
Salad Luncheon, March 20th

Soup and Salad Luncheon

March 20th, 2017

Join us for lunch at First Christian Church!

The Christian Women’s Fellowship will host lunch with many varieties of soups and salads.

Tickets are available on Sundays, or at the door.

Razor’s Edge Presents Guys Vs. Dolls

Saturday April 1st at 7:00 p.m.

Razor’s Edge will have a performance of

Guys and Vs. Dolls

Tickets $12 & Children 12 & Under Free

For Information or Tickets Call: (513) 424-2096 or (937) 572-2347

Call for Group Rates


Chartered and in continuous existence since 1946, the Middletown (Razor’s Edge) Chapter of the Barbershop HarmonySociety is a diverse group of men devoted to sharing the “good vibes” that are unique to unaccompanied music sung in the Barbershop Style.  Our Razor’s Edge Chorus and chapter quartets perform year-round, spreading goodwill through the sharing of our vocal talents.


Their charitable projects include sponsorships to Buckeye Boy’s state and Harmony Foundation, which funds music education of all types.  Each year, we sponsor two local students to the Greater Cincinnati Harmony Festival, a student choral workshop.  We’ve provided our singing talents for many worthy causes in and around Middletown including United Way, Butler County MRDD, Dream Works, MiddFest, All-American Weekend, and Abilities Fir




Chili Bowl 2017 Winners

On Sunday February 5th, over 80 members of First Christian Church enjoyed our annual Chili Bowl contest. There were over 15 entries that were judge by a 3 person panel. our winners are pictured below:


1st place (Center): Larry Chamberlain

2nd place (Right): Ed Farkas

3rd place (Left): Debbie Wells

CWF News, January 2017


CWF will be sponsoring Blanket Sunday on January 29th during worship. Church World Service has expanded this program to include not only the purchase of blankets, but also the purchase of goats, water containers, school kits, seeds, plants, and etc. All contributions- whether large or small- will be welcome to support this worthwhile program.

On February 12th after church we will have a short CWF General meeting to discuss the upcoming Salad Luncheon. We will also hand out salad donation sheets. This year’s Salad Luncheon is scheduled for March 20th.

Chili Bowl, February 5th!



Join Us!

February 5th, following Worship for the First Christian Church Annual Chili Bowl.

Bring a pot of chili to share, or don’t, but come enjoy lots of different chili’s as well as some great fellowship while the judges make their decisions.

CWF News


CWF wishes to thank all who helped with the reception
following the Messiah performance by providing food items,
serving, or cleaning up. There were 206 people who attended
the performance and a total of 46 choir members and
musicians. Our church received several nice compliments that
Esther/Rebekah Circle will meet January 4th at 1:00 pm
at the church. (weather permitting). Sarah Circle will meet at
the church on January 9th at 7 pm.
Blanket Sunday will be held on January 29th. We will
have envelopes ready a few weeks before then.

Christmas Day Worship 10:30 A.M.


Join us Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ! Worship will be in the Sanctuary at 10:30 A.M. followed by breakfast and fellowship in the fellowship hall.

Christmas in the Country

Come join us for 

Christmas in the Country

Decmeber 18, 2016

10:30 a.m.


Dress in your favorite Holiday-wear and be ready for another festive time on the front porch (in the Fellowship Hall) to celebrate this wonderful season!

We encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us for this special service of fellowship and music. Please bring a cover dish of your choice and we’ll also provide the fried chicken and beverages.

We also ask that you bring a pair of socks to put on the Chistmas tree that is on the porch. All the socks will be donated to Hope House for their residence during these cold winter months.

Hope to see you all there.

Merry Christmas!

CWF News, November 2016


CWF will be hosting the reception following the Messiah presentation on Dec. 4th. We will be serving cookies, cheese ball, and crackers along with punch and coffee. We will also need people to prepare, serve, or clean up on that day. You may contact Tina Yarber, Dorice Perkins, Betty Stacy, Mary Back, or Marilyn Chamberlain with your availability for that day.

Hannah Circle will go out to lunch on Dec. 4th and then return to the church to help set up for the reception.

Sarah Circle will meet on Dec. 12th at 6:00 pm for a carry-in dinner at Zola McClish’s home.

Sarah Circle cleaned the kitchen on Nov. 3rd. We put felt tabs on the inside of the cabinet doors so that they would open and close easier. We also cleaned the steam table, cleaned out the refrigerator, and fixed the silverware drawer. Many thanks, ladies!

Hanging of the Greens, Nov. 20


Join us After worship November 20th, for the Hanging of the Greens. Following worship pizza will be provided for lunch and then we will decorate our sanctuary and narthex for the season of advent. Join Us!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)