Caring for God’s House

We have been entrusted with the care of God’s House. Our church building and grounds are sacred. They have been set apart from the rest of the world and consecrated as God’s. Just as we care for our own homes, we are to care for God’s home. People are needed to clean, dust, vacuum, etc. If you do it at your house, it needs to be done at the church. Please prayerfully consider doing your part to care for the sacred space known as FCC‐Middletown. To volunteer, please contact the church office or sign up on the bulletin board over the drinking fountain.

Vacation Bible School (July 7-10, 2013)

Make plans to join us for a week of Vacation Bible School. We will be building our faith and exploring the bible while learning all about God’s Kingdom!

Sunday, July 7 from 12:00 – 3:00pm. Immediately following 2nd worship we will gather for a carry‐in lunch. Please bring something yummy to share.

Monday-­Wednesday, July 8-10 from 6:00 – 8:30pm. Each night will begin with dinner. We will then break into groups for classes.

  • CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Children will explore the building of God’s Temple in the New and Old Testaments through storytelling, music, crafts and games.
  • ADULT CLASS: Martin Schaefer will be leading Computing 101 for adults during VBS. If you have a laptop computer, please bring it to class.

Questions? Contact Beth Bentley (CE Director) or Mary Helen Shetter (VBS Director). If you want to join us, fill out a registration form and return it to the church office. There is no charge.

 Registration Form ­ – First Christian Church VBS

Participant: _____________________________________________________________________

Grade Completed: _______________________________________ Age ______________________

Allergies/Special Needs: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone: __________________________________ Work Phone ________________________

Sunday Morning


Worship is neither traditional or contemporary.  It is relevant.  This means that our worship time reflects who we are collectively.  Some of us are traditional and some of us more contemporary, which means our worship contains elements of both.  We strive for worship to be relevant to all who gather to praise God.




Communion  We are one in Christ, and this is best expressed when we gather every Sunday morning at Christ’s table.  All who believe in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate.



9:15am      Sunday School

Choir Rehearsal


10:30am    Worship

Children Worship and Wonder







To reach First Christian Church:

from I-75 (Cincinnati or Dayton):

Traveling either northbound or southbound, merge onto OH-122 via Exit 32 toward Middletown, turn slightly onto Grand Avenue, turn right onto S. Breiel Boulevard, and right again onto Rosedale. From I-75 exit, 3.6 miles.

from Route 4 (Hamilton):

Merge onto OH-63 East (Monroe exit), turn left onto Cincinnati-Dayton Road/N. Main Street. Turn left onto Oxford State Road, right onto S. Breiel Boulevard, and right again onto Rosedale Road. From OH-63, 9 miles.

from OH-73 N/N. River Street (Franklin):

Turn left onto N. Breiel Boulevard and then left onto Rosedale Road. From N. River Street, 4.5 miles.


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What to Expect

Our Beliefs

Two slogans reflect the open and inclusive nature of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). “No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible,” is our way of saying that belief in Jesus Christ and affirmations of the Word of God in Scripture are the true expressions of faith.

A second slogan, “Not the only Christians, but Christians only,” reflects our belief that the oneness of the church is essential to the fulfilling of God’s mission in the world. We are committed to sharing in the ecumenical ministries of the church, and thus we share in both service and worship with congregations of other denominations and traditions. Part of our identity includes:

  • Open Communion – The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated in weekly worship and is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
  • Freedom of Belief – Disciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
  • The Oneness of the Church – All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.
  • Baptism by Immersion – In baptism, the old self-centered life is set aside, washed away, and a new life of trust in God begins. Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored.
  • The Ministry of Believers – Both ministers and lay persons (those who are not ordained by the church) of both genders lead in worship, service and spiritual growth.
  • Above All – Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, who offers saving grace to all who seek it through His Son.


At the table of the Lord we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ” – From the Preamble of the Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Communion TableSharing of the Lord’s Supper (or communion, as it is often called), is at the heart of what members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) do when they gather for worship. A marked characteristic of Disciples is an emphasis upon the importance of the Lord’s Supper as a basic part of weekly worship. Without it, worship would be incomplete.

The observance of the Lord’s Supper reaches back to the upper room where Jesus met with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion. At that moment, before he was taken prisoner, tried, and nailed to a cross, Jesus sought to express the meaning of his life and the events in which he was involved. What he said and did is recorded in the first three Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) as well as in the Apostle Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. Paul writes:

For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Within the Disciples of Christ it is customary to say that Christ is the host at the communion table. It is the Lord’s Supper, and we come at his invitation. Therefore, no other person has the right to offer that invitation or to bar anyone from sharing in it. All who believe in Jesus Christ, regardless of persuasion, are invited to partake (in keeping with the Disciples’ desire for the unity of the church).


