Christian Education

Valentine Discipleship Day

Come join us for another Discipleship Day full of “LOVE” on Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  This event is for all children and youth, hosted by the Christian Education Team.  We will have an afternoon and evening full of fun activities and crafts surrounding 1 Corinthians 13.  Dinner and snacks will be provided, so this gives all our “LOVE BIRD” parents/grandparents a chance to go out for Valentine’s Day.   If you have any questions, please contact Lora Schueller or Mary Helen Shetter.  Hope to see all of our youth there!!


Discipleship Day Feb 2015 - web

Elders’ Study

SW WholeBeginning in September, our Elders will be studying Whole: A Call to Unity in Our Fragmented World by the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins.  In her hope-filled new book, Sharon Watkins, the General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and moderator-elect of the National Council of Churches, shares her vision of how the good news of Jesus calls American Christians to unite around justice, mercy, and openness in the 21st century.  She explores the question of how do we take the liberating gospel of Jesus to the world today?  Then explains that what really matters “is the relationship with a living, loving God, a God who calls us to love each other, to create communities of care and equipping for wholeness, so that the love and hope we know through our relationship with Christ can truly be carried from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.”  The book can be purchased at

Worship Series: Healing

Some of the most powerful stories in the Gospels are the ones when Jesus heals – body, mind, spirit.  Throughout our lives we need healing – these times are important in our journey with

God and Jesus Christ.  Let’s hear the stories of Jesus and tell our own healing stories – heal together, grow together.

July 6        Matthew 8:1-4            Jesus cleanses leper

                  Matthew 8:5-13          Jesus heals Centurion’s servant

                  Matthew 8:14-17        Jesus heals many at Peter’s house

July 13     Matthew 8:28-9:1      Gadarene Demoniacs

July 20    Matthew 9:2-8           Jesus heals paralytic

Aug 3       Matthew 9:18-26       Jesus brings girls back to life

                                                     Hemorrhaging woman healed

Aug 10     Matthew 12:9-21      Jesus heals on the Sabbath

Aug 17      Luke 17:19                 Jesus heals 10 lepers

Aug 24     Matthew 15:21-31    Jesus heals Canaanite daughter

Discipleship Day

Saturday, June 14 10a.m. – 4p.m. we will gather at the church for our first ever Discipleship Day.  Think camp-style revival.  The day will begin in the sanctuary with singing and celebrating followed by activities and teachings for all ages.  The children will be involved in VBS type activities while the adults are engaged in in-depth Bible study.  Everyone will gather together for opening, lunch and closing worship.  Great opportunity to re-energize your faith and spend the day connecting with your church family.Discipleship Day June 2014

Youth News

Youth NewsChi Rho & JYF 

                       Our Chi Rho middle school youth group and our JYF elementary school youth group will meet February 9 and 23, 12:00-2:00p.m.  Lunch is provided.  If you have questions, please contact Mary Helen Shetter.


CYF & Chi Rho to Serve SHALOM

                       On Sunday, February 16 our CYF high school youth and our Chi Rho middle school youth will be serving SHALOM.  The youth will meet at FCC at 4:00p.m. to prepare dinner.  They will then travel down the road to Christ United Methodist Church to serve the guests of SHALOM.  Following dinner the youth will stay until 10:00p.m. and play board games, shoot hoops, etc. with SHALOM guests.


Chi Rho Lock-in

                       After serving SHALOM on February 16, the Chi Rho youth will return to FCC for a lock-in.  If the schools decide to use February 17 (President’s Day) as a make-up snow day, the lock-in will be cancelled.

Looking For a Few Good Rockers!

rockerWould you like to rock some of these cute babies who are at church?  You could volunteer one hour a month.  Yes, just one hour a month is all we are asking.  You can volunteer for either first service or second service.  Please consider doing this for the children of our church.  If you would like to do this, please let Beth, Mary Helen or Lora know. Thank you.

Christian Ed Kick-Off Sunday (Sep 8)

Changes are coming for Christian Ed! 

Kick-off Sunday is September 8 with a wonderful breakfast at 9:00 am.  Everyone is invited!  At 10:00 am, children 3 years old through third grade will attend Children’s Worship and Wonder (room 103), and Chi Rho and CYF will meet upstairs.

Following our time of communion and fellowship in the sanctuary, Sunday School for pre-school and kindergarteners will take place in Room 104 and Sunday School for Grades 1 through 3 will take place in Room 106.

Youth groups will begin immediately after worship on September 8!

Adults, consider joining the class immediately after the first service in Room 101.  Karen Powers is the facilitator and the book of Joshua is currently being explored.

Stay tuned for more details to come.  Any questions may be directed to Beth, Mary Helen or Lora.

Hope to see everyone on Sunday, September 8 for breakfast at 9:00 am!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)