For it is at Christ’s table that we are connected to one another. It is here that we are reminded we belong to one another no matter our physical location.

Miss you with love, Laureen 🙂

Small Group Ministry – Group Encounter

Small GroupsGroup Encounter is a group of individuals who have come together to introduce the church to possible small group activities, as well as to solicit their input on the kinds of groups they would like to participate in.  The purpose of a small group is to build deeper relationships in Christian community based on personal interests and gifts.

Over the next nine months we plan on meeting monthly to explore new ideas and to come up with a structure for how a small group ministry might work at FCC.  Each month will be something different in the hopes that in the future a small group could form around that idea.  Some months will be adults only while others will be family-friendly, or a sitter will be provided.  Below is a tentative schedule for the next few months.

  • Late August: Service Project – Making school kits (family friendly) – Hosted by Angie O
  • September: Meeting at the Martin & Nancy’s home followed by dinner in Over-the-Rhine (adults only). Hosted by Martin and Nancy S
  • October: Bible topics and their relevancy to today with potluck dinner at Neil & Tracy’s  home (sitting provided, if needed) – Hosted by Neil and Tracy S
  • Early November: Campfire. Hosted by Dave and Linda L

If you are interested in any or all of these events, please contact the person hosting the event or any member of the small group ministry team (Martin & Nancy S, Beth B, Dave & Linda L, Paulette M, Angie O, Evan D, Ginger A, Karen P and Neil & Tracy S).

Please watch the website and newsletter for updates to these events and more!

Looking For a Few Good Rockers!

rockerWould you like to rock some of these cute babies who are at church?  You could volunteer one hour a month.  Yes, just one hour a month is all we are asking.  You can volunteer for either first service or second service.  Please consider doing this for the children of our church.  If you would like to do this, please let Beth, Mary Helen or Lora know. Thank you.

Christian Ed Kick-Off Sunday (Sep 8)

Changes are coming for Christian Ed! 

Kick-off Sunday is September 8 with a wonderful breakfast at 9:00 am.  Everyone is invited!  At 10:00 am, children 3 years old through third grade will attend Children’s Worship and Wonder (room 103), and Chi Rho and CYF will meet upstairs.

Following our time of communion and fellowship in the sanctuary, Sunday School for pre-school and kindergarteners will take place in Room 104 and Sunday School for Grades 1 through 3 will take place in Room 106.

Youth groups will begin immediately after worship on September 8!

Adults, consider joining the class immediately after the first service in Room 101.  Karen Powers is the facilitator and the book of Joshua is currently being explored.

Stay tuned for more details to come.  Any questions may be directed to Beth, Mary Helen or Lora.

Hope to see everyone on Sunday, September 8 for breakfast at 9:00 am!

Choir Resumes (Aug 29)

choir musicIf you enjoy singing (or think you just might want to give it a try),  come to choir rehearsals at 7:00 pm beginning Thursday, August 29. The Praise Team meets at 8:00 pm.  The ability to read music is NOT a prerequisite, and the benefits of serving in this capacity are boundless!

Divine Conversations


Today, Mark and I went to church with our friends, John and Susan. A rare treat sitting with dear friends and worshiping as a member of the congregation. Standing shoulder to shoulder with loved ones, singing praises to God was a divine connection my soul relished. I was free to allow the spirit to flow. As the worship band played and we sang at the top of our lungs, Susan and I laughed at how our children get so embarrassed when we sing like this. It was in these early moments of worship that the joy of God soared into my spirit! In these moments, I entered into a new, worshipful, divine conversation with God.

The sermon was “Tolerating the *#$@*!” based on Revelation 2:18-29. The point of the message was that the church in many ways has become too tolerant of our culture. One of the downsides of being a preacher is that as I listen to the sermon I wonder how I would preach the same text. Today, I found myself wanting more. I didn’t think he went deep enough. Although, the sermon was very sound and thought provoking, I wanted him to go deeper, answer the question. The question he brought up. Where is the church too tolerant? He never stated the issues. He only vaguely referenced there were issues, so I was left hanging. Was he talking about sexual promiscuity (adultery, sex outside of wedlock), escalating racism, consumer greed, or something else? I wanted him to reveal to the church the word he was hearing from God. He didn’t.

When the sermon was over, we stood and sang again, but this time my heart was still seeking answers, still wondering. I left worship perplexed. Maybe this was purposeful. Maybe this was done in order to keep the conversation going. For me, the conversation will continue. I will keep thinking, keep wondering, keep having this divine conversation with God.

Where are you having divine conversations with God? Are they only on Sunday mornings? When the sermon and worship are over, does the conversation stop? I hope not. I pray that you are pondering divine things with God throughout your week. I would love to hear about the divine conversations you are having. Leave a comment below and join the conversation here in “The CrossLight.”

with love, Laureen 🙂

Foreigner Hanging Out On The Back Pew

It has been many years since I have walked in a church as a visitor – not knowing anyone. So, this morning, my first Sunday of sabbatical, I became a foreigner.

