
Worship Theme Teams

We are currently planning for Lent.  If you would like to be a part of the Lent theme team or a theme team in the future, please contact Ginger Alley or Linda Lombard (Worship Ministry Co-Chairpersons).

Ephesians Bible Study

Our Sunday morning Bible Study class will begin their study of Ephesians on Sunday, February 9.  The class meets Sundays at 11:15a.m. following worship in room 101.  Bring a friend and deepen your biblical knowledge within the fellowship of your church family.  Karen P. guides the study.

Men’s Rally

Men, mark your calendars.  The District 8 Men’s Rally is Sunday, March 2, 3:00p.m. at LivingFaithCommunityChurch in Miamisburg.  Tickets are $5.  See Matt Lyons to purchase your ticket.

Small Group Book Discussion (Oct 27)

small_group_bookA small group, led by Nancy S, will meet the afternoon of Sunday, October 27, to discuss the book MUDHOUSE SABBATH by Lauren F. Winner. Despite her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, the author finds that her life is still shaped by the spiritual essences of Judaism — rich traditions and religious practices that she can’t leave behind. In MUDHOUSE SABBATH, Winner illuminates eleven spiritual practices that can transform the way we view the world, and God. Whether discussing her own prayer life, the spirituality of candle-lighting, or the differences between the Jewish Sabbath and a Sunday spent at the Mudhouse, her favorite coffee shop, Winner writes with appealing honesty and rare insight.

Let Nancy know if you plan to participate in the discussion — and pick up the book MUDHOUSE SABBATH to begin your journey.


Fall Workday (Sep 28)

fallworkdaySaturday, September 28 is a day of opportunities for all.  It is the date the Property Team has set for our “Fall Workday.”  We have had many helping hands in and around the building each week but we need your help to accomplish tasks that need to be completed.  If you have a chainsaw, gas-powered trimmer, blower, or other outside tools, please bring them and join us.  If you can dust, sweep, wash windows or polish furniture, we can use your help.  We have a beautiful place of worship and it belongs to ALL of us.  Please consider helping the dedicated volunteers who are inviting you to join us at 9:00 am  during our semi-annual cleanup day.  We usually work until noon or early afternoon and look forward to seeing you!  To help in our planning, please let Sharon A. or Karen P. know if we can count on you.

Pumpkin Sale and Cookout on the Lawn (Oct 5)

pumpkin saleDuring this beautiful time of the year, we are busy making plans for a fun afternoon of activities, including a cookout. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th and join us in games for all ages. Euchre included. Plans are in the works for our youth to hold a Pumpkin Sale beginning at 3:00 pm. All other activities are scheduled from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to our friends and neighbors and enjoy some great fellowship!

Connecting with Christian Women’s Fellowship

CWF’s theme for this year is “Connecting – within our church and in our community.”  Our first project will be to invite all the women in our congregation to be a prayer partner to another woman within our congregation.  On Sept. 8th and 15th those wishing to participate may fill out a slip of paper with your name and any other information you wish to give – such as e-mail address, phone or mailing address, and on Sept. 22 you will be assigned a prayer partner.  If you are unable to be here and wish to have a prayer partner, just call or e-mail the church office.  You do not need to purchase or give anything to the other person.  We just ask that you communicate with your prayer partner at church, on the phone, by e-mail, or by a card through the mail.

We will be making “Hospitality Totes” for our community project.  These totes are to be given to families of hospital patients.  These will be assembled on October 13th after the second service.  A light lunch will be served and there will be an installation service for our CWF officers, who are as follows:

  • President:  Marilyn Chamberlain
  • First Vice President:  Helen Morgan
  • Second Vice President:  Dorice Perkins
  • Secretary:  Mary Helen Shetter
  • Treasurer:  Angie Otis
  • Sarah Circle Leaders:  Mary Back and Linda Poynter
  • Rebekah/Esther Circle Leaders:  Betty Stacy & Dorice Perkins
  • Hannah Circle:  TBA
  • Kitchen Chairmen:  Linda Poynter and Betty Stacy
  • Church Women United Delegates:  Helen Dennis & Dorice Perkins

If you are not currently involved in a CWF Circle, please know that an invitation is always open for you to participate!

Small Group Ministry – Group Encounter

Small GroupsGroup Encounter is a group of individuals who have come together to introduce the church to possible small group activities, as well as to solicit their input on the kinds of groups they would like to participate in.  The purpose of a small group is to build deeper relationships in Christian community based on personal interests and gifts.

Over the next nine months we plan on meeting monthly to explore new ideas and to come up with a structure for how a small group ministry might work at FCC.  Each month will be something different in the hopes that in the future a small group could form around that idea.  Some months will be adults only while others will be family-friendly, or a sitter will be provided.  Below is a tentative schedule for the next few months.

  • Late August: Service Project – Making school kits (family friendly) – Hosted by Angie O
  • September: Meeting at the Martin & Nancy’s home followed by dinner in Over-the-Rhine (adults only). Hosted by Martin and Nancy S
  • October: Bible topics and their relevancy to today with potluck dinner at Neil & Tracy’s  home (sitting provided, if needed) – Hosted by Neil and Tracy S
  • Early November: Campfire. Hosted by Dave and Linda L

If you are interested in any or all of these events, please contact the person hosting the event or any member of the small group ministry team (Martin & Nancy S, Beth B, Dave & Linda L, Paulette M, Angie O, Evan D, Ginger A, Karen P and Neil & Tracy S).

Please watch the website and newsletter for updates to these events and more!

Training for Women’s Ministry Leaders (Aug 10)

On Saturday, August 10, Group Ministries will offer a one-day training for women’s ministry leaders at Greenwood Christian Church in Greenwood, Indiana from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  The cost is $60 per person.  If you have an interest in attending, please contact Marilyn Chamberlain, CWF President.  For more information, go to Group Ministries.

Ohio Women’s Ministries Fall Retreat (Sep 6-8)

Ohio Women’s Ministries will hold its 2013 Fall Retreat at Camp Christian September 6-8. The Rev. Amy Gopp, Director of Week of Compassion, will be the keynote speaker for the event. If you are interested in attending, you may register online at www.ccinoh.org before August 23.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)