In the practice of baptism, the old self-centered life is set aside and a new life of trust in God begins.

Baptism in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) takes a good deal of water since we practice baptism by immersion, wherein the whole body of the person is submerged in the water. This is used because it mirrors New Testament practice. In addition, Disciples see the use of the specific form of baptism as powerfully symbolic as it recalls Jesus’ own baptism; it acts out dying with Christ and emerging to new life. It is a “putting on” of Christ. The person being baptized by the minister experiences the support of the community of believers, the Body of Christ.

Disciples typically are baptized when they can express as a personal choice their desire to become part of the Body of Christ.

Infant Dedication is a common Disciples tradition. A baby is brought into the environment of a loving church where parents and congregation pledge themselves to nurture the child in the love of Christ. An infant so dedicated “confirms” that dedication with a faith-response, usually during the early teenage years.

First Christian Church recognizes other forms of baptism as valid. A person baptized in another Christian tradition wishing to join our congregation is simply asked: “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of your life?” The person who answers, “I do,” is welcomed into the congregation.


chaliceThe chalice symbolizes the central place of communion in worship for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The X-shaped cross of the disciple Andrew is a reminder of the ministry of each person and the importance of evangelism.

Our History

Early in the spring of 1912 a united religious campaign called the Lyon Tabernacle Meetings took place in various Middletown churches. From this campaign, about 100 individuals expressed a preference for what was known as the Christian Church or Church of Christ, which had begun in 1832 under the leadership of Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Barton W. Stone, Walter Scott and others. It was determined that there was adequate interest to consider building a new congregation, and the Rev. I. L. Mercer, employed by the Ohio Christian Missionary Society, was sent to Middletown to organize the church. The first organizational meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Slagle.

The members began meeting every Sunday either at the United Presbyterian Church or the Oakland Presbyterian Church, and on May 12, 1912, Articles of Incorporation for the Church of Christ, Middletown, Ohio, were filed at the office of the Secretary of State at Columbus, Ohio.

The new congregation proceeded in earnest to establish themselves and make their work a permanent part of the religious life of Middletown. With the assistance of Reverend Mercer and the State Secretary, the Reverend C. C. Cowgill of Washington, D.C. was called to lead the new congregation, bringing with him his wife and four daughters. While serving as pastor, Cowgill also worked at the American Rolling Mill Company, later known as Armco.

Crawford and Logan Street – 1912 – 1919

The first steps toward building a permanent structure to house the congregation were taken when two lots on the corner of Crawford and Logan Streets were leased in the summer of 1912. During the same summer and fall, a tarpaulin building called The Tabernacle was built, but was soon too small a structure for the growing congregation. An additional lot adjoining the original two was purchased and an additional building, nearly as large as The Tabernacle, was erected. These combined buildings were used for seven years. Succeeding Rev. Cowgill, who gave up active ministry in 1916, was Rev. W. H. Thompson from suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who brought with him his wife and three children.

First Avenue – 1919 – 1995

The church continued to grow, and in 1917, plans for a new building began to take form. A new site was located on Fourth Street, today First Avenue, was purchased in July 1919, and in late September of that year, excavation began. Due to cost constraints, however, only the basement was completed at that time and was dedicated as a place of worship on February 6, 1921. Not until October 1927 was the building completed at a cost of $100,000.

Since its inception in 1912, the church had grown from its original membership of 74 to a membership of 700. Reverend Thompson died in November 1942 and the pulpit was filled by interim minister Rev. Robert Lilley until June 1943, at which time Rev. W. Dale Brock was installed, coming from Brilliant, Ohio, with his wife and four daughters. Rev. Brock served as minister until March 1951.

Rev. Edwin Bobbit

On May 6, 1951, Rev. Edwin Bobbitt delivered his first sermon to this congregation. Accompanying Rev. Bobbitt from Warren, Ohio, were his wife Frances and their three children, Trent, Larry and Elaine. In 1953 the congregation voted to change the name of the church from First Church of Christ, Middletown, to First Christian Church. A new constitution was adopted, establishing a firm identification with both the Christian Church in Ohio and the International Convention of Christian Churches.