I began my foreign adventure as anyone in our world of technology would. I got on the Internet and mapped out my plan. I chose First United Methodist Church in Isle of Palm, SC. I chose it because of proximity, time of worship, and worship style (in order by priority).

First United Methodist Church - Isle of Palm, SC

First United Methodist Church – Isle of Palm, SC

According to their website the Praise service began at 9AM on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. I emailed the pastor to make sure they were worshipping. Being summer I was worried they would have an adjusted schedule. He emailed me back with an enthusiastic “YES!”

Arriving I quickly discovered I was a foreigner, but. I was in familiar land – I was in God’s house. The usher showed us the way to the fellowship hall in the basement. The praise team was on stage singing, people were greeting one another, and I found my seat in. The back row.

FUMC Praise Team

FUMC Praise Team

It was a good service. I worshipped, heard the Word of God, and sang praises… all as a foreigner, as a pew dweller, as one of God’s people hanging out on the back pew.


Well, my blog has a title – “Living in the CrossLight.”  I chose this following my prayer time in the sanctuary early one morning.  As I sat there, the early morning sun was pouring through our beautiful stained-glass window.  The overhead lights were not on and the room filled with brilliant color.  As the colors poured over me, I was showered with God’s love.  I was profoundly reminded of all the times I have sat in sanctuaries throughout my life and experienced God’s unconditional love.

As a teenager and young adult, I spent many hours sitting on the sanctuary floor of Central Christian Church in Kettering.  In the front of the sanctuary hung a very large, beautiful wooden cross.  I would stare up at this cross, pray, meditate and experience moments of love and grace.  On several occasions while praying I would begin to see in my mind’s eye beautiful colors radiating from center of the cross.  In these moments, I knew God was sharing with me intimately.  I treasure these moments deep within my heart.

Central Christian Church - Kettering, OH

Central Christian Church – Kettering, OH

During my ministry with FCC-Wilmington, OH, my times in the sanctuary were different.   There was no longer a large cross to meditate upon.  Trying one day to get my prayer rhythm, I laid down on a pew and looked up at the ceiling, and there it was — the cross!  The architecture of the room created a cross that wrapped the room like a beautiful ribbon on a gift.  In that moment, I felt God’s arms wrap around me like the cross was wrapping around the room.  Again, I found the place where my heart and God’s heart found one another.

First Christian Church, Wilmington, OH

First Christian Church, Wilmington, OH

In late 2005, I began the discernment process to follow a new call in ministry.  I was in discussions with FCC-Middletown.  There were exchanges of ministry profiles, a phone interview, and lots of prayer.  I was confused and bewildered.  But, God kept pulling my attention toward Middletown.  Mark and I drove around town, and I was still perplexed.  The search committee called me to come for an interview.  I remember that day like it was yesterday.  It was the day after my 40th birthday, I put in a full day in Wilmington, picked Corey and Collin up after school, fed them dinner, dropped them off at basketball practice and then headed down I-75 toward Exit 32.  I pulled in the parking lot with a knot of nerves in my throat.  It was so large I didn’t think I could swallow.  I got out of my van and began my journey into the church.  I was greeted by Cliff Thompson and Bob Wolfe.  As we walked through the Narthex/Lobby, my eye was caught — caught by bright, beautiful light.  I turned my head as we continued our journey toward the Memorial Room, and then I saw it.  I saw the cross with brilliant light surrounding it.  I knew in that moment, I was home.


Home:  FCC-Middletown

It was the cross that God had shown me so many years before in Kettering.  The knot in my throat dissolved.  I was home.  Our ministry together officially began in February of 2006.

Now, after 7 1/2 years, I’m heading out on sabbatical.  Yesterday during my prayer time in the sanctuary, I realized that it would be three months before I would have this opportunity again.  I was filled with the strangest feeling.  No words come to explain it.  I sat there and soaked up the CrossLight filled with God’s Spirit and Love.  I carry it, along with all of you, in my heart.  I look forward with excitement to my sabbatical journey and my continued faith journey Living in the CrossLight!

with love, Laureen 🙂



Sabbatical Reading List

While on her Sabbatical, one of Pastor Roe’s goals is to read the following books.  Perhaps you would enjoy reading one or two of them as well:

  • Claiming New Life: Process Church for the Future by Lisa R. Withrow
  • Doing Church as a Team by Wayne Cordeiro
  • Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church by Nelson Searcy
  • Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship by J. Clif Christopher
  • Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60: Being Church for All Generations by Edward Hammett
  • Recreating the Church by Richard L. Hamm
  • Renew Your Congregation by William T. McConnell
  • Safe People by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
  • Spiritual Leadership by Henry Blackaby and Richard Blackaby
  • The New Breed: Understanding & Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer by Jonathan McKee and Thomas W. McKee
  • The Peace Maker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande
  • Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)