Training for Women’s Ministry Leaders (Aug 10)

On Saturday, August 10, Group Ministries will offer a one-day training for women’s ministry leaders at Greenwood Christian Church in Greenwood, Indiana from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  The cost is $60 per person.  If you have an interest in attending, please contact Marilyn Chamberlain, CWF President.  For more information, go to Group Ministries.

Quarter Auction Fundraiser (Aug 27)

A fun evening is in store as we continue to raise money for our pastor’s sabbatical.

coinsIf you’ve never attended a Quarter Auction, here’s the jist:  The best way to explain it is that is like an auction … and like bingo!  When you arrive (if you wish to bid) you will  purchase a paddle for $1.  A matching-numbered ball will be placed into a bin.  Each item up for bid will be displayed for all guests to see.  Guest will give their bid (quarters) and hold up their numbered paddle. When all bids are collected, the auctioneer will draw a numbered chip from the container to determine the winner.  Once we have a winner all chips will be placed back in the container and go to the next item to be auctioned.

Still CONFUSED?  No worries~come and see for yourself!  It is a fun filled night for all that will benefit our sabbatical fund!

How can you help?  The committee is in need of food items:  all-beef hot dogs and buns, individual snack bags of chips, cans of soft drink and bottles of water (see sigh-up board in the Narthex).

We also need new items to be auctioned or raffled (such as theme baskets, bath and body products, decorative candles, home or kitchen items, collectibles, artwork, etc.).  All items are needed by August 16.  If you have questions … and we are sure you do … please contact the church office at (513) 422-2853.

General Board Meeting (Aug 26)

Our next General Board Meeting will be Monday, August 26 at 7:00pm. All Board members should attend and be prepared to share happenings in their respective ministries. Questions? Contact Board Moderator, Karen Powers.

Ohio Women’s Ministries Fall Retreat (Sep 6-8)

Ohio Women’s Ministries will hold its 2013 Fall Retreat at Camp Christian September 6-8. The Rev. Amy Gopp, Director of Week of Compassion, will be the keynote speaker for the event. If you are interested in attending, you may register online at before August 23.

Who to Contact During Pastor Roe’s Sabbatical

Who to contact while Pastor Roe is on Sabbatical:

Rev. George Reese, Sabbatical Pastor – 513-422-2853 (office)

Karen Powers, Board Moderator

Peggy Davish, Elder Chair

Evan Dean, Music Director

Beth Bentley, CE Director


Sabbatical Period Begins – Please Join Us Aug 4

Rev Roe - Baby Dedication

Sunday, August 4, our congregation will commission our pastor and we will begin our three-month sabbatical period.  Joining us on that day will be The Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum, Regional Associate Pastor, and The Rev. George Reese, who will serve as our pastor during our sabbatical.   A carry-in luncheon will follow.  Please bring your favorite dish to share.




On Tuesday, July 16 the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) approved resolution GA-1327 “Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All.”  If you want to know more, you can watch a video from our General Minister and President, The Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins by following this link:  BECOMING A PEOPLE OF GRACE AND WELCOME TO ALL

What does this mean for us at FCC-Middletown? It means nothing.  The resolution is simply formalizing for the denomination as a whole what we express every Sunday when we come to Christ’s table.  We welcome all to Christ’s table regardless of race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, gender, or political views.  In a culture that is full of division and schisms, it brings me great joy to serve as part of a church that is working to overcome these and be a “movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.”  This means everything, because everyone is included!  I invite you to join the conversation… You can comment on this post or you can go to Disciples’ Facebook discussion.

I look forward to seeing you at the table!

Pastor’s Sabbatical … Things You Want to Know

The Sabbatical Committee has worked with Pastor Roe to determine a general plan for her sabbatical. Among the goals set are:

  • a weekly focus on an area of ministry (such as conflict resolution, church leadership, volunteers, stewardship, worship, church growth, evangelism)
  • read a book weekly relating to that area of ministry
  • attend churches with varying worship styles and, if possible, talk with church leaders to gain further insight
  • reflect with church leaders on FCC’s unique worship format
  • attend a spiritual retreat with her spouse
  • journal
  • conduct intensive worship planning
  • attend the Davidson Clergy Center in North Carolina. This program is an intensive five‐day experience that offers a unique, comprehensive personal assessment and continuing leadership skills for clergy and church professionals. A goal is to receive tools to build stronger resilience, health and wholeness while sustaining faithfulness to her vocation.