In 1956 the church acquired property immediately to the east side of the building, upon which a new educational building was completed in 1962. In 1974 a revised constitution and bylaws was adopted. The Rev. Edwin Bobbitt officially retired on December 31, 1974, ending more than 24 years of service as pastor of First Christian Church. In the wake of Rev. Bobbitt’s departure, Dr. Monroe Schuster of Walkerton, Indiana, served as interim minister until Rev. Paul Remick was called in August of 1975. Rev. Remick came from Martinsville, Indiana, with his wife and two of his five children. Rev. Remick served until October of 1978 when he accepted a position at Broad Street Christian Church in Columbus, Ohio. The Rev. M. Dale Humbert served as interim until April 1979 when Rev. Donald Steffy was called to become pastor. Coming from the Regional Staff in Columbus, Rev. Steffy was accompanied by his wife Laurie and two of their three children. Rev. Steffy faithfully served as Senior Minister at First Christian Church in Middletown for 15 years, retiring in November 1994.

In November 1986, a long-range planning committee was charged with evaluating the church’s needs and determining goals to insure a vital, caring ministry. The church was experiencing financial challenges due in large part to a declining membership and the upkeep of an aging building in a declining neighborhood. After an extensive study, congregational interviews and its presentation to the membership, in 1988 the congregation determined it wished to take steps to become a “growing, dynamic church” as opposed to its current “caretaker church” status .

In 1987 a Long Range Planning Committee conducted a study of the status of First Christian Church. With a building which was increasingly costly to maintain and an aging and declining membership, a decision had to be made to remain the “caretaker” church we had become or to take steps to become “growing and dynamic.” The church chose the later and in 1989 the first of several financial campaigns was conducted with the goal to build a newer building in a location which would have the potential of growing our membership.

Rosedale Road – 1996 – Present

Rev. Michael Weber

As one major step to this end, the first of five capital campaigns began in July of 1989 to raise money to construct a new building which would be cost efficient on a site which would be attractive to new membership. Property at 4520 Rosedale Road was purchased in 1990 and construction began in 1995. With the eventual sale of the First Avenue building in 1995, First Christian Church temporarily operated from rented offices at the Faith United Methodist Church in Middletown, and conducted worship services in their gymnasium. In November of 1995, the Reverend Michael Weber was installed as minister. Joining him were his wife Debbie and two sons.

On February 1, 1996, the move was made to our new church home on Rosedale Road, with the first service being held on Sunday, February 11. On April 21, 1996, the building was dedicated at a special afternoon service. Through the congregation’s financial support and unexpected bequeaths, the building and lot costing approximately $1,200,000 was completely paid off by March of 2002.

Rev. Laureen Roe

Rev. Terry Van Heyningen

Reverend Weber served as Senior Minister until October 1998, at which time the Reverend Carol Oetzel, who had served as Associate Minister at First Christian Church, took on the duties of Interim. In October 2000, the Reverend Terry Van Heyningen, accompanied by his wife Sylvia, joined the church as Senior Minister, coming from Kalispell, MT. Rev. Van Heyningen retired from active ministry in mid-2005. The Rev. Robert Harris served as interim until early 2006 when Rev. Laureen Roe joined our congregation along with her husband Mark and two sons. In June 2015 Rev. Roe concluded her Ministry with First Christian Church. In September 2015 the Elders called Rev. Nik Donges to serve as Interim Minister to prepare the congregation to call a settled pastor.

In February of 2017 the Pastoral Search Committee recommended to the congregation who voted to Call Rev. Tracy Siegman to serve as Pastor of First Christian Church, Middletown, Ohio. Pastor Tracy had previously served as Pastor of First Christian Church,

Rev. Tracy Siegman

Bethany, Illinois. Pastor Tracy concluded her ministry at FCC in August of 2018. In November of 2018, the Board voted to contract the services of Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation. The congregation began evaluating how to become a missional model church, rather than a membership model church through Hope Partnership’s New Beginnings Program.

It was decided not to hire an interim minister, but rather
have guest speakers to fill the pulpit each week. Most of the speakers were ordained ministers, some of whom were retired.

We were also blessed to have some of our own members present the

The Rev. Dr. Willie J. Barnes-Jackson

message to the congregation. This practice was used for approximately one year. The search committee decided to approach one of the guest speakers who was an ordained minister who was not serving a church at the time. He made a favorable impression on many of our congregants. The search committee submitted the recommendation to the General Board who agreed and the congregation voted and approved and Dr. Rev. Willie Barnes-Jackson was hired.

Around that same time our own Connor Thompson, who was studying for the ministry, was hired as Associate Minister. Shortly after Pastor Connor was hired Pastor Jeff Wilder, also studying for the ministry was hired as Associate Pastor. After a few months of service, The Rev. Dr. Barnes-Jackson resigned.

The Rev. Connor L. Thompson

Associate Pastor Connor was named interim Pastor and shortly after was
named Sr. Pastor.

Note: Much of this historical information was taken from “75 Years of History: 1912 – 1987,” Marvyn A. Mahle, Editor.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)