During the three months Pastor Roe is on sabbatical, our congregation will also be using the time for reflection, renewal and rejuvenation. We will have the opportunity for a Discernment Conference, to be held in September and facilitated by a member of the DoC Regional Church Office. Possible areas for reflection would be

  • Who are we?
  • What are our core values?
  • What are our strengths and limitations?
  • What is our purpose?
  • Where have we seen growth over the past seven years (including spiritual growth)?
  • What are we looking forward to in the next seven years?

Please pray for Pastor Roe, Pastor Reese and our entire congregation during this exciting time – the Sabbatical period!

General Assembly 2013 – Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All


The following resolution was approved by the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) meeting in Orlando, FL on Tuesday, July 16, 2013.




WHEREAS, “We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world,” called to welcome others as we have been welcomed by God[1] and to practice hospitality to one another,[2] as well as to strangers;[3] and

WHEREAS, Scripture affirms that all people are created in the image of God and share with all others in the worth that comes from being unique individuals;[4] and

WHEREAS, Scripture affirms that as Christians we are many members, but are one body in Christ each with different gifts, called by Jesus to love our neighbors as ourselves,[5] and called to the ministry of reconciliation and wholeness within the world and within the church; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically affirm baptism as the primary call to ministry and offer baptism to all who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically profess that the nature of Christian discipleship is profoundly informed by the Lord’s table, which is central to the act of worship, calling attention to the radical hospitality extended by Jesus, who welcomes all to the table of grace; and

WHEREAS, the Disciples’ movement came to be in reaction to limitations being placed on this welcome, recognizing that excluding anyone from the Lord’s table fragments the body of Christ; and

WHEREAS, the 1997 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) called for the church to give continuing research and reflection “concerning the participation of gay and lesbian persons in the full life and ministry of the Church”;[6] and

WHEREAS, persons continue to be devalued and discriminated against within society and more sadly, within the church because of their sexual orientation and or gender identity; and

WHEREAS, Disciples find identity at the Lord’s table, sharing as the body of Christ, valuing each other in covenantal relationship even when we disagree; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically affirm that individuals and congregations hold differing interpretations of scripture, but that all are called to transcend differences and claim one another in Christian unity;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly meeting in Orlando, Florida, July 13-17, 2013, calls upon the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) to recognize itself as striving to become a people of grace and welcome to all God’s children though differing in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance or theological perspective; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Assembly calls upon the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to affirm the faith, baptism and spiritual gifts of all Christians regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and that neither is grounds for exclusion from fellowship or service within the church, but we celebrate that all are part of God’s good creation; and

FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly calls upon all expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), as a people of grace and welcome, to acknowledge their support for the welcome of and hospitality to all.

For more information about the General Assembly please visit – General Assembly. For a pdf copy of this resolution please go to General Assembly Resolution GA-1327.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray…

The 2013 General Assembly of the Disciples of Christ began Saturday, July 13 in Orlando, FL.  Although, I am not attending this year, I have been reflecting upon the theme Lord, Teach Us to Pray…  These words come from the disciples who wan to learn how to pray like Jesus does.  Jesus then in turn teaches them the prayer we know as The Lord’s Prayer.

Over the years, whenever I would hear those sacred words, “Lord, teach us to pray,” my mind would automatically begin reciting “Our Father…”  However, in recent months, my mind gets stuck on the words “Lord, teach.”  Every e-mail regarding General Assembly, update seen on  Facebook, tweet on Twitter, poster, flier, or info brochure, my mind would stop and only see “Lord, teach.”

During June and July I have been doing a lot of teaching with children, so at first I assumed this was why I was seeing/hearing “Lord, teach.”  But, as I pray and dig deeper into these words and the theme of General Assembly, I realize that these words are the prayer of my soul.  “Lord, teach… teach me, show me how to be more like Christ Jesus.”

As we look forward to our time of sabbatical, I look to spend more time allowing God to teach me, more time listening to God within, and less time teaching and leading.  I look forward to being with God as a child learning how to be more like Jesus.

with love, Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)